Retrieving Hero List... for 20 minutes >_>
Is there a Blizzard hate thread?
I'm loosing my cool to this shit now. Add me to the haters as I have precious little time to play games and whenever I have tried it has failed on me.
Retrieving Hero List... for 20 minutes >_>
Is there a Blizzard hate thread?
Mathematically they're better than they seem, but that won't help them fetch a higher price imo. The time it takes for someone to realize how useful it is at that higher price will probably take longer than the 2 day limit :lol.
You're in it!
I kinda feel punished trying to play the game multiplayer in an act that I don't have 'on farm' yet. Anyone else feeling that way?
Injurai! How are you faring in the world of Sanctuary these days?
Playing on EU yet?![]()
Hold on, let me find it for you.
edit: finally, found it! (took me a while)
I've been doing that but this is a serious issue that someone needs to confirm :/If you're doing cellar runs pop out archon mode
I just sold a legendary item for 5672 gold.
Hey man, just curious... are you still playing monk ._.?Bah stuck on hero list :/
You ripped someone off.
No, cause it makes it harder.
I just sold a legendary item for 5672 gold.
What are cellar runs?
Sword of the Stranger Quest -> Old Ruins -> Head West (Checkpoint) and then keep going to the first cellar. If it's there, enter and kill the named Quillbeast (Sarkoth) for loots. TP and leave game without moving or else you'll trigger another Checkpoint. Resume Game puts you back right outside Tristram's west entrance and it's a ~3s run to check the Cellar from there.
Off-hand, I don't think you need that quest in particular to get that Checkpoint; I don't remember why I chose it over Reign of the Black King.
If you want to add more to the run, the Dark Cellar in the Old Ruins itself has a chance of a Treasure Goblin as well.
If you do these, you'll basically want 200+ GF or MF.
Hey man, just curious... are you still playing monk ._.?
The first item I put in the AH was a legendary (at that point, I thought that only legendaries and SUPER rare loot would be put in the AH).I just sold a legendary item for 5672 gold.
i found a glove with +50 resist all. the only other bonus was +67 VIT. worth anything?
Whats your problem dude? Thats another human being on the other side of the screen you heartless swine.
Probably not much since it doesn't have Str,Int,Dex, or IAS to go along with the Vit.
Bleh Act 1, not worth it.
It's nice because it takes literally no time at all. It's generally a GF% spot, not so much MF%, but some people report success with MF. Though I'd imagine Act 4 MF% on the pots and stuff would be better overall.
There's something sad and depressing about that sentence.
Yeah hit level 60 a few days ago, had not much time to play, and yesterday i beat SK on inferno solo.
can any DH experts out there give me some basic gear parameters for a DH in inferno? such as how much damage should i be doing, coupled with how much resists and hp i should have, simple stuff like that. I am trying to gear up but before I spend my money on worthless junk I thought was nice I wanted to get some advice.
Loving the fact I have 0 achives but marked as having them int he book and also that they are not account wide (seems ot be server wide). Game is such a mess.
yea, ah well. will just use it for now until i find something better and try to sell it in AH.
Started Hell difficulty with all equipment broken, not a good idea.![]()
Dank cellar runs are terrible. Stop doing them if you're looking for gold.
Here's what I came up with. I make over 400k an hour running nightmare a3 heart of sin and the beginning of a4 with a gold find demon hunter (200% gold find without valor). Here's the build I use for DH to do the runs extremely fast. Basically you one shot huge waves of mobs with Multishot and gain discipline back from it, and you use this discipline to tumble through the act extremely fast. You gain all your hatred back from the health globes that drop to spam multishot with.
This method is way faster in terms of gold, and a LOT more fun to play than farming a stupid miniboss over and over.
Not sure what you mean.
Wait, Nightmare?
Anyway, Act 3 Hell runs are my normal thing (or Act 4 Inferno Leoric's Mansion); I like the cellar for when I'm too lazy to do anything else.
What are Black mushrooms exactly? Or will I find out eventually because its just sitting in my stash.
Yes, nightmare. Nothing can kill you there and you one-shot all mobs. There are so many mobs in Heart of Sin that you constantly are looking at 300, 400 to 1000 gold drops. Much, much better than running Inferno Dank Cellar.
We should definitely have a buy/sell/trade thread community side. I'd much rather sell my loot to a fellow gaffer than have to deal with the AH.