Trust me i know other methods, but his PC was not compromised.
But i know that guy pretty well, its not a keylogger.
How does knowing a person equate to knowing their system?
Trust me i know other methods, but his PC was not compromised.
But i know that guy pretty well, its not a keylogger.
You'll basically want +25% Movement and 2.3+ Attacks Per Second for this since it's similar to the IAS% Wizard build. You might be able to get away with less APS when starting off due to Splintered Dart's default cast speed but I'd still aim for getting to 3 APS eventually.
I need to get my WD to Inferno so she can just use my Wizard's hand-me-down IAS% loot. Had my eye on this build for awhile but wanted to get my Wizard up first. That and I fear I'd still want Armor/Resist here where Wizard I can skate by with Force Armor handling the bulk of my mitigation :x
I'm playing for fun anyway though. If I can find a drop that makes that much, I would sell it. Even if would better my player. $50 dollars almost paid for the game.
"Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
- Petrie
I'm playing for fun anyway though. If I can find a drop that makes that much, I would sell it. Even if would better my player. $50 dollars almost paid for the game.
Obviously 100 life on hit and 1% damage to health isn't going to help much, but when you have quite a bit of both and the use of NT it helps amazingly. I'm not saying you'll never need to use a pot or anything, but it solves your life being drained issue better than anything else.
Well, retrieving Heros List it is once again.
Tal Rasha's isn't that bad at massive amounts of Damage. My Wizard's current setup would get a free ~1200 boost from the 2 piece bonus. The issue is the stats you lose for it due to the set design (no fucking INT on the Tal Chest by default?) probably won't let those bonuses actually be good enough to make up for the stat deficit AND be an actual bonus. Especially when, even at 1200 INT, +130 INT is around a 10% upgrade by itself. Kind of makes +3% per tier seem all the worse when Monk/DH get +130 DEX out of theirs.
+5% on it would be better or just giving the Set some actual +Stats on it (and/or more +Random stats so chances of getting a better one improve)., I just made myself sad about Sets again.
Yeah I agree. The original post just asked how it could have that much cash value to someone, and I was saying for some people it's worth it to spend the money vs the required time farming.
My issue is that +3% damage boost doesn't really make that much of a difference. 1200 damage boost is great, but that's on a 40k+ unboosted damage. It just doesn't seem to give that "WOW" factor you'd expect from getting SUPER lucky to get 2+ of a super rare set.
Nether Tentacle and a bow that gives +life on hit or +damage% to life. Solves that real fast.
"Retrieving hero list..."
and nothing happens, experiencing anyone the same issue?
Yeah, it seems that a lot of figuring out how to survive Inferno will be people diversifying their equipment. There's way too many people stacking just Resists which is just being blind towards how the system works. Moderate Armor/Resists with good Attack Speed and Life on Hit (or good Life Steal% at super high DPS) goes a lot farther than super high Armor/Resists with no LoH and Damage or, worse yet, moderate Armor with massive Resists (lol 4k Armor / 1k Resists).
Not really, do way too much damage in comparison.
Though if people don't know, you don't take damage from reflect if you're SS'ed.
My strat is to lay down mines, and hit SS right before they walk on them.
Not really, do way too much damage in comparison.
Though if people don't know, you don't take damage from reflect if you're SS'ed.
My strat is to lay down mines, and hit SS right before they walk on them.
Does pierce the veil work with splintered darts though?
Not really, do way too much damage in comparison.
Though if people don't know, you don't take damage from reflect if you're SS'ed.
My strat is to lay down mines, and hit SS right before they walk on them.
Though if people don't know, you don't take damage from reflect if you're SS'ed.
My strat is to lay down mines, and hit SS right before they walk on them.
Yes. I can't believe the fucking game is broken again. And they are not even sorry for that.
I'm closing on finishing Hell, where do you guys farm in Inferno Act 1?
Getting a decent amount of Life Steal% or LoH will compensate for the damage reflect. A lot better of an option than dealing damage only when you have the Discipline for SSing. It's possible to make Reflect Damage relatively trivial, even at 70000+ DPS ranges.
So, I saw that you rolled a 10m+ crossbow while I slept.
You lucky bastard.
B> One post izual waypoint
My stats are almost the same minus the ten thousand life and damage.Holy shit this barb..
(WITHOUT war cry)
Retrieving Hero List. I can't play. Again. Third day in a row.
I really think I'm done with Diablo, at least for the next few weeks. It's so weird, because I had zero issue since launch day, but I couldn't play at all this week.
:lol this is great. So you know him pretty well and he told you his password. What's to say he wouldn't give it up to someone else who knows him 'pretty well'.
How does knowing a person equate to knowing their system?
Well I have discipline almost always now (49 max disc + backup plan). I have both life steal on the bow and if I'm using nether, and I'll go down in like 2-3 good hit if I don't use SS.
I have like 60 pots cause I never use them. Can't remember the last time I've survived a single hit.
Ya I can give you that waypoint, that ghost past it drops shit though.
LOOOOOOOOOOL! And that's EU servers getting fucked again.
Unbelievable.Eu servers are fucked again, Sigh
the fucking DH gods have just blessed me on this very day
I screamed like a school girl when this dropped.
Told you to play with us USA GAffers fool!![]()
Ya I can give you that waypoint, that ghost past it drops shit though.
Diablo from the EU on the US servers is not fun. (400ms+ on Inferno = uh oh spaghettios)
Still for a DH to get through Inferno without being a 'glass cannon' you still need the perfect gear:
crit damage %
The balance is easily done for act 1. For act 2, slightly more difficult but doable (Belial is the only time I have any issue with this act - 32k HP pool and he has a chance to hit for 32xxx which can kill me). Act 3? Yeah you're needing the best gear which is easily hundreds of millions. This is of course talking about surviving a few (couple?) of hits from a mob while still killing efficiently (see: no enrage timer on champs)
the fucking DH gods have just blessed me on this very day
I screamed like a school girl when this dropped.
I vote separate thread for trades.
Sounds about normal for US players half the time...
I'm closing on finishing Hell, where do you guys farm in Inferno Act 1?