looked for similiar ones on the AH - ended up seeing same ones for 1-2Million. Are these really that worthy? I wanted to sell it to the vendor lol
good tank shoulders, dunno about 1 million though.
looked for similiar ones on the AH - ended up seeing same ones for 1-2Million. Are these really that worthy? I wanted to sell it to the vendor lol
you can pretty much get a 900-1000DPS with a great roll with this recipe. Will be a nice income generator on top of the plans I already have. I would totally craft bows for anyone who wants em....just provide the mats and gold. I have a livestream as well so you can see what kinda roll you get. no extra fee for gaffers. (you can donate if you wish tho)
Damn it, I really want them... but I'm not planning on playing with my barb for at least another 2 weeks :/if a gaffer wants those shoulders i give it to him for 800k or else i put it in for 1Mill on the AH.
Hey D3.NA.GAF, how you enjoying this game?
I wasn't planning on going out. With Blizzards constantly fucking up lately, I feel like drinking every day.
Is there any ghost (at a certain point not specifically a ghost of a person) that drops anything good?
The ghosts do drop good stuff it's really all about luckI've never had one drop a single rare. Even with 200% MF (that's with the 5 neph stacks).
No, he hasnt.
What? How is authenticator relevant? Authenticator is just additional layer of security! but it shouldnt be even used by people in first place, if database is secured correctly.
They couldnt brute force this password, they couldnt use dictionary method, so it has to be an exploit.
I've had about zero server troubles since like ... launch. Enjoying the game. Yes, even Inferno. Yes, even with my Monk.
Yes, I'm crazy.
I was doing NM Heart of Sin for about 1.7M over the course of the night (~6 hours, I'd guess?). I wasn't going full throttle or anything, just kind of running around killing things, spending way too much time picking up and IDing shitty items to sell, and just kind of enjoying the fact my DH could tank hits again. If I pressed harder, I'd wager I could've pushed it to 2.3-2.4M or so for the night.
300% Gold Find, money amounts are before AHing the like 15 Rings/Amulets I found.
The ghosts do drop good stuff it's really all about luck
You must've missed my post yesterday
I only have about ~160 MF no stacks.
I have a quick question guys. I'm at theboss battle in act 2. I'm level 23 and I'm wondering what level I'll probably finish the game at. Do I keep leveling into the next difficulty level? I know the cap is 60, but will that take me a couple of playthroughs to get there?Belial
Hey D3.NA.GAF, how you enjoying this game?
I have a quick question guys. I'm at theboss battle in act 2. I'm level 23 and I'm wondering what level I'll probably finish the game at. Do I keep leveling into the next difficulty level? I know the cap is 60, but will that take me a couple of playthroughs to get there?Belial
Reached Inferno today.
I'm not sure if I'm getting bored of the game, or bored of playing WD. Hmmm...
Waaaaaaaay too scary for meParanormal BETA - seriously check it out if you are not afraid. I jumped on few occasions.
How much Gold Find are you running? I only have like 13% so i'm not sure if it would still be worth doing. Seems like in Hell/Inferno I usually find one rare I can sell for 300-700k
Glad NA GAF is enjoying this game.
once you reach the level cap, it's way less exciting. play another class.
I love it, not to inferno yet because I love to play all the classes and I want to farm hell on my 60 barb for a bit.Hey D3.NA.GAF, how you enjoying this game?
The ghosts do drop good stuff it's really all about luck
You must've missed my post yesterday
I only have about ~160 MF no stacks.
I've never had one drop a single rare. Even with 200% MF (that's with the 5 neph stacks).
Damn damn nice, wish I had
Let's have a crafting party? Mind if I throw a friend invite? I might wanna throw mats at you once and awhile.
Booted about five minutes long its been down?
anybody on gaf can add me if they want to use my crafting. I currently have the following unique recipes
Exalted Grand Doomcaster (+6 Crossbow)
Full Guardian Set (Band, Scabbard & Watch)
Robes Of Rydraelm (Legendary Chest) (first roll crafted this beast
I'm working on getting new recipes pretty much every day. (it's tough and expensive though)
You need the plan for the basic version, as all the later plans require you to have to previous staff.So, for the Staff of Herding, do I need to get the drop fromor can I just buy the nightmare/hell plans from the vendor?Izual
anybody on gaf can add me if they want to use my crafting. I currently have the following unique recipes
Exalted Grand Doomcaster (+6 Crossbow)
Full Guardian Set (Band, Scabbard & Watch)
Robes Of Rydraelm (Legendary Chest) (first roll crafted this beast
I'm working on getting new recipes pretty much every day. (it's tough and expensive though)
The ghosts do drop good stuff it's really all about luck
You must've missed my post yesterday
I only have about ~160 MF no stacks.
So, for the Staff of Herding, do I need to get the drop fromor can I just buy the nightmare/hell plans from the vendor?Izual
How are you working on getting them? Just lucky with drops I assume since the AH isn't selling commodities?
How does one even "get" new recipes? I've never seen one drop on either of my 60s.