That's what I figured, but then a few pages back someone said that they saw a stream where they had figured out that it did apply to elemental weapons, but maybe not. At the time I wasn't using the Manticore so I didn't really think about it. I'm good in either case though.
How much % of dmg does Reflect dmg actually... reflect ?
Is a barb can stack up to 12% life steal and get over with the reflect dmg?
If it works with elemental weapons, then the damage value shown on the inventory screen is wrong. I am pretty certain that value only applies it to physical weapon damage.
How much % of dmg does Reflect dmg actually... reflect ?
Is a barb can stack up to 12% life steal and get over with the reflect dmg?
Exactly how I feel. I can actually sell things now for a mil instead of 20000 gold.In the past week I have accumulated more gold than I have total in over 300 hours played since launch! Sold a Blackthorne's Jousting Mail and rare sword for 130 mil total, and bumped my damage from 40 k to 92k unbuffed. It took a while but it's finally starting to feel rewarding to play. I would post my profile but it hasn't updated yet.
In the past week I have accumulated more gold than I have total in over 300 hours played since launch! Sold a Blackthorne's Jousting Mail and rare sword for 130 mil total, and bumped my damage from 40 k to 92k unbuffed. It took a while but it's finally starting to feel rewarding to play. I would post my profile but it hasn't updated yet.
Same here; the last week or two I've felt like I'm actually making progress, it's been pretty great.
Of course on my run just now though I got an Immortal King's Irons with a low Str roll and double Dex roll -_-. I did also get a pretty crap Inna's Temperance though, and those even at the bottom of the barrel go for 6 mil so at least I'll get a bit from that. In general though I'm actually having a harder time selling stuff, I think the market is definitely flooding and crashing at the same time.
Hmm, will it be stupid to spend 9.5M on this right now?
I'll lose about 1.3K HP, but gain 800 or 900 DPS, but the most important thing for me is that 61 AR
I gained about 13K DPS by switching to an AV helm, but lost a lot of AR while taking %10 fire damage
My lowest resist without War Cry is 482
I'm a barb BTW
Will do (yours and others previously listed) tonight.add kefkamaydie#1821
Bots grind for Gold.What's the best grinding spot for gold, now? Someone told me farming Azmodan on Nightmare was the quickest, but I'm not seeing that much gold here.
Pc please, I know it isn't great but its my first set piece in 2k hour, lmao.
you played 2000 hours and have got one set piece? huh?
In 3 hours ill be home to do sunday runs. I just need a act 3 key to make a machine. Those go pretty quick though.
Weapon seems kinda shitty, but is this amount of LoH normal these days? I haven't played in forever.
Went from no set pieces to 2 in one day!
This one here is weird, I didn't realize vitality could roll so high. +514
Two handed items can roll double stats. So they can get up to 600 in main stats, 6% life steal, 200% crit, et cetera.
I don't have 150 million to buy his
IIRC primary stats can roll up to 595 (or something weird like that) on 2-handed stuff. I don't think I've ever gotten a roll over 500 though, and only over 400 a couple of times.
Weapon seems kinda shitty, but is this amount of LoH normal these days? I haven't played in forever.
no. NA here
i offer 50 mil. help out a fellow GAFer plz
Man, I've ran that act 4 key warden like 20 times now and still no drop :/ And yes, I've had 5 stacksToo bad my poor WD can't handle higher than MP1 or this may have been quicker.
Man, I've ran that act 4 key warden like 20 times now and still no drop :/ And yes, I've had 5 stacksToo bad my poor WD can't handle higher than MP1 or this may have been quicker.
Man, I've ran that act 4 key warden like 20 times now and still no drop :/ And yes, I've had 5 stacksToo bad my poor WD can't handle higher than MP1 or this may have been quicker.
I took your advice. Definitely far more fun farming with other players. I got a bad Ivory Tower, which is 1 more legendary that I've ever seen drop in Inferno.Will do (yours and others previously listed) tonight.
I'm pleasantly surprised by how many players there are on this board. Wasn't expecting it very much, at least.
Bots grind for Gold.
Humans grind for items (and arguably Paragon).
Inferno A3 MP0 (default difficulty) is substantially easier now than it was before. Steamroll it, build up some PL, get some default MF% added on, and hope to find some beacon drops that aren't Gloves. Do this with other players to make the process enjoyable, if you're not doing so already.
Grinding for Gold in this game is a recipe for suicide.
Add me. Fenderputty#1180
I can help u get the plans if I'm on. Assuming you're US here.
I took your advice. Definitely far more fun farming with other players. I got a bad Ivory Tower, which is 1 more legendary that I've ever seen drop in Inferno.
I got this interesting drop:
It's probably terrible due to having low DPS and being slow as shit, but I haven't seen that high of a Dex modifier before.
Just curious, are you guys using something in particular to post your good drops? It's not that much effort to PrintScr and edit the screengrab in Paint.Net, but if there's an easier method I'd like to know it.
Shit. :lolThose Dex/Vit levels are pretty common on 2 handers, as is the LOH. I found one with similar stats, a socket, and over 1000 dps and it still was worthless.
Man, I've ran that act 4 key warden like 20 times now and still no drop :/ And yes, I've had 5 stacksToo bad my poor WD can't handle higher than MP1 or this may have been quicker.
So, was I lucky or not?![]()
If any EU Gaffer wants it before I put it up in the AH, do not be afraid. These stuff seems wildly expensive, so!
This game can be so weird.
I get no legendaries for 2 days, then these 2 drop minutes of each other
I had a good weekend this weekend. Upgraded both of my weapons and got some lifesteal. 124K DPS unbuffed now. RD is tankable now on MP6 when it used to slaughter me. I have 2.9 LS and 500 LOH. I'm at 2.4 APS now too. 740 RA and 5K armor.
Anyway ... the only piece I want to get an upgrade on is my helfire ring. So I sold 90m on the RMAH. That shit sold in seconds. I put it up in 45 million chunks. For a game that's "dying", people sure are still buying gold up fast.
Also ... I now have 3 each of the Eye and Spine. I hate that fucking fang. lol.
I hear ya. Three each on Fang and Spine. No eyes to be seen!