Forget what everybody else is saying over here (i'm sorry, don't mean to disrespect the rest of gaf :I) but your weapons. Start with your weapons. Staaaart wiiith your weapoooons! You can probably easily gain another 50k dps with what you got. With how the markets are right now, it's so easy to buy 950+ weapons with decent stats, it's insane.
54% critical damage + sock on a 794 dps weapon is pretty useless much as a main hand. If you're going to dual wield, you want at least ONE of your weapons to be a very strong main hand. Ideally you want two strong main hands with great stats, but what the heck, that will run you billions. You can probably get something decent for not much more than 5m with around 1k dps, a sock and life steal / life on hit for your main hand.
I'd also advice switching to either a critical chance shield with vit / dex / main res as those don't run for too much, or a cheap echoing fury without sock, just critical damage and life steal / life on hit.
The .25 mod that the echoing fury has also adds to your main hand, so it makes it pretty much one of the best off hands in the game. So if you have a main hand that has 1.40 and an off hand echoing fury, you now have 1.65 main hand + 15% extra aspd

that's how I managed to get my monk with 2.28 main hand / 2.00 off hand.