Game is down again. WTF Blizzard. They're saying 5 PM PST.
Oh, the downfalls of always online
Oh, the downfalls of always online
This amulet worth anything to a Monk perhaps?
The int isn't completely wasted since it would add some to all res?
This amulet worth anything to a Monk perhaps?
The int isn't completely wasted since it would add some to all res?
Fuck the uber Kulle/Seigebreaker fight. I can solo the others on mp8 no problem, but that one takes me a fucking hour of reattempts.
I have paid no attention to how to get myself a ring. I have a few keys, and I know theres a guy in Act 4 that drops a pattern or something. But do I need one key from each act? Or are all the first 3 act keys the same and I just need 3 of them?
For ubers, can only 1 person open portals per game, or can multiple people help? Say we had 3 people, could we each make 1 portal to get em all?
Yes, multiple people can open portals.
Well hot damn! I was going to save up 9 machines, but now it looks like I'll roll with 7! That is if some guys don't mind carrying a wd through some mp5-6 ubers :/
My barb is on act 2. I'm a little busy right now, but I could definitely use some GAF HC players so adding you.
Aw yeah.
The random roll isn't so hot and the damage is so-so (?), but max crit, and almost max arcane makes me optimistic.
Haha, yeah I think thats my plan now too. Slowly accumulate some machines, then ask if any Gaffers want to carry my ass through MP5-6 kills in exchange for being able to come along and grab some organs for rings for their alts.
I'm looking at them right now... Hm.
Man... :c
Seems like they have to be near perfect to be worth anything. Bummer.
Yeah... I guess.At least they're dropping though, AMIRITE?
Edit: Please remember you can shift click items into your chat window as if you're going to talk to them, send a no message, get an error but then be able to go into game and click the item for a comparision before investing. Remember to take gems out of weapons when doing this.
My vile ward sold for 120m+!! I got 105 for the total sale (after blizz tax) and now have 140m...
What to do, what to do, what to do =D
Is using D2jsp safe? I mean, I can't get my account banned for trading on the site, right?
If you guys need help when I get home I'll link my account so you can add me to friends. Demon hunter at 213k DPS without SS. Hardest part for me is finding someone to distract them while I slaughter them.
What to upgrade, GAF?
I have 140m.
I'm seriously thinking of trying to save another 50m and buy a critical mempo of twilight. Andy's visage is a nice gear, but while a mempo won't give me significant DPS, it will give me extra resist, extra armor, and most importantly, extra HP.
I have about two or three gears which I haven't switched yet because I want to keep my HP at least at 38k+ (right now sitting at 42k)
If I do ever manage to get the mempo i'd like to buy (which usually sit at around 200M), I can change my shoulders to a vile ward at 250+ dex and get around 10k dps and a bucket load of armor.
I can also buy a new Echoing Fury and get 15k+ dps.
I dunno :/
Bought HOTS last night (I already play Starcraft more than any other game)
i see all these drops you guys get and it makes me want to play the game. however i can't make myself do more than one run at a time lol.
Do you group with anyone?
There's a bunch of GAFFERS still playing. We've updated our friends list multiple times. Now there's usually 5-10 people on at anytime for me. None of us are concerned about being slowed down either. If it wasn't for the social aspects, I probably would have quit by now.
I think they need to further drop the bonus health mobs receive in multiplayer. Especially after monster power, getting a group together to do anything but uber/key farming can feel like a chore. You lose the dps bonus from your follower and enemies get 65 or 70% more health per player. On Monster Power 5 with 4 players it feels like enemies have more life than doing mp10 solo. I wish they'd increase the stack limit of NV by 1 per additional player in the party
Either that or they need to increase the bonus of doing monster power. The fastest way to get decent ilvl63 quality drops and experience is to run MP1. Fastest way to just grind gold and exp is to do mp0. Unless you're playing strictly for challenge or keys or organs, the higher mp levels past 3 or 4 just don't give the return one should expect.
Also, enemies should have their base exp increased on higher monster power rather than the players receiving an exp bonus stat. This would make the effects of nephalem, gems, leoric's signets, cain's set, and hellfire rings scale better with monster power. Right now it's better to play mp0 wearing cain's set (30% bonus exp) than to wear proper gear on mp3 (30% bonus exp). I'd say enemies should give have something like a base exp of 20% per monster power level. MP0 or 1 may still end up being the most efficient, but the gap would be closer and compensated for by the other bonuses to mf/gf given.
I completely disagree. If you want fast farming in a group. Drop the MP level. It's always been more efficient to farm fast than to farm ahead of the curve for higher chance at better drops but at a slower pace. Same for experience.
If you want to run a group for keys / ubers, go higher MP.
If you want a challenge, go higher MP.
75% bonus enemy HP added per additonal person the in the party is perfect. It effectively makes grouping easier as long as everyone is within 25% DPS of each other. The loss of a follower isn't that big either. Huge change from when we were punished for grouping. I don't see why adding MP levels would change this.
That was the whole point of adding MP levels anyway. Give players a choice on how they want to play. Fast and efficient or slow and challenging.
I preordered from amazon...guess i wont get my wings until march![]()
I completely disagree. If you want fast farming in a group. Drop the MP level. It's always been more efficient to farm fast than to farm ahead of the curve for higher chance at better drops but at a slower pace. Same for experience.
If you want to run a group for keys / ubers, go higher MP.
If you want a challenge, go higher MP.
75% bonus enemy HP added per additional person the in the party is perfect. It effectively makes grouping easier as long as everyone is within 25% DPS of each other. The loss of a follower isn't that big either. Huge change from when we were punished for grouping. I don't see why adding MP levels would change this.
That was the whole point of adding MP levels anyway. Give players a choice on how they want to play. Fast and efficient or slow and challenging.