I do agree that MP levels are more of an e-peen thing and if it weren't for Keys/Ubers there would be very little reason to run them. The rewards just aren't high enough.
Bought HOTS last night (I already play Starcraft more than any other game)
What's looked for in a Scoundrel token? Found this one, and looks like theres only one other like it on the AH without searching for phys resist.
I got 8.9% LS and 1100 LoH and 360somethin Regen.
Dunno why they just dont let regen be normal in Inferno they nerf it to like a third? Makes regen a useless stat noone will search for...
It's not nerfed. It's 1/2 and it happens every half second.
thanks, makes sense i guess? you know why its like that?
Dream-Visions said:So how's the game aging? I haven't played in ages.
So I presume WW/Run like the wind barb is still the farming build of choice? Just getting back up to speed -- had a 60 barb in inferno, have now completed inferno, preparing to begin farm status.
The apparent consensus among the remaining seems to be "very well," and after just rejoining myself, I believe I agree. Significant changes have been made. Look up the MP system, there is now an Uber run, and also the paragon system (if you were gone before that).
Edit: Please remember you can shift click items into your chat window as if you're going to talk to them, send a no message, get an error but then be able to go into game and click the item for a comparision before investing. Remember to take gems out of weapons when doing this.
Edit: Please remember you can shift click items into your chat window as if you're going to talk to them, send a no message, get an error but then be able to go into game and click the item for a comparision before investing. Remember to take gems out of weapons when doing this.
Thank you so much for this tip. I had no idea. The AH should have this as default directly, but this will do![]()
I can't remember the last time I found an upgradeI was just thinking about buying some similar amulet
I wonder if this could be worth something?
Get an Int Skorn - one with Life Steal if you can afford it. (Magic Weapon / Force Weapon if you get LS, Blood Magic if you don't).So if you were a CM/WW wizard with 30 AP on crit, around 40 crit% and a measly 24DPS with +632 LOH, how would you go about switching to an archon build? Should I gather all the DPS parts first and then switch, or can I do it progressively?
Well hot damn! I was going to save up 9 machines, but now it looks like I'll roll with 7! That is if some guys don't mind carrying a wd through some mp5-6 ubers :/
Haha, yeah I think thats my plan now too. Slowly accumulate some machines, then ask if any Gaffers want to carry my ass through MP5-6 kills in exchange for being able to come along and grab some organs for rings for their alts.
Are you guys on EU? If you've got the DPS I can keep Ghom/Rakanoth, Zultan/Siege pretty much perma stunned with my wizard. Me and my barb friend had a nice run at mp7 the other day and with more dps we could crank it up to 9 or 10 probably. If anyone is up for that on the EU side some time I'll post my account later.If you guys need help when I get home I'll link my account so you can add me to friends. Demon hunter at 213k DPS without SS. Hardest part for me is finding someone to distract them while I slaughter them.
I can't remember the last time I found an upgradeI was just thinking about buying some similar amulet
I wonder if this could be worth something?
It's pretty good for a lightning monk, but there's a drawback with the low dexterity. Probably worth a few millions.
First thing they can do to make the higher monster powers more efficient for leveling: Increase the base experience that monsters give rather than increasing the exp% stat of the player. If a monster's base XP is 10,000, then for every level of monster power increase that monster's base XP by 10-20% of the previous monster power.
Basic idea, assuming a monster's base exp on monster power 0 is 10,000 and scales up by 10% over the previous monster power level:
MP0: 10,000 exp
MP1: 11,000
MP2: 12,100
MP3: 13,310
MP4: 14,641
MP5: 16,106
MP6: 17,716
MP7: 19,488
MP8: 21,437
MP9: 23,581
MP10: 25,939
Doing it this way would allow the bonus XP stat to scale with each level of monster power you play. Why run MP3 for an extra 30% bonus experience when MP0 and cain's set is many times faster and easier? So much faster and easier that it more than makes up for the improved MF/GF and bonus item roll. Even with this adjustment it'd be far more efficient to farm lower monster power, but it makes farming MP>0 more tempting and rewarding.
Another suggestion I have would be to add a bonus legendary drop roll but keep it at a very low percentage, like .001% (1 in 10,000) on Monster Power 1 with an extra .001% chance for each monster power level up to .01% (1 in 1,000) in Monster Power 10.
Also, I would add a 1% chance for an item to roll twice on an affix per monster level up to a 10% chance in MP10. This chance would be applied ONCE per affix an item rolled keeping the higher of the two rolls but not changing the nature of the affix (if an affix rolled 40 vitality on mp10, there'd be a 10% chance of a re-roll for vitality and the item would be granted the higher of the two rolls). There would still be too many completely useless rare and legendary drops, but this would give a small bump to their odds of being decent to great.
I'd like to see crafting made viable through a new series of plans (dozens of new plans, several sets, and plans for gear with unique affixes like socketed shoulders, belts, and bracers) and several new jewel designs. These would require new materials that can only drop from Wardens or by salvaging hellfire rings. The plans only obtainable from the Ubers. I'd allow both to be salable on the auction house as a way to reward the effort monetarily and to grant players who don't have the time or patience for farming a means to get them as well. The chances for material, plan, and design drops would be dependent on Monster Power.
Finally, I'd like to see more incentive for regular and mini-boss fights. More incentive for progressing through an act rather than running the same efficient path over and over. I'd like to see legendary dyes be made exclusively through completing acts and killing mini-bosses and bosses. I'd also want these dyes to have various graphical effects that relate to the type of boss or act it was received from. For example, a legendary dye that's patterned after "Shadow Diablo" or a boney pattern fashioned from Leoric or a Cow or Whimsyshire-inspired dye etc. etc. This would be just for fun and obtainable from any difficulty (normal to inferno) with the chances for them to drop based on a combination of the difficulty level and monster power setting.
JFC I shouldn't take an adderall and an espresso before writing a post that'll surely see a lot of backlash (or be ignored completely, lol).
I think I might start turning off monster power when I'm just farming for items. I was amazed last night at how fast archon tears through act 3 mobs without mp on. Basically one shot of the beam can clear a room lol.
I'd say MP1 is the sweet spot in terms of speed and chance of getting good drops for myself. My roommate's archon wizard clears MP1 about as fast as he can clear MP0 and he's easily getting 4-10 legendaries a night. He also plays a ton (even more than myself) and is plvl 93 I believe, but it's impressive how tight a ship he runs. Since MP1 grants ilvl 63 affixes on even ilvl 58 items and MP0 doesn't, I greatly perfer MP1.
Act 3 MP0 grants lvl63 affixes on low level items
EU or US?Found a pair of Inna's pants. Worth much?!?! Tell me it's so GAF!
90ish dex, 55 fire res, 12% move, 9% ias, 2 sockets and something else I think.
Edit: Oh yeah, the 1% Crit chance
EU or US?
If EU then right click and seek similar items. If US then right click seek similar items. There's plenty of them.
No u!Man, Vile Wards are so goddamned hideous. :/
thanks guy.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who just searched through a few pages of weapons looking for stray gems... :D grats!