No one is buying my stuuuuffifff *whine*
What's a good price to put this at? I didn't think it was worth much, but the lowest one with comparable stats on the AH is 39M, and it goes up to 120M (which is a bit overpriced)
There's only one with similar stats that has no buyout, currently with a 9M bid with 2 hours and 44 minutes left. I guess I'll watch that. I'll put this for 35M for now, maybe I'll have some luck and someone will buy it![]()
Couple of things.
Gloves - Get crit damage to compliment your crit chance. You can afford to take the loss on resistances because yours are quite high to begin with.
Pants - Get Inna's Temperance. Seriously. Move speed, attack speed, high dex, two sockets and a little crit chance. They will help your DPS.
Boots - Not really much you can do there, but look for a pair with move speed. Absolutely required for more effective farming.
Rings - The legendary ring you have is pretty naff. Try to get 40+ average damage, dex, crit chance and maybe crit damage.
Bracer - Strongarm bracers have a higher crit chance and higher dex.
Amulet - Get some crit damage with crit chance.
Chest - Lose the Inna's. The chest is pretty shitty compared to other rares and legendaries. Use the chest to get better defensive stats. You'll still get the set bonus with Inna's Temperance.
Weapons - Shenlongs will only get you so far, and your's are pretty middling in terms of raw DPS and crit damage. If you eventually get some gold, a decent Echoing Fury with a socket will drive your DPS right up and you compliment that with a decent LoH/Socket/Dex rare.
Gems - Kind of given.
All in all, you can definitely take a hit in terms of defense and HP in favour of much higher DPS. I'd also change your skill set. Dump Crippling Wave in favour of Fists of Thunder and swap Wave of Light with Blinding Flast. Sweeping Wind basically takes your current DPS when you activate it so the extra 25% damage from BF is a huge DPS upgrade for it.
My HC Barb is at 699 VIT in act 3 *nightmare*. I found two legendaries so far. A dagger I gave to my templar and have since replaced and a belt I actually wore for a while, too.Finally reached level 60 with a barbarian and at act 2 of Hell difficulty.
It is not that difficult as i expected tho i made a huge mistake on my barbarian.
I was like EVERYTHING STR! ..Now i got like around 2000 base str with like 300 vitality and barely 10k HP lol. So i die pretty often haha. But i love the high damage with my 2hd weapon. Almost everything dies in one or 2 hits! But i guess i should scale back some str and get more vitality equipment?
Oh and this barbarian run from the very beginning to the act 2 of Hell i only got 1 fucking legendary so![]()
My HC Barb is at 699 VIT in act 3 *nightmare*. I found two legendaries so far. A dagger I gave to my templar and have since replaced and a belt I actually wore for a while, too.
Really getting attached to the character now. I named her "bababa". She will never, ever die. No, no, no.
GAF, you gotta help me here.
I won a bid for The Witching Hour, which brought my total DPS to 110K. I lost no AR doing so. the only significant thing I lost is the 2.90 life steal I had on the IK belt, but I still have 2.30 life steal on my offhand sword. Why do I still feel like life steal isn't working? is 2.30 too low? should I get life steal on my main weapon as well? I tried Bloodthrist, but it doesn't seem to help much. I can't even do elites on MP5. It actually seems worse than before.
I hate to be the begging type, but does anyone have some crappy WD stuff they don't want on SC? I don't have money (just over 100k), so I can't really buy a set of gear. My WD is 52 and I want to get him to 60 at some point so I can explore the higher content before my HC WD does. Also, I want to have a relatively safe toon ready to do the expansion stuff when it eventually comes out.
Also, I hit 20 on my HC MP10 WD last night. Killed The Butcher and started Act 2. I might tone down the MP level simply because killing takes a bit too long in some cases, but I enjoy relying on crafting for gear at this point. I've only used the AH for gems, so it's really really fun in that regard.
You are pricing it too high. I have 12 rmah sales this weekend so far.
You're in luck. I just got my Wizard up to 60 last night and I still have a bunch of my leveling gear.
Dude, for all the work you put into Secret Santa, you deserve a bit of character pimpin'
We'll call it a wedding gift.
kennah#1358 I'll be on tonight sometime.
How are you selling that much? I'm jelly. I even tried a new strategy just to get some value from junk. Any and all legends I find ( that aren't obvious huge money ) I just throw up on the RMAH for $1.6 to make a .50 profit. The one's that don't I try to sell low for flippers to grab, then I salvage the remaining. Some sell but damn, 12 over the weekend, that's pretty good.
2.3% LS with no LoH is just nowhere near enough. I personally would never use a belt that doesn't have LS on it as a barb, but if you're attached, you're going to need a bunch of LoH on your jewelry. My 90k DPS barb with 12% LS can take a beating on MP7 or so and not even care (though I do also use the healing Rend rune). Damage is nice, but you really really need better healing.
- I list with a reasonable buyout and lower that buyout after four hours until it sells.
- I buy gold from the RMAH as needed when I see a deal worth getting.
- I watch two very specific markets very closely and know exactly how much the items in those markets are worth.
- I focus on high turnover versus maximizing profit on each item.
- I spend more time in the AH than I do playing.
I'll definitely add you. You'd be a pretty amazing dude for helping me out with that.
I'm enjoying HC more than SC, but I don't have the balls to blindly go into the later content with my HC WD as he climbs levels.
I've built my first infernal machine, I REALLY want a hellfire ring, if anybody could help me get one I'd love you forever
Some new content needs to come out, this thread is on life support ;(
GAF, you gotta help me here.
I won a bid for The Witching Hour, which brought my total DPS to 110K. I lost no AR doing so. the only significant thing I lost is the 2.90 life steal I had on the IK belt, but I still have 2.30 life steal on my offhand sword. Why do I still feel like life steal isn't working? is 2.30 too low? should I get life steal on my main weapon as well? I tried Bloodthrist, but it doesn't seem to help much. I can't even do elites on MP5. It actually seems worse than before.
Yeah, any news on PvP yet?
Not sure which of you guys it was here that lent me the -11 level req sword on my WD, but holy shit thank you. I'm absolutely rolling through Act 2 Hell. It took me just over 1.5 hours to get to and kill Zoltun Kulle from the start of the act. I'll finish that tonight and start through Act 3, hit 60 early on, and plow in Inferno to start getting a feel for things before continuing with my HC WD. SO good.
It was me, and yeah, fucking love that thing. Sure it's only 750 dps on a 2 hander - but that +500 int makes a huge difference.
EDIT: When you hit 60 bug me again, I'll have amulets and rings and ceremonial knives and offhands for you.
EDIT2: And put that damn ruby in your helm!
The Alkaizer run is best, still.What's the typical Act 3 run anyway?
Community Manager
We've recently issued account bans to several thousand Diablo III players who were found to be using botting programs while playing. In addition to undermining the spirit of fair play, botting, hacking, and other forms of cheating can also cause technical problems with the game as well as contribute to performance issues with the service. To learn more about our exploitation policy for Diablo III and how it may affect your gameplay, please visit our official support site.
As always, maintaining a stable, safe, and enjoyable online environment for legitimate players is very important to us, and we'll be continuing to keep watch on and take action as needed. In the meantime, if you wish to report the possible use of botting programs to Blizzard, please see this thread for more information. (We will also be adding the ability for players to report this kind of behavior directly through the game client in a future patch.)
For questions regarding account actions, please refer to Account Administration.
surprised no one post before:
I've had it on for 3 months 24/7 with no warning or nothing, so it wasn't a too big of a surprise today.
Just for the money since I don't have to do anything at all, just start the computers, it will then run an autmatic script that would start all diablo's and bots, put on certain settings and start automaticly. 20 grand over 3 months, haven't made a lot in the recent month though, got nothing sold.
I can't really say exactly since it depends on what I find (RNG) But I would think 30-45 euros a day would be a reasonable span of numbers to say, 10 accounts combined. Though in the last month it hasn't been much, items weren't selling etc.
Haven't they specifically exempted this one before?-Use of Loot Alert
Haven't they specifically exempted this one before?
Poor botters also suffering from the dead economy :lol