No, never.
I'm pretty sure they did, unless the post I saw was photo shopped.
No, never.
No, never.
Can you link the forum showing a ban for loot alert please. All I see are people asking if they will get banned on many forums, never a true case of it.
If you want i could link you to spanish blizz forum with a response ticket from blizzard saying clearly Loot alert player caught = ban
Well you clearly stated this earlier.
Then you tell me..
"CM's never told anyone "you're banned for using xxxxxx program" and you know it"
We all know how Blizz goes about stating things. Are we just assuming things here?
Show me this "response ticket from blizzard saying clearly Loot alert player caught = ban"
De acuerdo a los términos de uso el programa es ilegal
Yeah, I'm not worried about loot alert at all. I guess if I get banned for using it I'll have a good reason to get unhooked. If Blizzard would make the legendary drop sound independent from the game's sound effect control, I'd have no use for loot alert. Most of the time I'm playing Ill be listening to spotify, itunes, or a radio broadcast of a sporting event and have the sound effects and music in diablo muted or set to very low.
Yeah, I'm not worried about loot alert at all. I guess if I get banned for using it I'll have a good reason to get unhooked. If Blizzard would make the legendary drop sound independent from the game's sound effect control, I'd have no use for loot alert. Most of the time I'm playing Ill be listening to spotify, itunes, or a radio broadcast of a sporting event and have the sound effects and music in diablo muted or set to very low.
Good. I like where my Monk is at now, and I don't think I'm following any sort of standard build. I just figured out what skills work well together based on my stats and went from there.Finished Nightmare last night just before hitting 52 on my Monk (solo so far). I haven't been using the auction house yet, but looking at how much it costs to craft the level 55+ stuff and how cheap you can get things on the AH, I'm about to start, I think.
I'm still fighting against the popular builds because I really like exploding palm and seven sided strike. I really enjoy the game so far.
All I want for Christmas is some patch info!!!!!!
I'm glad I'm playing through Hell on SC with my WD before I go much further with my HC WD. Since I haven't seen a lot of this game in a while, I forgot how easy it is to get one shot without appropriate gear.
Good. I like where my Monk is at now, and I don't think I'm following any sort of standard build. I just figured out what skills work well together based on my stats and went from there.
Meanwhile - forget about crafting. Outright. Not worth it in the least. AH has no shortage of better things to find for less money.
Have they said anything lately on what's next or what they're working on? I haven't played in a while, but I'm sure some new changes would get me back for a bit. I grabbed Torchlight 2 during the Thanksgiving sale and Diablo 3 must've spoiled me, because that game is just not very fun. D3 combat just feels so meaty and satisfying that it's hard to enjoy something like TL2.
I was shocked when SK just about one shotted my monk on Hell. He was easy after I figured out the animation, but he was so easy to tank before that I hadn't been worrying about it.
Yea I just keep messing around with skills. I wish I could use one or two more skills, but I think the constraint makes playing with the synergy of skills a lot of fun.
It seemed easy and cheap to craft up to about level 45, but now the AH is way better. Do people use the AH for alt characters at lower levels?
I use the AH for my first set of Socketed items, and then usually that'll carry you through long enough for drops.
I also bought a Cain's set that is on it's fourth character. Good value!
Oh nice, I was thinking about looking into a Cain's Set if I roll another class. How early do you get that first set of socketed items?
Level 15 for weapon/most items. Cains set is mid 20s.
And if you get enough sockets in your cain set/are careful with the magic modifiers (I recommend pickup range) - the set is good until mid 40s.
Other than a retraction of upcoming PvP info ... nothin'.
Doing a large holiday giveaway on my website for anyone that's interested, over 500m gold, diablo 3 mouse etc.
banned people can't post on blizz forums if i'm not wrong....
If you want i could link you to spanish blizz forum with a response ticket from blizzard saying clearly Loot alert player caught = ban
They did acknowledge that the rewards for doing MP10 (and higher MP in general) aren't good enough and it's something they're working on.
They've talked about some changes they may consider with reflect damage and also stated there's a bug with the way it works on Champion minions or lifelink, or lifesteal's ineffectiveness against lifelinked, reflect damage elites.
Something like that. There's some little grains of info out there that may or may not be part of an upcoming patch, but I'd think it's a safe bet that those things I mentioned will have some adjustments for the better.
They've also said they want to do something about mob density and in general find ways to make other areas and other acts more viable since everyone is stuck in act 3 (if efficiency is a concern, which it has to be in a game like this)
Entered, thanks. And is it just me, or does that website shake uncontrollably at regular intervals?
Has anyone ever sold anything valuable to the npc on accident? Well I just did.
Had a socketed echoing fury drop today. A little under 13k dps with a ton str. Easily the best drop I've ever had and a huge upgrade for my barb.
It happened during an uber run. We were a little pressed for time for an nv restack. Bag was full and I sold as quickly as possible. Realized my echoing fury got sold past the point of no return in the buyback tab.
I feel so bad right now
Maybe it's time I quit D3. A game shouldn't have me this upset.
Dont know if its possible in D3, but maybe try and contact Blizz so they can check their database to give it back?
Hate when you find out they're garbageLove when this happens.
Has anyone ever sold anything valuable to the npc on accident? Well I just did.
Had a socketed echoing fury drop today. A little under 13k dps with a ton str. Easily the best drop I've ever had and a huge upgrade for my barb.
It happened during an uber run. We were a little pressed for time for an nv restack. Bag was full and I sold as quickly as possible. Realized my echoing fury got sold past the point of no return in the buyback tab.
I feel so bad right now
Maybe it's time I quit D3. A game shouldn't have me this upset.
There isn't a point of no return when selling items. All you gotta do is buy back some items and the ones below will start popping up!
There isn't a point of no return when selling items. All you gotta do is buy back some items and the ones below will start popping up!
There isn't a point of no return when selling items. All you gotta do is buy back some items and the ones below will start popping up!
Holy shit! Is this true?!
Hate when you find out they're garbage![]()
There isn't a point of no return when selling items. All you gotta do is buy back some items and the ones below will start popping up!