So PS5 needs that extra optimization, time and effort, but in the last few months we've seen Monster Hunter Rise, Hogwarts Legacy, Callisto Protocol, Atomic Heart... running better ok PS5 because devs are lazy and don't optimize... for Series X, which doesn't require that optimization at all to begin with. Ok, now I get it.

read what Cerny himself said in the post... "developers may learn to optimise in a different way"
it's just different. nothing about effort or a difficulty was mentioned by anyone.
and it is pretty clear from this very game, RE4, that the Xbox versions do not get the amount of care the PS5 version does.
how else do you explain the ridiculously dogshit controls on Xbox that make the game borderline unplayable at times?
the fact that this isn't even a technical issue, but simply an issue of NOONE at the team actually giving a flying fuck about how this version plays or to make sure the settings are the same as the PS5 version, tells us A LOT.
this is literally a thing that could be changed in less than 10 seconds... hell you could change this without even using a keyboard, you could use a mouse and Microsoft's on-screen keyboard to fix this in less than 20 seconds.
but it's not fixed is it? and we know the day 1 version also hasn't fixed it... because noone cares... noone at Capcom gives a shit.
that is the truth about multiplatform development, the lower the sales, the less attention you get.
last gen Microsoft was lucky that their One X was so much more powerful that it was simply bruteforcing games to run better than the Pro. I would bet that if the PS4 Pro and the One X released on the same day with exactly the same hardware and the exact same clock speeds, that the Pro versions would still run better... the simple fact that the APIs are different and that they would need to actually adjust stuff for the One X would means it would run worse.
and then we have Ace Combat 7 of course, which the devs somehow managed to port over so sloppily that it actually ran worse on One X than on the Pro. same res, same settings, way lower unstable framerate.
and if the One X wasn't so undeniably more powerful than the Pro, you can bet your ass some fanboys would have taken that example to show that the Pro is superior.
simply moving a game over to a different API has many implications on performance.
you can run the exact same game on PC in DX12 and then again in Vulkan, and even tho both in theory offer the same access to the hardware, one will perform worse than the other almost always, and that is usually down to how much time the devs spend working on one or the other API.
so if you have 2 systems that are extremely close in terms of hardware... simply the API being different can lead to one system performing worse.
and that is what I meant above, if the One X and Pro had been identical in hardware, the API alone would have meant the One X version would have run worse in many games, and you can bet on that.
and btw. part of this can be Microsoft's fault. maybe their DX12 version they run on Xbox is just terrible to work on

this could also be the case... but it's not the issue in the example of how RE4 plays worse on Xbox of course, since that's literally just a config file discrepency that noone cared to correct.