it's strange since it was cross platform originally - it's only making it available for a very small minority (people who didn't have a console or PC last gen) - anyone who wanted to play it would have done so by now.
My guess is they converted Dishonoured to PS4 / Xbone to get the tech updated for Dishonoured 2 and then the publisher decided to release it anyway.
not only does it run at 30fps, it's missing basic things like anisotropic filtering. and the textures look like they were just up-resed instead of retouched.
I'd like to add, that review codes were sent very, very late as well. Kinda odd since it's not a bad remaster at all, too. Not saying that late review codes/copies are indicative of this, but some do it.
You think that a port of one of the most original games in the last five or so years is more unnecessary than remasters of one year old games like The Last of Us and Tomb Raider? Bear in mind that Dishonored came out in 2012 so it's nearly three years old.
I disagree with that second sentence. Dishonored absolutely felt held back by underpowered hardware. While the game played very much like Thief (plus superpowers), the levels were waaaaaayyyyyyy smaller in comparison.
But Thief was released on hardware far less powerful than current gen consoles, so by your logic how can that be a hardware limitation? Seems like a design choice to me.
I'd like to add, that review codes were sent very, very late as well. Kinda odd since it's not a bad remaster at all, too. Not saying that late review codes/copies are indicative of this, but some do it.
Compared to things like Prototype and Darksiders 2? Yeh people want this more I imagine, it was critically acclaimed and personally one of my favourite games of the last generation.
More than any review, I'm looking forward to a DigitalFoundry analysis of this, explaining what the hell is going on technically with this seemingly cheap remaster.
You think that a port of one of the most original games in the last five or so years is more unnecessary than remasters of one year old games like The Last of Us and Tomb Raider? Bear in mind that Dishonored came out in 2012 so it's nearly three years old.
Both of which offered more than just an up-res in resolution. I'm of the opinion that if you're gonna do these, then you have to offer something else. This port doesn't do enough to make it a "definitive" edition. Certainly for that price, anyway. Completely unnecessary because it's barely any different to the original.
I will admit that the Prototype port or whatever slipped by me completely (had no idea it was a thing until this thread), so okay. But that's probably not any better either.
I will admit that the Prototype port or whatever slipped by me completely (had no idea it was a thing until this thread), so okay. But that's probably not any better either.
If Uncharted 3 and TLOU, two of the best looking games on PS3 can run at 60 fps + added effects and lots of improvements (especially in Uncharted 3's case), this game has no excuse, lazy port indeed.
It's a difficult one to review to me. As a remaster, it's pretty poor from impressions and videos I've seen, but as a game, it's pretty fantastic. Obviously the price helps compared to terrible & close to full price remasters like Saints Row.
It's a damn good game. Could have used more emphasis on stealth, but the open ended player choice of how they want to handle any given encounter is worth giving up that up for.
It's a damn good game. Could have used more emphasis on stealth, but the open ended player choice of how they want to handle any given encounter is worth giving up that up for.
Here's my definitive review - it's better on PC so buy it there if you want the best version, but if you only have consoles the PS4 version is way better than the PS3 version.
RAM. Making huge, Thief-size levels at that fidelity takes more resources than they could get. That's what happened with Deus Ex 2 and Deadly Shadows, anyway. I haven't heard confirmation on Dishonored but it's a distinct possibility.
Personally, I love Thief's sprawling level design and I'd have been happier with a less detailed Dishonored so long as the levels were massive. a
My favorite games on ps4 are remasters and they look great, last of us and tomb raider, it was my first time playing them. Hopefully this remaster stands up for itself as well
I remember getting motion sickness after playing this for half an hour. That was a long time ago. Maybe I'll give it another shot. Take some bomine or something.
Look I love remasters/remakes (whatever you wanna call them) as much as the next guy, and will always defend them, but it's time some developers put in the effort in remastering the games properly. At least try pushing the games on next-gen hardware as much as possible, and not do a lazy, half-assed port. I mean come on, it defeats the point of them.
This game should run at least on high settings, 60fps with some nice bells and whistles on next-gen hardware, no problem. Unfortunately it doesn't. I don't want this to become a trend with remasters, because I'm one of the few who actually likes to buy and play them (if I never got to play the games last gen). There is absolutely no excuse for poor ports like this. They really should be better.
IMO these are the remasters I've been most impressed with this gen, in no particular order: (please reply if I've missed out any worthy remasters):
Halo 2 Anniversary
Gears Ultimate Edition
Metro Redux
TLOU Remastered
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Dark Souls II SotFS
Borderlands Handsome Collection (now that it's been patched)
FF Type-0 (I actually think this looks like a really nice upgrade, visually, from the PSP version, despite being at 30fps).
GoW III Remastered is a weird one since all they did mostly is up the resolution and lock it at 60fps, (which don't get me wrong, is a welcomed upgrade, but isn't as much as some of the other games mentioned above). But I include it because, I mean at least they didn't botch the port, and it did what they promised, so I'll give them credit for that. That, and GoW III already look really nice anyway. Hell, it looks like a current gen game. The price tag is a bit ehhh though, but regarding quality, it's worthy IMO
And hopefully soon to be, Uncharted ND Collection. These remasters put the above to shame.
Two reasons why I have very little interest in this:
1) I have it on my laptop and it runs like a well oiled weasel with pretty much all fancy settings on highest, far higher than 30fps. I have no issue with 30fps at all, but seems to be no point in stepping down for the PS4 version.
2) I never even finished the PC version. Got to the Golden Cat, then stopped for whatever reason and never went back. Its been so long since I played it, I may as well start all over again.
Look I love remasters/remakes (whatever you wanna call them) as much as the next guy, and will always defend them, but it's time some developers put in the effort in remastering the games properly. At least try pushing the games on next-gen hardware as much as possible, and not do a lazy, half-assed port. I mean come on, it defeats the point of them.
I'm ok with a stable but minimally-improved port as long as the pricing and promotion are in accord with that level of effort. In this case, promising to "take full advantage" of the new console generation hardware, calling it the "Definitive Edition" and asking $40 does not jibe with the quality of product on offer. They have to pick one or the other: high-end remaster with promises of same or low-cost port with an equally low price tag and no hyperbole.
Awesome game that's worth a play if you never played it before but if you already own it, this remaster seems a little basic.
I also played this on PC, so I already played the definitive version (60fps) so I won't be picking this up myself. I'm really looking forward to Dishonored 2 though.
Right but the game didn't even have an fps lock on pc to begin with, it's not like they would have had to do any extra work (framerate not locked to animations like in some shitty developed games).
So their port has to be a broken mess performance wise that they had to lock it to 30 fps.
Saying a game doesn't deserve better according a a publisher and that publisher making a 'remaster' 'honoring' it (cashgrab) is a bit of a paradox isn't it.
It doesn't so much show how little bethesda think of the dishonored IP, it shows how little they think of their fans and customers.
This is why you should never treat a remaster like some kind of tribute to a game, they're cash grabs and if you're lucky they'll put some effort and give you the pc textures or maybe redo lara's nose or redo a few textures and add a new form of AO , you know, the kind of touch ups any random modder will generally do for a pc game in their free time, none of it justifying 30-40-60 dollar price tag.
Remakes should just be some kind of playstation platinum style thing, a new print of an old game (fixed up) for a new platform, at a bargain price. (and then you realise this wouldn't be neccesary to begin with if there was backward compatibility)
Framerate disappointments aside, I'd say it's the second best game my PS4 can currently play, right behind Witcher 3. MGS5 will probably make it the 3rd best. That's still really good.
Look its not a bad game, I owned it and played it - the aesthetic is awesome, the story-telling was okay and the stealth was fun but this "remaster" is clearly an advertisement for the upcoming game. This shit needs to stop.
I maintain that any remaster that comes out, during this generation, is filler.
I just bought this with no regrets. I played the original for a few hours and really liked it, so it will be nice to play through this all the way, even though it's a meager upgrade.
If you never owned it, and you bought it, then I say you've got yourself a great game. Its fun, not incredibly deep and the aesthetic is great. The game has been out for a while now, its documented how much people like it. I definitely bought it, I liked it too.
As I indicated with "again", its aimed at anyone who owned it on the previous console. God help you if you bought this game for the PC and then want to buy it on ps4/x1.
Out of interest, of those cards in the benchmark, which would be a close match for a the PS4's GPU?
And it seems they've mis-titled this game. There appears to be exactly fuck all that's definitive about it.
I'm usually pretty ok with remasters etc as up until recently they usually had some effort applied to them. But the work shown with Prototype and now this is establishing a lazy and damaging trend. This one has really pissed me off as Dishonored is a good game, played it on 360 at release and it also looks and plays great on my PC. It deserved better than this kind of cash-in.