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Do you feel the game awards are biased?


Incredibly biased, i like the new god of war and even the 2nd game but does it warrant a goty? No, eldeb ring a game i find pretty over rated imo was still way more innovative then the games that are getting nominated unfortunately though id say there is way more better indie games that deserve it but you know they make a genre for them to stop them from winning it, just like theres a genre for racing to stop them from winning anything


Gaming is my cup of tea. I have a PC, PS5, and Quest 2, and I'm also planning to buy an Xbox for Christmas this year for backwards compatibility. I don't give a shit about petty bickering on which console is better. I'm talking about the reality of the situation. Scorn disappointed in everything except the visuals, while Stray was a critical darling. Both games are comparable because both were highly anticipated indie titles supported by competing console platforms. Sony also puts out a lot of smaller indie titles, so does Microsoft, and I enjoy a lot of those games regardless of the platform. But Scorn/Stray comparison is fair due to their fairly high profile status. Stray was a clear winner here.
I haven't played Stray and from what I have seen it looks like a fairly original game, but I will not comment on it further. People complained about Scorn's combat which is understandable ( I didn't have a problem with it because it clearly was never meant to be an action game) but it has an atmosphere unlike any other game out there and thematically it is one of the most unique games so I am glad MS helped the developer to finally finish their vision. By that I mean that I am glad this game exists, because my 6-8 hours were well spent with it.

As for triple-A first party support, obviously there were far more of these on PS4/PS5 so far. I mean, it's not even a debate, it's the reality. And once again, I don't give a shit about allegiances. I'm only interested in the games and it just so happens that Sony's output in triple-A first party exclusives is far higher than Microsoft's, hence why they have more visibility during awards shows.
If you are into 3rd person narrative heavy games then obviously Sony is so much better than Xbox. But not everybody is (for example, I have played majority of Sony's big games but was truly blown away only by one game). People have different tastes and I am glad xbox caters to mine. That said, I will not go to forums and say Sony sucks and have shit games. It is OK to have allegiances based on the games you like. Most of people here play stuff the like on consoles they like, Cap Obvious.

What I find stupid about all of this is how Xbronies will always find a way to twist the narrative around to shit all over Playstation. Stop spending so much time on the internet you literal children.
You just shat all over xbox, dude! Talk about being a hypocrite.


If you are into 3rd person narrative heavy games then obviously Sony is so much better than Xbox. But not everybody is (for example, I have played majority of Sony's big games but was truly blown away only by one game). People have different tastes and I am glad xbox caters to mine. That said, I will not go to forums and say Sony sucks and have shit games. It is OK to have allegiances based on the games you like. Most of people here play stuff the like on consoles they like, Cap Obvious.
Not sure what is the point that you were trying to make here.

To put it simply, many people seem to be butthurt about the fact that TGAs got only Sony exclusives as nominees for this year, but my argument is that it's not because TGAs are biased but more because there was literally zero competition from Microsoft this year on the first-party triple-A scene.

You just shat all over xbox, dude! Talk about being a hypocrite.
Eh, more like pointing out that it seems like most of the time it's the Xbox fanboys who tend to instigate those stupid console war discussions.


What I meant is that they follow the same template, right down to the UI that only gets a new coat of paint but generally consists of the same elements. The career mode is the same, the online features are the same, it has the same cosmetics, cars, driving model, radio stations, etc.

I don't mind this at all because the original blueprint is still fun as hell, but I get why it could've been ignored. It feels like they're barely iterating on the formula, and save for the new map to drive around in, there's barely anything new in each subsequent game. You could probably mash those last 3-4 games into one giant live service game where you can jump around the globe to different locations and it would still feel like a cohesive product.

And I would agree that it's a similar situation for games like Horizon Forbidden West or Assassin's Creed Whatever, but I strongly disagree about games like Doom Eternal or The Witcher 3. Those last two made a significant leap compared to their predecessors, and in a lot of ways redefined their own genres so they're far more deserving of a special recognition.

But yeah, at the end of the day, a lot of these criteria seem knda arbitrary and a lot of it is based on how people simply feel about certain games, and it's difficult to quantify something like that.
Tbh I don’t think many games at all take a significant leap over the predecessor, most games are just prettier iterations of games we’ve already played, could have a new story and some smaller gameplay changes but it’s roughly the same thing for anyone not already interested.

But imo that’s fine, a great game is a great game even if it’s just a refinement of another great game.

If things needs to be new only Stray would deserve the GOTY this year among the nominees.


Not sure what is the point that you were trying to make here.

To put it simply, many people seem to be butthurt about the fact that TGAs got only Sony exclusives as nominees for this year, but my argument is that it's not because TGAs are biased but more because there was literally zero competition from Microsoft this year on the first-party triple-A scene.
Well, there shouldn't be any reason to complain about that because MS hasn't had a single AAA release this year. Personally, I'm a bit surprised Sea of Thieves was snubbed in the ongoing category as their passion and the rate at which they add content is hard to beat. And Grounded got ignored which bums me out, because they build such a rich, complex world in it and it plays like a dream, too.

Eh, more like pointing out that it seems like most of the time it's the Xbox fanboys who tend to instigate those stupid console war discussions.
It is because you have a beef with xbox or its fans so that seems that way, but it really isn't.


Not really. The winners are usually well deserved. There is no bias.
How could you possibly know that for sure? Its a show that makes its money from selling advertising time to the highest bidder. The end game is to make you watch, they will do anything to do that. All they want is the numbers to go up, no matter what metric they use to perceive value. Because of this, all implied impartiality is compromised, thus the game awards are a cringe circus fuelled by corporate interest. All award shows are the same. Just because you agreed with the results, doesn't mean I'm wrong.


Thers a Bias but not in the way most ppl think. Even if i dont agree with the winners, they are usually deserved.
But If a creator denies to appear in person in the awards, they might not be considered to the awards. This happened with Pewdiepie and im sure smaller game creators might be treated in the same way, but usually someone else representing them go the the show.
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How could you possibly know that for sure? Its a show that makes its money from selling advertising time to the highest bidder. The end game is to make you watch, they will do anything to do that. All they want is the numbers to go up, no matter what metric they use to perceive value. Because of this, all implied impartiality is compromised, thus the game awards are a cringe circus fuelled by corporate interest. All award shows are the same. Just because you agreed with the results, doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Your making the claim but you have no real proof. Show me some evidence that there is actual bias. Your seeing bias where there is none just because they don't agree with you. It's actually your own bias that's making you see it that way.


Your making the claim but you have no real proof. Show me some evidence that there is actual bias. Your seeing bias where there is none just because they don't agree with you. It's actually your own bias that's making you see it that way.
Of course its my bias. I have lived long enough to realise, that through my own life experience's, that the video games industry (and any media industry) has been completely compromised by corporate interest. If you're eyes are on it, chances are there has been a lot of money spent to make sure your attention is worth something. If they can't sell you something, then its not worth it. everything in media these days has a 360 deal attributed to it. No one gets their game on that show for free. If you think they do then I don't know what to tell you. Enjoy I guess. Hope your favourite game wins again.


Me, and my 3 other mail accounts, used to vote in this totally not rigged and full of bots vote don't think there is any reason to believe this is biased in any shape or form.


I think the concept of GotY is just stupid in general. With all the games that come out in a year, there's no way these media outlets or independent reviewers can play all these games. Not to mention personal taste. Someone who loves action heavy games may not like Stealth games, so something like A Plague Tale would not even be on their radar. On top of that, any asshole can give out a GotY award and get counted toward some "Total GOTY Awards" aggerate. I remember in 2020 the never ending masturbatory posts and articles about how many GotY awards TLOU Part 2 won, despite the fact that an enormous portion of those awards were given out by nobodies. Not to mention the list of how many people can give out GotY awards continues to inflate every year, so holding the record for most GotY awards doesn't have that much weight to it when you consider there are far more people who can give out those awards than there were 10 years ago. The whole thing is stupid.

You don't see this stupid bullshit with movies or television. There's only one film per year that can win Best Picture. Gaming on the other hand gives out 500+ awards with the exact same title. Game of the Year.


IMO the host is biased but the show itself is not... it's all an ebb and flow of what's released by publishers each year and it's all opinions based on various judges.


aka IMurRIVAL69
No. I’ve heard Gerstmann talk about the voting process and it sounds legit. He said not every publisher submits their games for judging. But Ragnarok etc has been in the hands of voters for a long time.


Yes it is, but i only watch for the trailer's anyway. hoping there is some surprise game announced that's really good!.


Heh, too lazy to check, but I wonder if a game that was released between Nov 19 and Dec 31 of the previous year has ever won an award?
Super Smash Bros won in 2019 and released late 2018 but it’s probably rare. Most people has accepted that the year goes from Jan 1st to Dec 31st, hopefully Geoff will too eventually. Could be weirder though, Elden Ring already got it’s first GOTY award back in september.
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Of course, it´s the video games industry version of the Oscars. It´s entirely political.

The dev studio which does the most to spread liberal Marxist propaganda wins all the awards. Just look at the Last of Us 2.
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Biased? Yea, probably. I thought I saw stray, of all games, nominated for GOTY. Not to knock the dev, but are we being serious here? 😂. Also, I still remember Geoff’s reaction to the Xbox series x reveal at his own award show. All he was missing was the yawn and eye roll. Honestly, it’s fine. I just don’t take any of it seriously.
Biased? Yea, probably. I thought I saw stray, of all games, nominated for GOTY. Not to knock the dev, but are we being serious here? 😂. Also, I still remember Geoff’s reaction to the Xbox series x reveal at his own award show. All he was missing was the yawn and eye roll. Honestly, it’s fine. I just don’t take any of it seriously.


The only good thing about these awards videos are the trailers and orchestra section. Fortunately, they will be uploaded as their own videos afterwords, so there is no need to waste all my time on it when it shows up on youtube.


Of course it is.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron, and the people who give that show any value for its "awards" are laughable.

I only watch it for some reveals and so on and they fail at that most of the time.


Gold Member
Of course they are.
But they are usually biased towards the “right” games so they aren‘t for most people. See that other thread with the “wrong” games being awarded.
Well considering game quality is purely subjective, then yes every single person and award is biased by their own opinion (and potentially other people's opinions/money). I'll never understand why people put so much weight behind award shows as if those people's opinions actually determine the quality of the games. Is it some weird attempt at validating their opinion? Having somebody to be angry at because they didn't pick your favorite game? The sooner people realize that award shows are just somebody else's opinion and not some objective measure of quality, the better
I never got it. January is usually a pretty slow month so you would think these awards would just do their awards then instead of basically having their nominees and probably winners already selected around Halloween.
I wonder if the timing has to do with trying to pump up Christmas season sales


Gold Member
They're not actually games awards more than popularity and sound/visual art contests... I mean, if they were strictly gameplay driven, they'd have level design, player controls, user interface, ai system, rewards and punishment systems and whatever related to gaming there, but no... "motion capture actor", "streamer of the year" and other stuff are more important it seems.... Like they don't actually play the games


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Geoff is based and true. The man dines on the finest of chips and drinks the Elixir of the Gods.

May the Dorito Pope and Dew Lord reign supreme forever.


All this is people are just trying to find excuses for themselves why Xbox hasn't had games to match Sony's (or Nintendo's) first party portfolio. There is no bias. Xbox published games just has not been anything special in a long time.


Yeah they are biased towards Oscar-like awards instead of adding more gameplay awards, thats what annoys me.
Some developers sweat their asses making world/level design and there's no award for this very important aspect. This is just one example.


Gold Member
It’s infuriating because Bayonetta has some incredible gameplay, but the western journalists only see close ups of her crotch from their own perspective. Which with Bayo 3 I never saw that or thought to myself that this was far too sexualized. Can we tell that person that we, the player, actually use combos and techniques in these games. They aren’t wanking simulators. I think there’s some janky opinions within the gaming industry. Some low ball judgement calls based on their “-“experience”-“ as “-“expert game journalist”-“. It’s complete BS when you’ve gamer all your life and you’re watching people give out awards to whatever pleases them the most. It’s probably legit in terms of the process. I think the gaming industry has so many different sides claiming they want X, Y, and Z. You can’t please everyone.
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