This is something I long wanted to get off my chest and it's especially urgent now in light of the debate about Nintendo's shitty 1st-party lineup in the past 2 years (my opinion).
Basically, I don't play games to waste time or because I'm bored. I could watch movies or read books if that was all. No, I play games because I feel they add something to my life, lasting memories that stay with me. That's why I love big, complex 3d-games (with often open worlds) - the travels through BotW's Hyrule were like real wandering through an exciting, fascinating environment. Same with Xenoblade X, Xenoblade 2 or Skyrim and Witcher 3. Where other people go on vacation, I go on a journey in these games.
Then there's also stories. This is rare, but the stories in games I love the most are those that are based on reality. For example, while Xenoblade 1 and 2 have this iyf jrpg-fantasy plot, the core of the story is Takahashi Tetsuya's experience with actual existential philosophy (in this case Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz' Monadology). Then there's Shin Megami Tensei 4 that has all these cazy demons and angels - but at the end it comes to real physics, string theory and it even mentions the concept of branes.
These games stay with me, not as video games, but as life experiences that enrichen who I am and make me think.
And now to return to the start: that's why I 'hate' games like Animal Crossing, Pilmin, Mario, ARMS, Splatoon, Bayonetta or Labo - they don't 'give' me anything. These are just games that I'd play to counter boredom, to waste time. And that's why I'm never looking forward to those. That's why 2018's Switch lineup was entirely empty for me (Xenoblade 2 DLC aside) and 2019 was even worse. And now for the 3rd year all I have to look forward to are an old game (Xenoblade DE) and *maybe* BotW2 - at the very end of the year. :/
So anyway, what type of gaming raison d'etre do you lean towards? Are gaming a time waster for you? Do you play them for a staying experience like me? Maybe it's all about competition for you? Or something else entirely? Tell us why you play video games
Basically, I don't play games to waste time or because I'm bored. I could watch movies or read books if that was all. No, I play games because I feel they add something to my life, lasting memories that stay with me. That's why I love big, complex 3d-games (with often open worlds) - the travels through BotW's Hyrule were like real wandering through an exciting, fascinating environment. Same with Xenoblade X, Xenoblade 2 or Skyrim and Witcher 3. Where other people go on vacation, I go on a journey in these games.
Then there's also stories. This is rare, but the stories in games I love the most are those that are based on reality. For example, while Xenoblade 1 and 2 have this iyf jrpg-fantasy plot, the core of the story is Takahashi Tetsuya's experience with actual existential philosophy (in this case Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz' Monadology). Then there's Shin Megami Tensei 4 that has all these cazy demons and angels - but at the end it comes to real physics, string theory and it even mentions the concept of branes.
These games stay with me, not as video games, but as life experiences that enrichen who I am and make me think.
And now to return to the start: that's why I 'hate' games like Animal Crossing, Pilmin, Mario, ARMS, Splatoon, Bayonetta or Labo - they don't 'give' me anything. These are just games that I'd play to counter boredom, to waste time. And that's why I'm never looking forward to those. That's why 2018's Switch lineup was entirely empty for me (Xenoblade 2 DLC aside) and 2019 was even worse. And now for the 3rd year all I have to look forward to are an old game (Xenoblade DE) and *maybe* BotW2 - at the very end of the year. :/
So anyway, what type of gaming raison d'etre do you lean towards? Are gaming a time waster for you? Do you play them for a staying experience like me? Maybe it's all about competition for you? Or something else entirely? Tell us why you play video games