I agree that the MS approach of including all their games + some AAA and indies day one on Game PAss doesn't make sense at all in business terms, they are only doing it to grow GP will all these $1 offers and free months to have at least a single metric to brag about in gaming (MAU or 'subscribers'). A metric that doesn't mean a shit if your revenue per user is crap, your user acquisition cost is too fucking high and you have no plan to monetize these players in the short term.Well Jim is right in regards to Sony's business model and even Nintendo's, its not saying what Gamepass is won't work, its saying for Sony and Nintendo, its more a loss then anything as they move record units of software and hardware. So to them, saying here is a service where our biggest IP will appear day 1 and no thank you to those massive millions of units sold that break records of full price games, heres a cheap rental service, simply isn't a positive for them. Its simply not a thing Sony or Nintendo see a reason to jump on just yet when they are moving monster units of hardware and software.
That is an area MS has struggled in since they entered gaming, so gamepass makes complete sense for MS. So I think Jim is saying that cause the record units they sell of software.
Spider-Man PS4 has sold over 20 million units
Spider-Man continues to be one of the best-selling exclusive games on PS4.www.vg247.com
So imagine Jim telling Sony investors that Spiderman 2 will be day 1 on PS Now, be like "hey and no worries about Spiderman 2 doing 20 million units, it will be on a service that is $10 a month that folks will likely just cancel when they beat Spiderman 2......am I doing it right folks?" They know they have IP moving monster units like 10, 13, 16, 20 MILLION etc that is a fuck ton to walk away from in favor of a service that isn't even profitable for the fucking richest company on earth and then be like "Why isn't Sony walking away from moving 20 million units in favor of subscription?"
But it's true that while Sony keeps dominating MS in all areas, now MS may pass them on subscribers and that MS has a better positive buzz with GP, so they could do some steps to improve Plus/Now to counter it. I don't know, something like to announce that they may not put the games there day one but that they will include there all their past games and that will include all their future games one they get old and stop selling (maybe a couple of years or so after launch, at the same time they release them on PC).
They could also relaunch with a big marketing campaign PS Now letting people know the huge catalog with many great games it has plus mentioning it has the best input lag and image quality at 1080p 60fps plus that they also release it for mobiles, tablets and tvs, and that they allow you to buy any game available in the PSN store to play it on streaming and to download it if you have a console. They also could use this campaign to announce they are opening it in way more countries and that starting next year will feature PS5 games and that they start to include PS1 and PS2 classics (the ones available on PS3, PSP and Vita).
They could even rebrand PS Now merging it into PS Plus, that now would be multi tiered service:
-PS Plus Connect: multiplayer + online storage + discounts + games purchased to stream (cheaper than the current Plus, no monthly games, no PS Plus Collection, no PS Now subscription library + available worldwide)
-PS Plus Arcade: PS Plus Connect + Plus monthly games + PS Plus Collection + only downloadable PS Now games library(available worldwide, no PSNow streaming library)
-PS Plus Ultimate: PS Plus Arcade + current streamable PS Now games library (only available on certain countries)
I think that would highly increase their subscriptions while at the same time would make sense in terms of business.
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