Considering I just recently got done rewatching season 6, I'll give my opinions. The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon had neat parts, but way too much time was spent on the entire "the Doctor is totally gonna die guys" and the mystery of the Silence for me to just view it as a stand-alone episode like Boem suggests, and my disappointment at how that all turned out brought down my enjoyment of the episode. I skipped "The Curse of the Black Spot". "The Doctor's Wife" is the highlight of the season. "The Rebel Flesh" and "The Almost People" were dragged out and rather dull, but not terrible. I made an entire post about why I don't like "A Good Man Goes to War" here, and "Let's Kill Hitler" wasn't good either.
"Night Terrors" was actually OK, I thought, but the dolls don't tie into the theme of the episode at all. I actually don't like "The Girl Who Waited", especially since they don't actually do anything with how this is the first time Rory and Amy see the Doctor do something so potentially immoral, and I generally thought it was dull. I'm also not a fan of "The God Complex", which I also thought was largely dull. "Closing Time" is sappy as hell, but the scenes of the Doctor talking to random people were amusing at least. "The Wedding of River Song" is bleh.
"Night Terrors" was actually OK, I thought, but the dolls don't tie into the theme of the episode at all. I actually don't like "The Girl Who Waited", especially since they don't actually do anything with how this is the first time Rory and Amy see the Doctor do something so potentially immoral, and I generally thought it was dull. I'm also not a fan of "The God Complex", which I also thought was largely dull. "Closing Time" is sappy as hell, but the scenes of the Doctor talking to random people were amusing at least. "The Wedding of River Song" is bleh.