only if it's less saiyans, more Dr Rota and androidsBaseball part 2!
only if it's less saiyans, more Dr Rota and androidsBaseball part 2!
only if it's less saiyans, more Dr Rota and androids
Vegeta says this isn't a sport meant for saiyans after his last outing/ being struck out this time, smirks when Caulifla goes up to the plate.Caulifla hits everybody with the baseball and puts them out of commission u6 victory
only if it's less saiyans, more Dr Rota and androids
The Spirit Bomb completely atomized Buu so there was literally nothing left of him to regenerate.
The Evil Containment Wave is only known by a few people and relies on the person not moving to get caught. Plus, it requires other times like the container and seal. If one of these things are missing, the Evil Containment Wave fails. Also, the Evil Containment Wave has a lousy track record. In all of Dragon Ball, it worked twice. One to seal King Piccolo the first time and Roshi using it against the girl from U4. The other times; Roshi missed and died and Zamasu escaped since Goku and Roshi forgot the seal. Tien never got to used it since he broke the container in the manga and Kami got caught by his own Evil Containment Wave after Piccolo reversed it.
Why was he going to use kikoho in the first place when dodonpa is much faster??????
Why was he going to use kikoho in the first place when dodonpa is much faster??????
Same reason he used it in episode 90.Why was he going to use kikoho in the first place when dodonpa is much faster??????
We talking cool cool or "wait for Tien to be cool" cool?Toshio just finished writing a "cool" Vegeta episode.
Keep in mind that episodes are written 5-6 months ahead of airing, so it's definitely not part of the tournament.
dodonpa is for killing
kikoho is for pushing
Same reason he used it in episode 90.
The winner gets a wish on the Super Dragon Balls. What do you think the wish will be?If Vegeta is still around after this arc, then U6 isn't. Unless you're suggesting there won't be lasting consequences in a Dragon Ball arc.
If Vegeta is still around after this arc, then U6 isn't. Unless you're suggesting there won't be lasting consequences in a Dragon Ball arc.Visiting U6 arc.
If Vegeta is still around after this arc, then U6 isn't. Unless you're suggesting there won't be lasting consequences in a Dragon Ball arc.
At the very least I think U6 is making it out of this.
I like villains a lot, I pretty much find them to be the most important part of a narrative. You fuck up the villain and you fuck up the story for me.I must simply have more patience or tolerance regarding Jiren than anyone else on here lol. Right now he's just the mute elephant in the room, and I guess that works for me? I don't really feel any different towards him than I did towards Hit before he started doing stuff. The difference here being that Jiren is obviously taking much longer to do, well anything.
If Jiren doesn't live up to the hype, then I will probably be the most disappointed one on here, but I don't really see that happening, not the way they have been setting him up. I just need Jiren to man-handle the mess out of Goku, and I'm good personally. That's honestly all I need him to do.
Same reason he used it in episode 90.
I like villains a lot, I pretty much find them to be the most important part of a narrative. You fuck up the villain and you fuck up the story for me.
If Vegeta is still around after this arc, then U6 isn't. Unless you're suggesting there won't be lasting consequences in a Dragon Ball arc.
I like villains a lot, I pretty much find them to be the most important part of a narrative. You fuck up the villain and you fuck up the story for me.
I don't care which limb technically accosted Goku's genitals. To be honest Sakyo was fair if I'm not mistaken. Kurama lost because was on the ground after the ten count.
the only successful use of the Mafuba before this arc was on a flashback; Kami's Mafuba was countered, but the mafuba counter is not a mafuba per se so I am barely giving it one successful use
You gonna be okay if... Well, you know.
Oh... as long as Vegeta is taken out with dignity and the episode is good, I'll take it. He had his time to shine in the Future Trunks arc and hopefully being eliminated due to his stubbornness will bring him back down to earth to recover that character development he seems to have lost a little of.
If Vegeta is still around after this arc, then U6 isn't. Unless you're suggesting there won't be lasting consequences in a Dragon Ball arc.
I thought Toguro killed the entire committee before the finals.The referee never claimed Kurama was on the ground too long. That was a committee decision that even the referee called BS on.
Villain, rival, end boss, whatever. Semantics. He bores me regardless of what his narrative mechanic is. He has no story, he's not driving anything as of now and this arc is paced poorly.As far as we know, Jiren is not a villain. There is no reason to look at him as a villain as of yet. Goku is more of a villain than him right now lol.
I thought Toguro killed the entire committee before the finals.
I can't wait for Jiren to get beaten, he is too cocky
Super did Get Out months before it was released.
I know 😫It's gonna take a while
We know Vegeta's going to be fine because of End of Z.
Yeah, and his episode with Cabba is one of my favorites. A shame about Cabba though, he's barely done shit in the tournament.Don't forget his 3 straight wins in the U6 tournament.
And there's this beatdown too.
I'm so fucking glad Ginyu's original VA is back for the Latin dub.
It's helping a lot with this arc lol, but I want to get to the U6 tournament arc already.
Unless Cabba goes through surgery to make himself look like Vegeta, to avenge his fallen master.
Continuing Vegeta's goal to be the best father/husband ever, and to one day surpass Goku.
How come I didn't know Ryo Horikawa (Vegeta's VA) spoke English so well? I'm disappointed in myself.
Oh, didn't notice that, will have to look it up. It's also funny that his Japanese voice for Vegeta sounds so angry and fits the character so well, but when he tries English impressions his voice sounds so calm so not Vegeta lol.It's funny, if you go back to the BoG arc he's the only one who says "God" instead of "Goddo" in regards to Super Saiyan God.
I think it's episode 6 where he outright says "Super Saiya-jin God"
Yeah it's pretty awesome. I think they confirmed Dabura will have his original VA too.I'm so fucking glad Ginyu's original VA is back for the Latin dub.
So for those that watched the JP version, did they censor Gohan's torture here in LatAm?
Best part of Kai: The Final Chapters aside from the dub is watching twintails!Videl again
Yeah it's pretty awesome. I think they confirmed Dabura will have his original VA too.
he has a few grunts if I remember rightBut he doesn't have lines lol.