I had no idea we were getting Buu Kai in Latam. Guess they're keeping the new Buu voice? I don't like it tbh.
It could've been so much worse...like the NA Squeaky Voice
I had no idea we were getting Buu Kai in Latam. Guess they're keeping the new Buu voice? I don't like it tbh.
I wish that was the reason, but I think the Dondon is just a forgotten technique now lol.
he has a few grunts if I remember rightthat's dedication, man!
Freeza is the only one who gets a finger beam now.
Who do you think taught him the technique in the background?Frost does one in the NEP.
I like the theory that Gohan has created a superior Dodon Ray, and Krillin has created a superior Solar Flare, so Tien is too embarrassed to use them,
Reading comments elsewhere on the net I came across a good point.
Gohan has been having fights where he has to learn to use his other senses and react without thinking mainly. Botamo was a pushover, literally, but the after image fighter had him use other ways to sense his opponent, and nowthe Yardrat will help him negate the one weakness he had against his father:
the instant transmission.
Other comments say Gohan will get eliminated early lol
Still no Hit figure ):
Were we meant to be getting leaks today?
Same thing happened in Australia from what I recall. We basically had the US schedule, but we got episodes daily so they had to repeat from the start quite often.Cartoon Network used to restart the damn show in the middle of the Frieza saga. >.< I remember I was so damn pissed. It happened twice.
FINALLY A FUCKING SPIRIT BOMB. How long has it been since new Dragon Ball animation has been out there? 10 years and no spirit bomb smh
Nice. Really hope they handle Frost well.Episode 107 is being directed by the two series directors.
What series?
Episode 107 is being directed by the two series directors.
Still no Hit figure ):
What series?
He already has a WCF one.
Source?So apparently, 4 characters will be eliminated before 109 starts.
None from.U6
So I'm assuming it's gonna be.blue Baby, Vegeta, 18 and 17
Still no Hit figure ):
The poster for the special episodes.
109It seems that there'll be no U7 eliminations till the special: https://twitter.com/GovetaXV/status/905462668152020992
109It seems that there'll be no U7 eliminations till the special: https://twitter.com/GovetaXV/status/905462668152020992
His what, disciple? Well yeah Beerus isn't teaching them shit.Remember during the U6 tournament arc where Whis called Goku "his", and not Beerus's?
Maybe Whis knows his dad was going to eventually turn and wanted to prep strong warriors to fight against him.
The world wasn't prepared for Handsome Piccololol that avatar
Maybe Whis is very possessiveRemember during the U6 tournament arc where Whis called Goku "his", and not Beerus's?
Maybe Whis knows his dad was going to eventually turn and wanted to prep strong warriors to fight against him.
Must.... avoid.... spoilers.... :x
The world wasn't prepared for Handsome Piccolo
Well that lets me breathe a little easierhow da fuck is Roshi gonna survive next ep tho? Him making it through 105 already felt like a stretch
His what, disciple? Well yeah Beerus isn't teaching them shit.
The poster for the special episodes.
One Piece relatedwhat did Luffy do this time to have another team mate fight him?
Either Jiren is going to eliminate a lot of people or the special is not the climax at all.