Ah OK.Post game. You reach the DLC area by going to the purple waypoint in the starting town.
Ah OK.Post game. You reach the DLC area by going to the purple waypoint in the starting town.
So I think I beat the game? The credits roled after beatingbut it continued afterwards. Is that the dlc stuff?the dragon
The real game starts nowKeep playing. There's more to the story left.
The real game starts now
You though KH intro was long ?
The whole freakin story is intro !![]()
I've never used an ENB before, all I want to do is remove the vignette. In the enblocal.ini DisableVignette is set to true but the vignette is still there.
Pay a visit to gran soren everfallSo I think I beat the game? The credits roled after beatingbut it continued afterwards. Is that the dlc stuff?the dragon
Have you set the HDR in-game to high?
Nope, that's on Low.
I don't want any of the other stuff that ENB offers as I'm already using GeDoSaTo's post processing for my effects.
Because inappropriate pawn names are automatically changed since others can use your pawn.So uh, weird question: Why am I seeing my pawn's censored name, and not the real name? I have online turned on, but I don't see anything about parental controls.
oh, i thought ENB needed HDR set to low?I believe any form of ENB effects (including vignette off) won't work with low HDR. You have to set it on high.
Because inappropriate pawn names are automatically changed since others can use your pawn.
oh, i thought ENB needed HDR set to low?
I named her Selene. I doubt that's inappropriate.
Decided to switch to Warrior and bought a hammer. Bitch slapped a Cyclops on my way to do that Lost and Found quest. Crushed the knees and went ham on it. Probably going to level a few other vocations for the passive skills, but I love playing the slower and deliberate weapons. I think that's the way I'll progress for now. I want to play around with the archer at some point, too.Lance and Hammer player from Monster Hunter, so I guess that's where that comes from.
Is there some way to roll/dodge mid combat that I'm missing?
There is a NPC with that name, that's probably why if I had to guess.
Have I got the ugly scrapper for you:I think I am at a pretty even 50/50 gender split for my pawn hires, only I have to go much more out of my way to find male pawns since there are so many females. I always pick pawns based on their looking unique or original in some way. I actively avoid hiring any dolled up girls or ones designed to look like little kids and any that have what I deem a "stupid" name. If your pawn is elderly, fat, skinny, ugly, black or any other non-caucasian, there's like a 99.9% chance I want it on my team.
Is there some way to roll/dodge mid combat that I'm missing?
I could have sworn that the interface buttons on the screen were actual xbox controller buttons (i.e. showing A,B,X,Y, etc.) when I first started the game. Now no matter what I do, I'm seeing keyboard numeric keys. Am I seeing things?
I believe any form of ENB effects (including vignette off) won't work with low HDR. You have to set it on high.
Striders / Rangers have roll skills and reset, which lets you return to neutral super fast. It's pretty neat.
Also, remember how it took me 40 minutes on my first cyclops? Not anymore.
I love playing mystic knight. Becoming a wall, parrying everything, while magic cannon and ruinous sigil fire and my pawns launch bows and spells is something else.
Still haven't even met the duke yet. This is a super fun game.
I could have sworn that the interface buttons on the screen were actual xbox controller buttons (i.e. showing A,B,X,Y, etc.) when I first started the game. Now no matter what I do, I'm seeing keyboard numeric keys. Am I seeing things?
Have I got the ugly scrapper for you:
Wario can take a thrashing.
Roll skill is actually tied to having daggers equipped, so Assassin and Magick Archer can use it as well.
Well dang, can I change the name of my Pawn?
That got it working, thanks!
Edit: I should also say that it's cool that I can have both ENB and GeDoSaTo's post processing running at the same time with no issues.
What are the sort of things that carry over when you level multiple inclinations? I started the game as Strider, then went Assassin, and now Warrior. Am I missing anything by not leveling Fighter first?
What are the benefits of rolling? It seems so...benign. When is it helpful?
What are the sort of things that carry over when you level multiple inclinations? I started the game as Strider, then went Assassin, and now Warrior. Am I missing anything by not leveling Fighter first?
What are the benefits of rolling? It seems so...benign. When is it helpful?
Doing the quest in the quarry, barely kill the first Ogre. There is a second one? WTH I can't do it... =(
Doing the quest in the quarry, barely kill the first Ogre. There is a second one? WTH I can't do it... =(
Post game. You reach the DLC area by going to the purple waypoint in the starting town.
Thank you all for helping! It's really late now though, so the adventure will have to start tomorrow.
fought the ogre thing in the pawn guild underground spiral area thing. kicked my ass like 5 times. i climb on the 6th go.
he tries to bodyslam me off him i guess. he bodyslams off the staircase 5 stories into the crevice below with me still on him.
dragon's dogma.
My pawn got carried to their death by that bastard.Same thing happened to me
Super nitpick but why does it say 16:-04 when the in-game clock says 16:24?
Anyway, impressive. They really prepared the NG+ run well.
Halfway through BBI, then off to finish the post-game.
Some gripes for the PC version:
Regarding Hard Mode: a lot of the changes are clearly the result of a quick band-aid fix. Some tweaks to damage, Gold rates, Stamina usage and maybe even a Turbo mode a la DMC would make for a great hard mode. Hopefully a mod changes some of these things.
- Some early achievements haven't popped.
- My Pawn has earned nothing
- Hard Mode is exactly the same as it was on consoles.
I guess when I'm done I'm restarting and doing the Bitterblack Challenge.
Because inappropriate pawn names are automatically changed since others can use your pawn.
Doing the quest in the quarry, barely kill the first Ogre. There is a second one? WTH I can't do it... =(
Same thing happened to me
Augments. You're not missing anything other than the Fighter's augments, which you can still get anytime. Other than that, stats growth. Each vocations has it own stats growth, it's not important though.