Hey I just noticed, that's my Pawn on the left! Or at least it is if she's named "Lisa." I'll look for yours when I get home and play, cheers.
Does interacting with the pawn rift stone "rest" them to update them for others? Or do I literally need to sleep in a bed?Yup.
So, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
So, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
I'm glad she was helpful but I actually sent her down the path of Sorcerer last night because she has had Mage maxed out for ages now and actually has all the skills/augments unlocked. So enjoy those heals while they last, because once you send her back she won't have them, heh. She got a way cooler outfit in the process, though, so swings and roundabouts I guess.Yeah, I think that's Lisa. I'll have to check the owner next time. She's been a huge help with all the buffing and healing and occasional firebomb. Tharp... uh... Daddy or whatever's Wulf is the other pawn (the one looking away from the image because of how damn stoic he is)--and he's also great, save that pawns absolutely suck at that charge-up melee move.
I haven't sent either back in a long time simply because of how good this group has worked out--a mage to keep the party alive and provide support (Lisa); a heavy, blunt-damage warrior to break armour and undead (Wulf); a tanky dude that will draw fire to him (Irval, my pawn); and my Arisen, Goreman, who is a killing machine with dagger and bow.
I'm kinda boring in the sense that I just cover all basic directions, usually. I'm currently levelling Warrior and my Pawn is Sorcerer so I get a Mage for healing and something Strider-ish as the second Pawn. If I or my Pawn were levelling other vocations I'd similarly include vocations/paths not covered by me or my Pawn.So, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
So, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
Currently still rocking Fighter (one more stamp? until maxed out) as my Arisen, Mage as my pawn and fighter/strider as other pawns. Should maybe swap the latter some day, I think I've been using Terra's pawn since forever now lolSo, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
You found Suda51's Pawn.It's quite nice to come home after a hard day murdering to find grown, large men dressed in pink ballet wear and tiaras.
Just came upon a pack of goblins and I could've sworn one of them said " who let the dogs out".
Arisen=Magick archerSo, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
My pawn is getting a good amount of loveI made the same one as I did on PS3, a female mage focused on support, she got a ton of love on PS3 too.
I originally had her a mix of support and attack, but I recently changed her to full on support and buffing, gonna see how it goes.
Also, I usually ran with a sorcerer in my group, but I'm gonna see how leaving a sorcerer out of the group goes. I feel like they make the game a little too easy once they have access to the higher skills.
Yeah, probably hardmode or even the later parts of BBI I'll grab a sorc if things start getting out of hand lolYeah, this is why I never hire sorcerer pawns anymore.
Perhaps they're perfect for hardmode NG+ later, as I've never done that before.
I'm glad she was helpful but I actually sent her down the path of Sorcerer last night because she has had Mage maxed out for ages now and actually has all the skills/augments unlocked. So enjoy those heals while they last, because once you send her back she won't have them, heh. She got a way cooler outfit in the process, though, so swings and roundabouts I guess.
I'll be switching her back to Mage as soon as. I was farming vocation ranks near the Greatwall Encampment and I didn't want her XP to go to waste on an already maxed vocation so I put her on the most natural unlevelled one.Eh, maybe I'll go mage/sorcerer some time. I last did it in the mid-teens, so there weren't many skills for either to take advantage of.
Speaking of pawns, I'm curious: what do y'all look for in a pawn, anyways? Like, how deep does your analysis into their abilities go?
I look at their skills, mainstat, augments, inclinations, and gear. It's amazing to me how many people at HIGH LEVEL, like 50+, have pawns with no augments, or not enough to fill the list, and unupgraded skills. Some people really neglect their pawns. Sometimes I'll see an amazing pawn and it'll be like, acquisitor/pioneer or some shit. Deal breaker.
If you want a good pawn (currently a Fighter), add me on steam, same username.
Done. If you're not the Bat Man MGSV dude I've made a terrible mistake.
And man, the inclination stuff is tough. I know it influences a lot, but I have so little idea on how to control it. The inn chair doesn't do much. So I can't blame people for doing terrible things with it.
what to do with all this muscle
So, what's your main/usual party composition, gaf?
My character is an assassin/mystic knight, and my main pawn is a fighter/warrior who is focusing on small monsters. I always bring a mage with me for healing and an archer/strider for the big monsters. It's quite balanced for most situation, I'd say.
I roll with a Strider / Mystic Archer and a Mage pawn (for healing). I then pick a Fighter / Warrior pawn and a Sorcerer pawn.
Seems pretty balanced because I can pivot on both roles (ranged and close combat) depending on the needs.
Gotta get those cheevos.
I can't confirm it myself as I haven't used ENB but this poster a few pages back reported good results:Anyone know how you do debanding on ENB?
ENB with high precision rendering + subtle noise effect = NO MORE BANDING
you can actually even see details that you couldn't see before, and it looks even better in-game, you don't see all those little specs as much as you do in this screenshot.
You can use any recent preset, just make sure high precision mode is enabled, and make sure there is an effect.txt file with the noise effect included with the ENB. Also make sure HDR is set to HIGH in the game settings of course or ENB won't work.
I set the noise effect to these so that it is very subtle:
Grain Motion = 1.0000
Grain Saturation = 1.000
Grain Intensity 0.001
you can adjust the effect by bringing up the in game ENB editor, and opening up the effect.txt tab in the shader parameters window. I also turned off Edge Smoothing and LumaSharpen in the effect.txt settings.
I have no ENB effects enabled at all so it's not really worth sharing lol
If you don't use any ENB effects at all, the FPS impact will be very small, if any at all. Just uncheck all the extra stuff like AO, DoF, BLOOM, etc, and then CHECK UseOriginalPostProcessing. It should then look like vanilla DDDA.
I assume ENB since it seems to actually enable a higher color depth instead of applying a filter/shader across the whole image to hide the shortcomings which tends to result in loss of details. I'm not too much into this, just what I gathered from reading several posts on the matter.What deband is better : Gosato, ENB or Reshade ?
My question holds for any other preset.
I usually use reshade, it is so easy but this game seems to be open for many combinations.
/deadThe best part about Dragon's Dogma is having a Waluigi Arisen + a Wario pawn and an acquaintance making a Waluigi mage to compliment our melee prowess. Diversity!
Look at this handsome devil.
You're adorable.ascalon, if i recall correctly
Yeah I was just in the Rift trying to get pawns and ugh. Tons of them have unupgraded gear, have the silver ring equipped (whyyyy), bad inclinations (more forgiveable since it's a bit more obtuse but still), terrible skills loadouts... Surefire way not to get hired, guys.I look at their skills, mainstat, augments, inclinations, and gear. It's amazing to me how many people at HIGH LEVEL, like 50+, have pawns with no augments, or not enough to fill the list, and unupgraded skills. Some people really neglect their pawns. Sometimes I'll see an amazing pawn and it'll be like, acquisitor/pioneer or some shit. Deal breaker.
If you want a good pawn (currently a Fighter), add me on steam, same username.
Visit the Black Cat for some cross-dressing-allowed lady outfits...And yet the thong remains gender-locked...
I wound up not using ENB after all solely due to the fact that HDR needs to be set to High for it to work. Why is this the case? That setting makes all of the lights enormous and overly bright at night.
They look cute & awesome!! Nice job!
I wound up not using ENB after all solely due to the fact that HDR needs to be set to High for it to work. Why is this the case? That setting makes all of the lights enormous and overly bright at night.
This mod is a must for those who are using ENB imho, as it forces you to set HDR to high and it's very distracting.
Don't Blind Me.
http://enbdev.com/mod_dragonsdogma_v0297.htmVersion updated, download again
Fixed flickering detailed shadows when playing in some areas of the map. Added DisablePalette parameter to enblocal.ini which greatly decrease color banding with high precision rendering enabled (but useless in prologue).
Boris just made a pretty throughout post explaining why.I wound up not using ENB after all solely due to the fact that HDR needs to be set to High for it to work. Why is this the case? That setting makes all of the lights enormous and overly bright at night.
http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68768#p68768It's not my problem that game utilize hdr in wrong way (the most games actually), but it's my problem to make world parameters scaling up possible without oversaturating, which can't be done with hdr=low which means no hdr. With hdr enabled game draws all 3d objects to 64 bit hdr render target, but all 2d post effects like dof, sun rays drawed in to ldr texture, but it still use linear space of hdr. Even game hud drawed to linear color space of ldr texture (wtf) and then this ldr texture is converted to gamma space at very end of frame and here the badning occurs, because pow(color, 1/2.2) for very low color produce huge error difference. Even using high precision rendering mode with 16 bit per channel ldr textures (instead of 10 bit per channel by the game) not helps to fix the issue. So game have two architectural bugs in renderer - using hdr in very limited range of intensities, using linear color space for ldr textures with gamma correction later. Even 8 bit per channel is fine, if things done properly.
This is such bullshit. Happened like twice to me yesterday after I got him down to ~15% of his last health bar. Fucker needs to grow a pair.and then he fled