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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PC |OT| Wolves hunt in 4K

I only see 40 pawns from my friend list, and 2 friends can't see my pawn in their list :(

Also, regarding post-game
Any tips for Ur-Dragon? I'm level 47 and I don't think I even scratched him.

Also, should I do BBI right now? Or focus on Ur-Dragon first?


I only see 40 pawns from my friend list, and 2 friends can't see my pawn in their list :(

Also, regarding post-game
Any tips for Ur-Dragon? I'm level 47 and I don't think I even scratched him.

Also, should I do BBI right now? Or focus on Ur-Dragon first?

Get yourself geared from the Everfall or BBI first. Dragonforge all your shit. Stack buffing consumables (+Strength or +Magic) before fighting tough things.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Went back for revenge on my good friend Mr. Drake.

The fight started as the sun was setting and I'd finally won by the time the sun was coming up again. I don't know how long an in-game night is, but it felt like forever. I did NOT come well equipped to fight this guy at all.



when a new enb is released, such as 0.297, do I need to just add the new d3d9.dll to my game directory or all the files? if all the files, wouldnt i override an enb preset?

You need to change/update the dll and other modified files. Not entirely, but say, since Boris added Skylighting in 0.297, you have to change the enbseries.ini or at least to add the new variables Block like:


settings lines

settings lines

settings line

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settings lines


settings lines

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Same goes for enblocal.ini etc...


Can you describe the latter? I don't know how to explain the situation I got into, but I hadn't been in combat for a long while, unless I guess a dead pawn counts? lol...

I meant stuff like Reynard the merchant being clobbered by a bunch of goblins. It might also be something as simple as having a mob too close to your party in some kind of active state. Bottom line is, night time is no different from day time where saving is concerned. The trigger for not being able to save is something else.
found my first drake in
DevilFire Grove

he(it?) was trashing me, ressed a couple of times my pawns

i managed to expose his heart

and then he fled


This is such bullshit. Happened like twice to me yesterday after I got him down to ~15% of his last health bar. Fucker needs to grow a pair.

If they haven't tweaked the Drake somehow, it should never actually flee the whole scene like Griffons do. It only returns to the default spawning position and starts to roam around there again. Depending on how the fight has gone, it may move quite a bit due to this, but should still be available. It shouldn't even heal when resetting unless enough time passes (you go to sleep or something.)
So mimics in this game have no tell what so ever? With no way to even check chests, can't even be bothered to try like this game anymore, its just so bad outside of combat.


I only see 40 pawns from my friend list, and 2 friends can't see my pawn in their list :(

If they can see yours get them to hire it and when it comes back check the menu option for "pawns your main pawn knows" or something like that, that's how I was able to find my friend.

Wish they would just fix this already though, getting annoying.


So mimics in this game have no tell what so ever? With no way to even check chests, can't even be bothered to try like this game anymore, its just so bad outside of combat.
No tell, but at the endgame chests are worthless.

My current pawn group is 2 mages with Legion's Might at this point, just because I'm fighting too many dragons to want to actively keep up with my pawns. My main pawn is still a fighter with decked out tank equip. Works pretty well.
Went back for revenge on my good friend Mr. Drake.

The fight started as the sun was setting and I'd finally won by the time the sun was coming up again. I don't know how long an in-game night is, but it felt like forever. I did NOT come well equipped to fight this guy at all.

hah, beat this guy earlier today and it took even longer for me, went in way under leveled but im not one to turn down a challenge.
fight started in the wee hours of the morning, battle raged as the sun set, fighting him in the darkness was really damn cool, primary light source being his glowing heart, and the more than occasional fire breath, and as the sun started to rise it finally went down. a glorious new day to a world with one less drake in it.

also it got me a dragonforged crimson cape, gee thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
PSA: Don't defeat the final boss of Bitterblack Isle. It triggers a missing credit cut scene that causes the game to crash. I think I'm fucked.

edit: The solution is to "reinstall" the game on your C: drive. Sigh.


People who want their pawns rented: please post your steam URL and your pawn name. I'm more than willing to take some lowbies for a tour of BBI.
As in the cutscene trigger worked for you? Or there was an error? Sorry, just a bit surprised. Closing in on the fight so don't wanna lose stuff if something weird is going on.
I haven't run into Noray's crash(I finished BBI and watched the scenes there without any problem), but all of the cutscenes from the main game have stopped after a few seconds for me, like the one after the prologue and the few after grigori. I could still hit the skip button and continue with the game though.
Brilliant times in game lately, boss fights finally have been flowing perfectly, and that epic feeling when you start to get great synergy from your pawns (a bloody amazing system I must say!!).

Also, if anyone in DragonGAF wants to hook my pawn up with her first away trip, that would be awesome! Level 28 Mage - Holy Healing Focus with a dash of pizazz. Her name is Eir Titanle, she is a true adventurer who's never been hired from the Rift :/

Steam profile name: Ivory Samoan
Pawn name: Eir Titanle


The sky banding at night is terrible. Even the enb stuff doesn't completely eliminate it. Really surprised such an eyesore was allowed to be part of a shipped game.


I completely forgot about golems being invulnerable to magic.

Fucking mage support kept "buffing" my pawn's weapon to make her do less damage. :mad:


People who want their pawns rented: please post your steam URL and your pawn name. I'm more than willing to take some lowbies for a tour of BBI.

Super generous of you. :) my pawn is going to know way more about BBI than me by the time I get there lol


Pawn name: Kayla

Btw, if anyone has suggestions for pawn building after using my pawn, feel free to share. I've gotten the inclinations sorted and she has a nice staff but still need to gear her a bit better and maybe shift some skills around.


Can't seem to get anyone to hire my pawn. Got a couple hires early on but it's been pretty dead since then. Fairly decent gear Sorcerer with scather. He doesn't have Maelstrom so you'll definitely be able to see


Added you, will take you around for a bit with me.

What to do with all this RC. :(

I'm pulling in at least 3 million a day since it started working. I started with around 4 million from my 360 save. =/


Pawn name: Papa Bear
don't ask

Exactly what I need, adding you.

Super generous of you. :) my pawn is going to know way more about BBI than me by the time I get there lol


Pawn name: Kayla

Btw, if anyone has suggestions for pawn building after using my pawn, feel free to share. I've gotten the inclinations sorted and she has a nice staff but still need to gear her a bit better and maybe shift some skills around.

Added you both.


meh i want to get the carrying weight limit augment for my pawn but don't want to put her on fighter, I'll just do that last and I guess I'll use lighter gears instead



Well... yeah.

Finally, got around to playing last night. Still as good as I remember. This time around I'm trying for a balanced/min-max (yes, I know it isn't necessary - I've played the game before so this is something I'm doing for fun) build. I've also been rushing to BBI and abusing hard mode to get Rings of Perseverance. I want to get two for myself and two for my pawn. So far, I have 3 out of 4. Feel a bit bad about summoning some pawns as fodder/distractions.

Managed to get to level 10 and switch right away. Now I just need to get the last Ring of Perseverance and get my pawn to level 10 so I can switch vocations for her. Then I can finally get started on the story.

FWIW here's my Arisen build I'm going for (credit to Karathrax at GameFAQs who came up with it - it looked fun to me):

1-10 Strider
11 - 40 M. Knight
41 - 100 Assassin
101 - 200 Sorcerer

Pawn (also from GameFAQs, can't remember the user who came up with it though):

1 - 10 Fighter
11 - 73 Ranger
74 - 100 Warrior
101 - 176 Sorcerer
177 - 199 Ranger
199 - 200 Strider

In addition to min-maxing, I've also made it a goal to max out as much as my pawn's knowledge of everything as I can.

You might wanna switch the assassin before MK, good luck getting gar for on at level 10.

You can use any recent preset, just make sure high precision mode is enabled, and make sure there is an effect.txt file with the noise effect included with the ENB. Also make sure HDR is set to HIGH in the game settings of course or ENB won't work.

I set the noise effect to these so that it is very subtle:
Grain Motion = 1.0000
Grain Saturation = 1.000
Grain Intensity 0.001

you can adjust the effect by bringing up the in game ENB editor, and opening up the effect.txt tab in the shader parameters window. I also turned off Edge Smoothing and LumaSharpen in the effect.txt settings.

I have no ENB effects enabled at all so it's not really worth sharing lol

If you don't use any ENB effects at all, the FPS impact will be very small, if any at all. Just uncheck all the extra stuff like AO, DoF, BLOOM, etc, and then CHECK UseOriginalPostProcessing. It should then look like vanilla DDDA.

I wish I understood any of this.


I don't understand why the character doesn't start with a dodge or block ability (I'm playing as a Strider). Really crappy design choice.


Anyone with a Fighter Pawn:

What build are you using and why?

Currently I'm Mitigator/Utilitarian

Sword: Burst Strike, Steel Will, Antler Toss
Shield: Launchboard, Divine Defense, Shield Drum

I thought Utilitarian might force her to use defenseive skills to aid the party, and sometimes it works out, like: shield drum and gather as many enemies as possible, blink strike/toss them all at once.

Sometimes she does like to sit just outside of battle hunkering down for no reason.

I'm thinking a few things:

Removing all defenseive skills, switching to Scather/Mitigator, and allowing her to go all out attack.

Removin a few skills. Is it better to have a full set of 3/3, or less specific skills that they use more often?

Is there a better way to set up a defensive Fighter if they're actually useful (maybe for casters?).

I seem to be getting decent feedback on her usefulness, but I'm pretty much winging this.


Anyone else having trouble with the music in game?
Combat music works fine, but any other time there's nothing or like 10 seconds then it stops?
Really kills the atmosphere.


Ok, I've just found out I was playing the Assassin vocation in the wrong way: just switched from sword + bow to daggers + bow and I'm really loving it so far, daggers really suit the Assassin playstyle, not so powerful as a sword but much faster and funnier. I also bought the Easy Kill skill and holy **** that feeling when one of these overpowered bandits is going to impale you and you end up cutting his throat

I would be really appreciated if some of you could show some love for my pawn, she has only been hired thrice :( With Melisandre you will have a highly skilled lvl25 (IIRC) sorceress with red hair and two big and rounded reasons to love her :D

Feel free to add me



Unconfirmed Member
If they haven't tweaked the Drake somehow, it should never actually flee the whole scene like Griffons do. It only returns to the default spawning position and starts to roam around there again. Depending on how the fight has gone, it may move quite a bit due to this, but should still be available. It shouldn't even heal when resetting unless enough time passes (you go to sleep or something.)
I mean, I don't have perfect vision and am obviously liable to overlook things, but I scanned the entirety of Devilfire Grove and didn't find it. Its health bar disappeared too and after ~10 minutes of just wandering about I gave up.


This. I hate wandering into the wrong area and get 1 shot before I figured out that I'm suppose to run.

Shit, this happens to me so much today. Never have I missed F5 so much and M to open Map. Maybe someone can mod those in.

Probably possible to macro this on a keyboard. I am going to try tonight.


Guys, are there any good guides about Pawn Inclination, Skill and Leveling for the all the classes?

I really want to take my Pawn close to perfection.

She's a 49 Pure Fighter - Mitigator/Pioneer
Every time I boot up this game, the music in the beginning makes me think of death.

It's like a mix between the Elder Scrolls theme and some lullaby you would see a child singing in a horror movie where the child knows everything and is therefore scary.

It's really bad.
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