so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
so anyone else moved from xbox to ps3 version have comments? is it just minor slowdown (vs 360) but zero tearing?
the tearing got to me so I just bought the PS3 version, though wont be able to try it out until tommorow AAAAHHH work and outside commitments suck
macfoshizzle said:so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
Swords remain swords no matter how much they weigh. When you can wield them with 1 hand the speed remains the same. It changes with two handed swords, hammers and so on.
How does ranger compare to magic archer? I'm thinking about maybe trying to go daggers now too...hmm
so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
I finally beat the bandits along the way to the witchwood quest with a Lv24 fighter pawn I hired. Even then I had to just run back and forth reviving everyone when they went down and eventually we killed the bandits.
I hope Capcom adjusts pawn quest AI. It's awesome I can bring pawns with quest knowledge to give me info and lead the way... but not when they lead the way by running one hundred feet ahead of me straight into a group of bandits. Hopefully that was just a rare case and doesn't happen too often. I really don't want to be forced to higher pawns over twice my level just to get through quests because dumb AI keeps getting me killed.
I just switched to Ranger. Seems like the longbow offers more concentrated damage but requires more accuracy (than Magic Archer). I don't know what the higher level skills are like yet. One cool Augment extends the radius of your lantern. I was pretty happy about that.
so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
By the way, I think my question about treasure chests was overlooked in this thread a day ago. Can anyone confirm it?
Do treasure chests respawn? I swear I looted all the chests on the shores outside the first village and when I returned from the Witchwood wrap-around/shortcut they were all unopened again. If this is true (and I didn't test it yet) do the chests always have the same items in them or are they random?
There needs to be a retreat order on the directional. The come command just doesn't do it.
so looks like everyone is enjoying this game? this thread has been steadily active and i don't see too much negative feedbacks. am i correct that the consensus is this game is good?
I hope Capcom adjusts pawn quest AI. It's awesome I can bring pawns with quest knowledge to give me info and lead the way... but not when they lead the way by running one hundred feet ahead of me straight into a group of bandits. Hopefully that was just a rare case and doesn't happen too often. I really don't want to be forced to higher pawns over twice my level just to get through quests because dumb AI keeps getting me killed.
Can I change my main pawns vocation?
Does it make sense to be a Magick Archer and have my main Pawn be a Mage?
So, the RC earned from your Pawn's questing, is that from people paying the RC to rent your Pawn, or gained during those people's questing, or both?
Think I've only gotten about 100 RC combined in 2 days from Nick Saban. Seems like people don't like Nick Saban.
Nick Saban.
He's Short, and he's angry.
Should have made him into a small female with giant boobs.
YupI found it utterly hilarious whenever this would happen, because I can't believe they'd even consider such a thing a good idea. There really need to have more control over how your pawns behave on a regular basis.
Yes and Yes (I'm doing it). Word of advice for you pawn mage, focus more on Support skills like healing, Holy and Fire enchantments. That's what people look out for when renting mages. If they wanted attack power, they would look for a sorcerer instead.
Two more questions.
I am playing as a strider and am level 8, I think. I also have maybe 3 vocation rank things. When do I get to change my class to Magick Archer, and when doing so, do I start over at level 1 and lose those vocation rank things?
What are those red vocation rank things? Do I get them with normal experience, or do they mean something different.
Sorry, I'm a noob.
Awesome. One more quick question. I know I can switch classes later. Do my stats change automatically when I change classes as well?
witchwood at night is awesome O,o
btw. to check pawns ratings go into the menu and on status.
Witchwood at night was soooo stressful and I got lost so many times. Comepletely excellent.
The road splits here. Let's be doubly sure about our destination.
HELP! I need help with A Troublesome Tome.So I went to the place where the female bandits are and the leader looked my way and started attacking before I could talk to her, she had the red box on top her head too, but anyway I had to kill all the girls. Where is the Grimiore? I think its glitched or something cause idk where to go. I opened the gate too
It was horrible.
At one point, I swore I heard some kind of giant walking around. I couldnt see him and he never attacked me but I swear, he was there. I dont even know if there are any giant creatures in that area but in my game, there was. I was so freaked out.
HELP! I need help with A Troublesome Tome.So I went to the place where the female bandits are and the leader looked my way and started attacking before I could talk to her, she had the red box on top her head too, but anyway I had to kill all the girls. Where is the Grimiore? I think its glitched or something cause idk where to go. I opened the gate too
No. Every class has different stat gains when you level up. These stay with you for the entire game.
I have gotten 10000 crystals in just 1 day and my pawn is only level 16.
I think you get crystals depending on how much you do with the Arisen who rented your pawn.
So it makes more sense to start a class and stick with it then.
HELP! I need help with A Troublesome Tome.So I went to the place where the female bandits are and the leader looked my way and started attacking before I could talk to her, she had the red box on top her head too, but anyway I had to kill all the girls. Where is the Grimiore? I think its glitched or something cause idk where to go. I opened the gate too
I really like the theme music. Everytime I start up the game, I always sit at the main menu and listen to it for a bit.
I really wish this game had the "Make your helmet invisible" option that Amalur does. Because most of the helmets look like total garbage. =/
Also, I've now gotten five friends to get Dragon's Dogma. Maybe more. Capcom owes me. :lol
you're in the wrong bandit camp. The male bandit camp all the way south next to the witchwood is where the book is.
but that's the way I went at first and the red circle disappeared so I went all the way up north to the other camp. now there are no circles to guide me![]()
so what now? lol
I've died a few times for straying off my path but so far it hasn't been frustrating, it's more of a "I can't wait until I'm strong enough to fuck this up!" kind of feeling. I love it.