What duplicating thing?![]()
Bring stuff to the Black Cat.
What duplicating thing?![]()
Mystic Knight any good? I don't like being ranged characters in games like this.
Hmm..I have the wyrm hunt license (just finished the first adventure in the catacombs), and am kind of at a loss as to where to head next.
I believe if you head due west from Gran Soren it's in the ruins scattered outside the walls, just exit the city and hunt around the western part outside. Good luck!Please tell me, where the HELL are these damn catacombs? I was searching all morning (before work) and when selecting the quest on my map it didn't highlight anything and even point me in a direction. Any help is much appreciated!
Please tell me, where the HELL are these damn catacombs? I was searching all morning (before work) and when selecting the quest on my map it didn't highlight anything and even point me in a direction. Any help is much appreciated!
This game is quite spectacular though. While rough around the edges, the gameplay (most important part, IMO) holds it up quite well! I'm thinking that there will most likely be a sequel where they can polish this up a bit and get a better grip on the technical aspects of the game. Absolutely loving the adventures of Sirious (Mystic Knight) and Ferrous (Ranger)!!
Just switched my vocation to assassin, but I'm really missing my ensnare ability and skull splitter.
How is the assassin skill tree? Any good or should I go back to Strider?
No, you can change classes to gain different stats. Also changing classes allows you to get different augmentations that work with all classes. See this page for Stat growth:
Bring stuff to the Black Cat.
kind of Northwest of the Capital. Follow the road north, over an old bridge, then a split in the road happens, I think you need to go left. If you come across a bunch of those lizard men enemies, you're on the right path. It's up there somewhere.
There are actually 2 shortcuts near the capital (as the catacombs backtrack towards the capital) but you can't use them until you unlock the doors from the other side.
Hmmm. MK seems to have a really good stat progression. Might be spending more time on it then I first thought. So far MA has made the game 2x easier though.
I will say switching to Assassin as early as I did made a few of the fights kind of tricky (swapped right after upgrading my strider again so I only had base skills for a bit) but if you action games... and can tactically attack a group instead of just charging in you quickly find the damage output is just insane. I get the feeling that every job has quirks like this ... where if you enjoy the gameplay of the class you'll do much better than trudging through what might be considered an "easier" vocation. I personally I'm gonna rock my assassin till it's maxed. Then probably go back and finish my strider before maybe grabbing some warrior/MK levels... squuuueeeee! i love this damn game.
Aye. Get a mage in your party that can enchant your weapons, or buy the daggers from Meridia (Merilda? I never spell it right) in the capital. They're like 22,500 gold, but WELL worth it. It's like 270 physical damage and I think 325 or 375 fire damage. Daggers are fucking awesome, plus they look amazing.
I found one for harpies. I think you have to use/consume it to increase everyone in your party's "enemy knowledge."Also...anyone find any "knowledge" scrolls about monsters? I got one for saurians and how to fight them. I gave it to my pawn to hold. Do we need to hold onto those for a reason or are they just there acting as an FYI?
Yeah, the Assassin is pure damage output. Switching early like that made your character a glass cannon. I like how the game encourages experimentation with the vocations instead of being a rigid class selection that you are stuck with throughout the game. I would love if some of the skills that are not weapon dependent could be carried over to other vocations. Ensnare being the one I would love to have on any character.
Innkeeper at the start had storage, my 3 weapons were in it.
Where is the person that sells these? I can't find them for the life of me
She's down in the the lower quarter of the capital right next to the Black Cat dude. There's actually a quest you can get from a dude where you need to follow someone "suspicious" leaving the castle at night. He goes right to her shop, so if you do that quest you're guaranteed to find her. Then just wait till morning (she'll be closed up for the night) and go back there on a buying spree. There's some really good shit to pick up at her shop which isn't available in the main square.
Thanks! I'll stick with it until I get the vocation level up and grab some of those skills. I'd like to keep with the daggers, but might switch to a sword.It's excellent (imho). Extremely damage intensive. I rock a bow and a sword and stay mobile. The stinger is as helpful for moving around as the strider equivalent and can't break blocks and toss smaller enemies to the floor reliably. Intimate strike is an AMAZING attack. Anyone in the attack field of the initial stab gets pulled into the twist and pull damage that the attack does. I've personally gutted up to 6 undead at one time not to mention it breaks blocks as well. Lyncean vision is great if your a sniper and 5fold shot is also great. There are tailor made strikes for doing massive damage to any type of creature... Gouge - Dire gouge for large creatures you can climb and Clarity for smaller human sized enemies. Clarity is actually great for canceling combos as well and does huge damage when it connects. If you can time the shield blocking at all clarity will be even easier to adjust to. Not to mention the core skills/augments that make you a beast at night. Poisons/explosives can become especially potent if you use them. protip: every fallen branch/tree you see search.. you'll get twigs which you can combine with poison bottles for poison arrows. 20 at a time. Super usefull...
you think I can make a fake one, give it to that one guy and still complete the quest? LOLI got the grimiore.
You can, actually.
Thanks! I'll stick with it until I get the vocation level up and grab some of those skills. I'd like to keep with the daggers, but might switch to a sword.![]()
Edit: Whoops! Misread what you said!Dagger has some core skills/augments that I definitely wish made an appearance on the sword side... primary of these is the double jump which i believe is dagger exclusive. Like i said in another post ... eventually my inventory will include one of all 4 of the available weapons to an assassin. Proper prior planning preventing piss poor performance and all that jazz![]()
GIRL.... lol does the tome give me a spell?
GIRL.... lol does the tome give me a spell?
Hmm..I have the wyrm hunt license (just finished the first adventure in the catacombs), and am kind of at a loss as to where to head next.
Amir0x said:real quick, PS3 or 360 version?
real quick, PS3 or 360 version?
Awesome Adventure stuffs.
She's down in the the lower quarter of the capital right next to the Black Cat dude. There's actually a quest you can get from a dude where you need to follow someone "suspicious" leaving the castle at night. He goes right to her shop, so if you do that quest you're guaranteed to find her. Then just wait till morning (she'll be closed up for the night) and go back there on a buying spree. There's some really good shit to pick up at her shop which isn't available in the main square.
real quick, PS3 or 360 version?
360 has screen tearing, PS3 has slightly lower framerate. pick your poison.
PS3 version here. The framerate does lower pretty badly at times, especially if you have two mages casting spells at the same time, and several enemies on screen. With the enemies and the spell effects on screen, the game slowed to a bit of a crawl. Hasn't happened much in the 10 hours I have played, and it hasn't particularly hindered me any. I'm not really bothered by occasional drop in framerate, however.
So I got stuck outside at night for the first time, and shit gets intense. Lots of those big goblins, and specters. I have no idea why my mage won't use magic against them and kill them lickity-split. Managed to survive the horde easily enough, though.
real quick, PS3 or 360 version?
PS3 here, no complaints.
I'm willing to bet you will be hitting O to dodge, parts of the combat are that closely related to KoA.
damn, I guess I'd rather a better framerate... but just how much is "slightly lower"?
People keep using my pawn but not rating her. She literally returns from adventures every time i wake up at an inn, but she doesn't have a single rating. Makes me sad.