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Druckmann / Naughty Dog Derangement Syndrome - Colin Moriarty Commentary


There's nothing for me to deal with.

Some people don't want to play as some Anime character in metaphor - they don't need to buy the game. It's not for them. I don't see them spamming up the comments section, spamming the dislike button on everything. I don't see people going on crusades to try and spoil Metaphor because they don't like Anime characters.
No, the correct comparison is if Metaphor would have Jordan like characters and not anime as expected and desired by their fans. The outrage would be there of course.
Idk man, for me personally, the outrage towards ND means I really loved this studio and their games and I really want them to succeed but when I see this Druckman Anita S. Bootlicker injecting his ugly as fuck protagonist..I am out.
Plus the trailer is shit. Nobody would talk about it if not for the ND logo.


Gold Member
Yep. I mean that's why TLOU2 still sold well at the end of the day. It was a GOTY quality title, regardless of whether it resonated with you or not the quality is undeniable.

Same will be true here. Not to say ND could mess it up - they can - but history is on their side. I have not played a bad naughty dog game ever.
Me neither but ive been disappointed twice.

UC4 was a real let down for me, but by no means a bad game. It just didn't hit the highs i expected. TLOU2 was a great game but let me down narratively.

Im not as quick as some to write this one off but it hardly looks original so far. I'd like to see some extended gameplay to get a better feel.

Also disappointed that it seems like a few years away at least?


Good point. If this game turns out awesome then it has nothing to worry about. But anything less than must play and its fucked, just like DA.
I think DA has suffered because of it being an existing IP, so was always going to be up against it with the fans of the previous games. Intergalactic is a new IP, and there is nothing to compare it to, so the hate that it’s getting because of its protagonist is unjustified imho.
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Like Colin said in your timestapped section, TLOU2 sales were not as good as they probably should have been.

Colin also said it will be wildly profitable. People keep hampering on TLOU2 sales, but the reality is that TLOU1 had the boost of a significant remaster on PS4 that brought it to 60 fps which was a big deal for such a greatly received new IP. The PS4 release more than doubled the sales as a result. How many of those are repeat buyers? The truth is the PS5 remasters just weren't as necessary since the games already played well on PS4.


Gold Member
When you respond like this, you can't condescendingly call criticism "haters".


ND got into this rabbit hole themselves.
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Gold Member
I think DA has suffered because of it being an existing IP, so was always going to be up against it with the fans of the previous games. Intergalactic is a new IP, so there is nothing to compare it to, so the hate that it’s getting because of its protagonist is unjustified imho.
If DA was a great game then none of that would have mattered. It wasn't a bad game, just average. And thats not good enough when you are up against the horde and you have a legacy.
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No, the correct comparison is if Metaphor would have Jordan like characters and not anime as expected and desired by their fans. The outrage would be there of course.
Idk man, for me personally, the outrage towards ND means I really loved this studio and their games and I really want them to succeed but when I see this Druckman Anita S. Bootlicker injecting his ugly as fuck protagonist..I am out.
Plus the trailer is shit. Nobody would talk about it if not for the ND logo.

Since when did people "expect" naughty dog games to not feature women? They've been a prominent fixture in all their UC titles. this isn't some new thing. They had the lost legacy that starred female leads as well.

I don't get it.


Gold Member
If DA was a great game then none of that would have mattered. It wasn't a bad game, just average. And thats not good enough when you are up against the horde and you have a legacy.
Veilguard could've been a great game with simply one change, that is the writing - which is profoundly affected and intertwined with the developer's woke ideology, so you can't just say none of those controversies matter.


Commentary timestamped. Hard to disagree with his takes. The level of vitriol surrounding both ND and Druckmann is completely unjustified and they seem to be a scapegoat, with tribal mentality across a toxic social media environment driving the discourse.

Druckmann and ND are credited with an absolutely stellar track record and have not missed, yet segments of the community seem intent on lighting them on fire across the internet. It's fine to not resonate with their decisions as a studio, but segments of the community have taken it way too far to the point where it clouds out more reasonable discussion. What happened with TLOU2 leaks is simply insanity to me. It doesn't happen with any other game.

Excellent video. Everything he said is 100% correct.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Like I remarked elsewhere, Druckmann is the anti-woke brigade's JK Rowling.

Agree with Moriarty.
Some of the Druckman hate is pushing into mental illness-territory.
Most of the rest is just very, very silly.
The guy loves to revel in the spotlight and acts like he's Kojima and is responsible for ND's success. When the temperature's rising, it's only normal that all the vitriol is also directed at him.


Gold Member
Veilguard could've been a great game with simply one change, that is the writing - which is profoundly affected and intertwined with the developer's woke ideology, so you can't just say none of those controversies matter.
Nah, there was a lot more wrong with that game than just the dog shit writing and ideology.

The Hair was good though, maybe ND could borrow that for DLC.
The guy loves to revel in the spotlight and acts like he's Kojima and is responsible for ND's success. When the temperature's rising, it's only normal that all the vitriol is also directed at him.

Where is the proof of this? Neil doesn't seem like a guy that actually is in the spotlight that much. He doesn't post much at all on social media. He loves to revel in the spotlight because he's personally won so many awards across gaming and TV?


Gold Member
I watched the clip, prepared to agree, but came away thinking Colin sounded like a huge ND fan, someone whose opinion of their games seemed suspect to me (e.g., he said every ND game has been better than their last). He sounded almost traumatized by what happened with TLOU2 leaks (said he "jumped on so many grenades" to defend the game). He said TLOU2 is one of his top 5 games of all time. Imo, that game's story is a mess, and its theme is 3rd grade stuff, but Colin thinks it's genius. The second guy who spoke wasn't much better, saying Druckmann got all the heat because he made a "creative decision that was too bold for people" (killing off Joel), essentially blaming the audience for not being enlightened enough to appreciate Druckmann's creative genius.

Eehh.... I don't buy any of that.

However, I do think reactions to Intergalactic have gone overboard. For me, it was a disappointing, cliche-ridden trailer - I'm tired of the snarky adolescent girlboss character - but that's about it. I'm reserving judgment until I know more about the game.
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Uncharted 4, while good, is probably the second worst Uncharted game after 1. The Last of Us 2 is, at best, a divisive game with what most consider a weak story and stellar gameplay, but clearly not as good as the first one overall. This is also the first title that Neil wrote and directed solo. Why are we attributing past successes to him when he very clearly had Bruce Straley at his side helping to rein in his worst impulses?

While it certainly made back its budget, the game is also a sales flop. For a game as hyped as TLOU 2 was, 10 million sales is in no way, shape or form a resounding success when compared to the first.

And about Intergalactic: why is it so hard to understand that people (both men and women) enjoy playing as cool and good looking characters (again, both male and female, I for example don't enjoy playing as a fat ugly dude in my games, give me more Dantes, FF characters and Nathan Drakes) with interesting and captivating personalities? Is it gonna take a complete and utter flop from ND for people to get the memo?
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You mean they started making cartoon, propaganda characters under the disguise of "maturity"..
Another paradox, as that ridiculous nonsense is mostly appreciated by immature, deranged individuals with flawed viewpoints resulted from fresh, immature ideologies being forced upon them.

What exactly is propagandist about starring women in their games?

Is Tomb Raider propaganda? Horizon?


is waiting for Starfield 7
One of my closer friends who doesn't even own a playstation and mainly plays gacha games on mobile kept threatening me with spoilers with TLOU 2. It's really weird.

He would be obsessed with my progress with the game and kept telling me that I would get very angry when I reach a certain point in the game.

Without fail he'd text me to ask "Edmund. Which part are you at now?? Do you want me to give you spoilers??"

I would pretend to be busy and lied that I haven't really had time to play the game but I was actually playing it and enjoying every moment of the game.

Everyday without fail, he'd bug me and threaten to spoil the game for me.

One day I just announced to my friend that I completed it.


Me - why the fuck would I get angry for. You don't even play the TLOU 1 or own a playstation. Why would you be so concerned about me getting angry over the game?

It really is very weird.

I also went to dinner with two other friends. These two guys own a playstation but they don't play tlou 1 or tlou 2. Halfway through a meal, suddenly one of them said he hates tlou. Then the other guy banged his fists on the table and said he hates tlou 2 as well.

Few days ago, I met up with my best friend for dinner. He's a vice president at a bank. Very capable. Really my closest friend from university days who helped me get over a heartbreak.
While having dinner he talked about how Naughty Dogs latest game features a bald muscular lesbians. And even refuses to buy Fatal Fury City Of The Wolves in the future because the character Preecha is woke even though he's a massive Fatal Fury/King Of Fighters fan.

"Since when is Preecha woke?"

Him "She's woke!!!"

"But she's not even black!! How is Fatal Fury City Of The Wolves woke??"

Good Lord Almighty!! Wtf happened to my best friend? It seems like everyone of my friends are turning anti woke. It's getting annoying. I'm not kidding when I say 90% of my friends have turned anti woke. Kind, reasonable, intelligent people in their 30s in well paying jobs with family and kids of their own. What the fuck is happening with them?

I really hate the woke/cancel culture type people. But I'm beginning to dislike the anti woke even more.

Both sides are so fucking stupid. But if I have to pick a side, I think the anti woke side is getting more insufferable.

Can someone watch this video and tell me how the fuck is this character woke? I'm just very sad because some of the staunchest anti woke people I know are my closest friends. I wouldn't be so upset if we aren't close.

I'm genuinely upset because I'm seeing my closest friends slowly turning into the anti woke brigade hating anything black or LGBTQ or diverse. It's crazy!!

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I'm honestly getting sick of seeing threads about this game.

People going crazy trying to take it down, people going crazy trying to defend it......is all getting super annoying.

All we have seen is a chick with a shaved head in space.

That could be the extent of its wokeness.....or she could have a trans partner with top surgery scars and the game could be about feminism taking over the galaxy.

But at this point, who fucking knows?

Can we at least wait until we see more or hear more about the game before people take up such strong positions regarding this fucking game?


The Last of Us 2 is, at best, a divisive game with what most consider a weak story and stellar gameplay, but clearly not as good as the first one overall. This is also the first title that Neil wrote and directed solo.
He wasn't the only writer for Part 2.
Uncharted 4, while good, is probably the second worst Uncharted game after 1.

The Last of Us 2 is, at best, a divisive game with what most consider a weak story and stellar gameplay, but clearly not as good as the first one overall. This is also the first title that Neil wrote and directed solo.

Why are we attributing past successes to him when he very clearly had Bruce Straley at his side helping to rein in his worst impulses?

While it certainly made back its budget, the game is also a sales flop. For a game as hyped as TLOU 2 was, 10 million sales is in no way, shape or form a resounding success when compared to the first.

And about Intergalactic: why is it so hard to understand that people (both men and women) enjoy playing as cool and good looking characters (again, both male and female, I for example don't enjoy playing as a fat ugly dude in my games, give me more Dantes, FF characters and Nathan Drakes) with interesting and captivating personalities?

Is it gonna take a complete and utter flop from ND for people to get the memo?

$10M after 1 year is a sales flop? The commentary here is so surface level. If the game was that much of a flop the studio would be shut down like the others. It probably had a 3X ROI at a minimum, which is an enormous success. It didn't just make back its money.

Hint: it's not a flop.


If DA was a great game then none of that would have mattered. It wasn't a bad game, just average. And thats not good enough when you are up against the horde and you have a legacy.
I’m going through DA V currently, and it looks and plays really well, but yeah, the story is pretty basic, and the tone is a little off for a DA game. I just seem to be going from one area to the next without giving much thought to what’s going on.


I really don't care one way or the other. I just want details about the game and some gameplay to see if I like it or not. The trailer was very poor since it showed practically nothing to get excited about and it almost felt like its only purpose was to make people mad. (As if they didn't know what the reaction was going to be)
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The comment section on the video is exactly as I expected. People need to step back and really think about why they're so angry about something so dumb.

I can't think of how anyone can take a step back and not think all of this as a deranged overreaction. It's really hard not to see all this anger as childish.

If you have problems with anything, there are better ways to vent out and have your voice heard.


World’s Biggest Weeb
So if this is your point of view, the question is - what's bad about it?

Should a bounty hunter chick not have a shaved head and want to look hot instead? Who is she trying to impress in this environment? How does that make sense? It's fine if that's the game you're going for, but ND titles are trying to be a bit more mature themed than something like Stellar Blade.
Dude it’s a game about a bounty hunter cruising around in her 1980s Porsche space ship listening to Pet Shop Boys and watching anime and killing robots with a light saber. If you like her design then great, I’m happy for you. But don’t even try to pretend like somehow they are bound by the laws of reality and it would just be too much of a stretch to make her attractive looking. Give me a break.

They easily could’ve made her a sexy badass along the lines of Samus Aran, Beatrix Kiddo, or Faye from Cowboy Bebop (this game’s supposed inspiration).

In fact I bet you anything there is some early concept art that was more like that, then the design committee fixed her up for the modern audience and basically made her into a dude.


Gold Member
I really don't care one way or the other. I just want details about the game and some gameplay to see if I like it or not. The trailer was very poor since it showed practically nothing to get excited about and it almost felt like its only purpose was to make people mad, as if they didn't know what the reaction was going to be.

Its looked very generic outside the "controversy"

If the Trailer was a Tencent game then nobody would have batted an eyelid. "The Heretic Prophet" sound like a subtitle made up by AI.

Lets see the actual game, the combat needs to be great. Which lets face it, isn't going to be Ninja Gaiden black quality is it?
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What exactly is propagandist about starring women in their games?

Is Tomb Raider propaganda? Horizon?
Gee, I don't know what's propagandist about one black woman singlehandedly manhandling two white men with relative ease. In a series where Nate has had dozens of fist fights with huge musclebound men and won, he's suddenly bested by stereotypical strong independent black woman who don't need no man.

Stop acting dumb.... unless it's not an act.... then carry on your dickriding, I guess.
Dude it’s a game about a bounty hunter cruising around in her 1980s Porsche space ship listening to Pet Shop Boys and watching anime and killing robots with a light saber. If you like her design then great, I’m happy for you. But don’t even try to pretend like somehow they are bound by the laws of reality and it would just be too much of a stretch to make her attractive looking. Give me a break.

They easily could’ve made her a sexy badass along the lines of Samus Aran, Beatrix Kiddo, or Faye from Cowboy Bebop (this game’s supposed inspiration).

In fact I bet you anything there is some early concept art that was more like that, then the design committee fixed her up for the modern audience and basically made her into a dude.

Samus Aran is a "sexy badass? WTF :lol

Exactly when do you play Metroid where she looks like a sexy badass?

I think the design is fine - Naughty Dog is going for a grounded/mature look. Makes sense to me that a female bounty hunter would not be overly attractive. Her personality seemed good in the trailer. It may not resonate with you, I don't understand why just looking at the character you'd think the game is going to be terrible though and hope it flops.


What exactly is propagandist about starring women in their games?
Yeah man I got it, your idea of a mature depiction of a "woman" is Nadine, Abby, Jordan..


Two of them physically beating/downright killing beloved, established, male protagonists.

Explosion Reaction GIF

You sound extremely insecure.
This is all you guys got, as always.. "insecure", "incel".. aimed at people married with children, familiar with actual women and therefore completely impervious to the nonsensical propaganda only actual "incels" who never interacted with females could possibly swallow.

I've been with women my whole life, lost my virginity at 13. I know who instinctively screams in front of danger, and who has to go check in the dark at night when a noise is heard downstairs.
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Its looked very generic outside the "controversy"

If the Trailer was a Tencent game then nobody would have batted an eyelid. "The Heretic Prophet" sound like a subtitle made up by AI.

Lets see the actual game, the combat needs to be great. Which lets face it, isn't going to be Ninja Gaiden black quality is it?

I completely disagree. What tencent game looks anywhere close to that trailer? None

It was clear to me in the first few moments it was an ND game, because nobody comes close to their level of animation quality, lighting, cinematic direction, etc.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I thought he was kinda off base. He kept making comments like we're all complaining because shes bald and doesnt have big tits.

I dont think it has anything to do with that or anything “woke."

I think quite simply, people are just sick of the same ol' smug, girlboss bullshit. And that's on top of an aesthetic that's been really played out over the years.
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I really don't care one way or the other. I just want details about the game and some gameplay to see if I like it or not. The trailer was very poor since it showed practically nothing to get excited about and it almost felt like its only purpose was to make people mad. (As if they didn't know what the reaction was going to be)
I think its purpose was to set the tone for the new game, but obviously a vocal section of the community only wanted to focus on the main character.


Gold Member
I completely disagree. What tencent game looks anywhere close to that trailer? None

It was clear to me in the first few moments it was an ND game, because nobody comes close to their level of animation quality, lighting, cinematic direction, etc.
It just looked like generic space game 1000 is what I mean. I'd like see some actual gameplay which is what matters. At the moment my knickers are dry as a bone.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
>Retro sci-fi universe with aliens, robots, and lightsabers
>Heroine with a grounded look

Strange when they decide to go for a grounded approach and when they don’t, huh?


I think its purpose was to set the tone for the new game, but obviously a vocal section of the community only wanted to focus on the main character.
I watched the trailer twice and I can't say anything else really stood out. Maybe the game will be great, but I could only feel indifference from what the showed me. They've been praising the game and saying it's going to redefine gaming etc. and this is what they choose to share? Why not try to get people a little excited? I really don't get it.
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