Man, they really did it, a Dynasty warriors with "commercial" potential, what a time to be alive !
- Closer camera is actually really nice as it makes things more "up close and personal" (and not in a bad way like in GOW where you don't see shit).
- Actual haptics/rumble in a DW game, LOOOOL, Hell must have frozen over

It's actually really nice as it gives the game more "oomph".
- "Boss" duels that actually require moveset memorization !
- Number of on-screen enemies and the closer camera really give a chaotic feel during battles (which in this type of game is welcome).
- Kick ass OST as usual
- Way more in-battle options/game systems like troop commands, actual parries (!), proper lock-on, armour break, finishing moves etc etc
- 1st time where a Musou game actually feels "modern" in that the GFX aren't 2 gens behind, has HDR (!), accessibility options, checkpoints etc etc.
Also, performance is A-OK, it's not perfect but on the Pro at least you can play it in quality mode@120Hz (framerate is incredibly varied though since it jumps between 60-60 something - to 70 - 80 - 120 for a couple of secs and then back to 60), the only weird thing that I found is that the HUD is very/noticeably pixelated/low res.
And yes, the VO's are cheesy/hammy as ever
Compared to all musou games out there so far, they really put some extra care/attention/love for this new installment and it shows, it's not niche anymore IMO like most musou games where every installment in the main series (DW/SW) felt almost like a re-skin with reused assets galore etc.
Gonna grab it 100% but, that MSRP...I don't know what they were thinking, they're gonna shoot themselves in the friggin' foot, this should have been 60 Eurodollars max, at 70, you're going to scare all new potential customers away.