Playing this nonstop, it's so addictive. Kind of annoying when you lose a battle because of your stupid allies dying/fleeing cos you had advanced too deep to get back to them in time. The sorcery stuff is OK for now but I hope it's not overused in every big battle later. I wonder if there are levels with other elements like Sengoku Basara 3 had, cool little events happening like boats advancing/landing and how it had some monster/mechanical/whatever non humanoid bosses (even if its battle system didn't really handle 1 on 1 so great back then). Its map & objectives were clearer and loot system better and more involving (other than characters being tied to one weapon style of course) but I'm still in the early game and just got the first fists weapon. I'll probably be replaying Samurai Heroes on Dolphin (or maybe RPCS3 is a better choice nowadays) after I'm done with this, lol, it's so good..!