We all know how terrible they are. No one is arguing that they aren't worse than EA.
The title of the tournament is for the
Worst Company In America 2013. Nowhere does it say the "Worst
Video Game Company In America 2013" or the "Worst
(less well known but still does assholish stuff) Company In America 2013".
Select candidates are:
Facebook - has the personal information to over 500 million people and it isn't all kept private.
PayPal - A pseudo-bank that has the capability to freeze any account at any time for any reason without any governmental regulation saying that it will someday need to release the funds.
SallieMae - This company manages nearly all of the student loans in the US.
Bank of America - I don't even need to explain the backroom deals they have engaged in.
Comcast/Time Warner - These two cable companies essentially have a monopoly in nearly every market they operate in. Meaning: if you want broadband internet you are required to go trough them.
The simple fact that I almost don't feel as if any entertainment company should even be on this list. If the poll was for the Most Asshole Company or the Worst Public Relations Company then you can toss EA and many others in there.