Code Geass talk? Season One was OMGWTF awesome. Scene of that season in my eyes was either Lelouch
pimp slapping Cornelia and almost taking her hostage when all of a sudden CYBERNETIC LOYALTY pops out of the ground in his orange mech
or the scene when
Lelouch had the entire Eleven colony capsize in on itself while he laughed his ass off inside his Nightmare frame. The use of the musical number that kicked in as the carnage unfolded was amazing.
Season Two (R2) was OMGWTFLOL awesome. I'm glad I watched it when I did though, the fandom easily made it one of my favorite anime experiences in the past decade. If I had to watch it fresh after that though, I'd probably have a vitriolic WTF session starting around the
Chinese/Oriental emperor arc
in R2. Shit just totally lost coherency there. And don't get me started on how the
Knights of Round got the shit trolled out of them. "Kuturugi Suzak--!" indeed. :lol
Code Geass talk? Season One was OMGWTF awesome. Scene of that season in my eyes was either Lelouch
pimp slapping Cornelia and almost taking her hostage when all of a sudden CYBERNETIC LOYALTY pops out of the ground in his orange mech
or the scene when
Lelouch had the entire Eleven colony capsize in on itself while he laughed his ass off inside his Nightmare frame. The use of the musical number that kicked in as the carnage unfolded was amazing.
Season Two (R2) was OMGWTFLOL awesome. I'm glad I watched it when I did though, the fandom easily made it one of my favorite anime experiences in the past decade. If I had to watch it fresh after that though, I'd probably have a vitriolic WTF session starting around the
Chinese/Oriental emperor arc
in R2. Shit just totally lost coherency there. And don't get me started on how the
Knights of Round got the shit trolled out of them. "Kuturugi Suzak--!" indeed. :lol
You must be on some kind of drugs if you thought it stayed coherent until the second season. The latest point you could reasonably claim it was coherent was the Mao arc.
You must be on some kind of drugs if you thought it stayed coherent until the second season. The latest point you could reasonably claim it was coherent was the Mao arc.
Chainsaw lad was pretty ridiculous. And awesome. "I'll saw your limbs off so I can pack you up in a bag and fly to Australia!" Oh lord. And then you had CC in her wtfisthisshit costume, hat and all.
I guess it comes down to whether you were able to just ride the wave and enjoy the ridiculousness.
Chainsaw lad was pretty ridiculous. And awesome. "I'll saw your limbs off so I can pack you up in a bag and fly to Australia!" Oh lord. And then you had CC in her wtfisthisshit costume, hat and all.
I guess it comes down to whether you were able to just ride the wave and enjoy the ridiculousness.
Normally when someone gets "killed" in a show and later comes back, you assume the writers changed their mind and took advantage of the fact that they "killed" the character offscreen. But they brought him back in the next episode. It wasn't that they changed their mind, they deliberately wrote a "death" scene knowing they would bring the character back immediately, even though it was totally ridiculous.
You must be on some kind of drugs if you thought it stayed coherent until the second season. The latest point you could reasonably claim it was coherent was the Mao arc.
I'll admit that I haven't re-watched it since the end of the series so I can't really tell you with an up to date state of mind what I think of R1 anymore, but I do remember thinking at one point that it was pretty decent for a bit with potential, barring some moments here and there. Now when R2 began with
a goddamned retread of everything that started R1 and the introduction of a character with Goldo's TIME FREEZE!11! that was working the hell out of the main crew,
well yea I already knew to shift my expectations from expecting an "okay" to "whoa, unexpectedly awesome" real robot drama to poking fun at whatever came next, and CGR2 did NOT disappoint with how much content there was to make fun of.
Emperor Missile anyone?
Also fanservice. Funnily enough, as I'm remembering everything in a stream of consciousness manner here, I remember that it was Code Geass that was the first anime that ever had too much fanservice at times for myself, and I'm mostly indifferent to it.
I remember the hype before second season started airing. A lot of people expected something... well, a bit grimmer. More epic. Global. Some people thought it'd feature Lelouch going on to slowly conquer the world, ending with a climatic showdown with his father near the end.
We got high school hijinks with Rolo and amnesia instead. Then came Kallen in all her terrible fanservice anti-glory and China and Orange-kun and Lulu's slutty mother. Torpedo-Charles, nukes that don't actually kill people, and Ougi being a douche. Pink Lancelots, Suzaku worfing it, then the Zero Requiem.
I remember the hype before second season started airing. A lot of people expected something... well, a bit grimmer. More epic. Global. Some people thought it'd feature Lelouch going on to slowly conquer the world, ending with a climatic showdown with his father near the end.
We got high school hijinks with Rolo and amnesia instead. Then came Kallen in all her terrible fanservice anti-glory and China and Orange-kun and Lulu's slutty mother. Torpedo-Charles, nukes that don't actually kill people, and Ougi being a douche. Pink Lancelots, Suzaku worfing it, then the Zero Requiem.
shit had me in tears when I watched through the show. The big reveal at the end of that one episode
Nunnally being in Lulu's older bro's (Schnizel?) care
was the first time in the history of anything in entertainment that I hopped online ASAP just to see the damage control and craziness unfold.
But reading this post, I remember that I was expecting some hugely dramatic shit. Didn't help that the fandom circulated all those rumors or quips from the writers about how "shit would get really real in R2. C.C. storyline revealed, history of the code, Charles' showdown, world gets into it, etc" It read like the Smash Bros. Dojo of anime and talking with folks in the fandom waiting for more only made the hype stronger. At the very least though, the mech designs were pretty fucking ace in R2. I still love the final Guren and lancelot, and BREAK DANCING BATTLIN' MECHA, MY GOD. :lol
Euphinator was awesome. It was one of the few times that showed Ledouche wasn't some god incapable of massive fuck ups. The perma geass was an awesome plot device.
Euphinator was awesome. It was one of the few times that showed Ledouche wasn't some god incapable of massive fuck ups. The perma geass was an awesome plot device.
Too bad Rolo killed one of the girls off, two of the remaining 3 disassociated with Lulu until the end when one of them rubbed two braincells together and realized that Lelouch, master of plans and crazy over the top shit had *gasp* planned a crazy and over the top finale and the other just kinda fell out of spotlight, and the immortal last one with the nice ass is eternally getting herself pulled around on a carriage after his "death".
Too bad Rolo killed one of the girls off, two of the remaining 3 disassociated with Lulu until the end when one of them rubbed two braincells together and realized that Lelouch, master of plans and crazy over the top shit had *gasp* planned a crazy and over the top finale and the other just kinda fell out of spotlight, and the immortal last one with the nice ass is eternally getting herself pulled around on a carriage after his "death".
Code Geass was a shipper's harem dream of who would be with whom. Legendary discussion happened over you know where. I can't believe the speed conversations could move in a forum. :lol
Was there even such a relationship? I've always read about people saying they were, but I never felt there were any romantic vibes between the two in both seasons.
Well, not going to side with the dub being "fantastic", but big support for how f'n BROKE the decision to have Hartman play Jiji was. No offense intended at all toward Hartman, because I had a lot of respect for the guy, but that was one of the worst choices in a serious dub I've ever seen (heard?).
Some of the Ghibli dubs are very watchable, but I'd never, ever watch Kiki dubbed.
Not to mention that a lot of the entertainment people got from watching the show revolved around interaction with other denizens of the internet also watching the show. An experience hard to repeat by ones self.
Not to mention that a lot of the entertainment people got from watching the show revolved around interaction with other denizens of the internet also watching the show. An experience hard to repeat by ones self.
I actually watched it a bit after R2 finished airing and they started airing it in the US. I also didn't talk to people online about anime much so your conditions are fabrications sir!
I also don't remember Kiki's ending or much about it at all. It has been quite a while and I'm pretty sure I was half asleep since I was still in school after hours.
Seeing the reactions for code geass R2 week-by-week on the internet without having watched the show, was entertainment in it self. Heck, the same deal applies to gundam 00 s2 actually, and i watched that show.
Seeing the reactions for code geass R2 week-by-week on the internet without having watched the show, was entertainment in it self. Heck, the same deal applies to gundam 00 s2 actually, and i watched that show.
Yeah 00 S2 was a trainwreck, but a boring trainwreck, mostly because it constantly teased you with annoying cliff-hangers. Still i'm mostly referring to the epic debates that went down in the official thread itself And of course the episode with the 'TRANS-AM TRANS-AM TRANS-AM" was hilarious.
Not to mention that a lot of the entertainment people got from watching the show revolved around interaction with other denizens of the internet also watching the show. An experience hard to repeat by ones self.
Would any sane person want to? I remember one forum was like a live chat room with hundreds interacting simultaneously. Those were inhuman times sir. Keeping up with the multiple, ongoing chatter was a feat in itself.
Reliving the glory years would be hard to replicate (as of yet).
Yeah 00 S2 was a trainwreck, but a boring trainwreck, mostly because it constantly teased you with annoying cliff-hangers. Still i'm mostly referring to the epic debates that went down in the official thread itself And of course the episode with the 'TRANS-AM TRANS-AM TRANS-AM" was hilarious.
That was my exact reaction to. Worst part is it took me 15-episodes to realize how bad the season actually was.:lol i remained optimistic past the third episode. (which is where the season started sucking).
That was my exact reaction to. Worst part is it took me 15-episodes to realize how bad the season actually was.:lol i remained optimistic past the third episode. (which is where the season started sucking).
That's the same reaction I had. The first season of 00 was one of those shows where I wanted it to be good, but it ended up disappointing me in every way.
I was also amused by how 7th nailed the personality of the pilots in the first page. Prophetic words.
They're all a bunch of bland boring fangirl bait soldiers with no personality. :/
All right, next up on the backlog is Kemonozume. Gonna start it tomorrow. Still unsure about whether to continue with Haibane Renmei or not but I'm definitely not in the mood right now.