Theoretically, what changes if you use the Dogmeat exploit (or the console) to max your SPECIAL stats in terms of general gameplay affected? I'm debating playing with all my stats at 10 just so I can focus on the perk levels instead of using 42 (less with bobbleheads) perk points on the SPECIAL values. I know Strength is going to up my carry weight, Luck will help with discovery of certain items, etc. but am I going to be having an easy time?
Who is your favourite companion mine isCait
Who is your favourite companion mine isCait
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.
Just ran into the Vault-tec Salesman and it felt nice to invite him to Sanctuary.
Hey, bro marsh. I am level 21 at 65hrs. So I am probably worse than you are lol!
My ocd does not fuck around.
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.
I'm stuck on a side mission.For The Last Voyage of the USS Constitution, I can't seem to find the entrance to get to the turbopumps. I'm on the roof, but I can't figure out how to get into the doorway that leads back into the Fort.
I don't understand how to reach 100 happiness in sanctuary. They have more than enough bed/food/defense and I've put a ton of decoration...
The turbopumps are in the hold on the top floor of the boat behind a master lock
From the start, I looked at my friend and told her "That guy is going to be around later, just watch." I can't wait to find him.
I think there is a bug where if you are far away the happiness goes down.
So I've beaten the main quest and killed off the. Apart from minuteman quests which all seem the same where else to look for more quests?BoS and railroad lol
I would like her more if she didn't take things randomly. While it's a funny aspect of her character it's just junk I have to take from her and drop.
Also her running around with the Grognak Axe (later power fist) and Grognak costume is GOLD.
Also as I noted a few posted up, she spurned me when i tried to romance her. After all I've done for her....
So I've beaten the main quest and killed off the. Apart from minuteman quests which all seem the same where else to look for more quests?BoS and railroad lol
Hey, bro marsh. I am level 21 at 65hrs. So I am probably worse than you are lol!
My ocd does not fuck around.
Can anyone explain to me on why my settlers keep quitting theor fucking jobs? I assign them to shops or crops and the next time I come threw it shows that no one was assign to them.
I know and have assigned people jobs I NV my settlement before.
Also fuck mama Murphy. I gave her one fucking job and put her chair right by her only fucking job and not only did she quit her job I can't select her to do anything else.
I just learned about the special book exploit.
Its so tempting to use it. Would it make the game too easy? I dont think id do all 10s but definently all 5 and couple 10.
Lol. I only have time for one playthrough as well.
I dont want to be OP and make game not fun tho
Also can someone who knows just give me a yes or no on whether this exists and is accessible on consoles? I'm not clicking the video.
Title of video: Fallout 4 Secret Room Has Every Item, Here's How to Get In - GS News Update
Nope, it's a developer room only accessible through console. It's common in Bethesda games.
Wait.So they aren't at that Fort? I got the Captain's Key, but I thought that was to install the pumps.
Trying to finish the Silver Shroud mission
I have to speak to Hancock wearing the outfit, but every time I speak he's just saying "time to head out"
What should I do?
I did it while wearing sunglasses and without the gun.Have you got the gun equipped too? Don't wear anything other than the hat, outfit and have the gun equipped.
I prefer ultra light as it helps both on the weight front as well as your AP usage.
Just found out yesterday that if you run into an enemy in a powersuit, you can get them to exit it by shooting the fusion core during the fight.
It makes the suit say "steal" instead of "enter" or "take", and Piper doesn't like that very much. Kind of a bug, taking anything else from a Raider isn't stealing.
I did it. I used a glitch. I broke my promise.
Only because my mini gun got clipped through the wall and disappeared though -.-
Damn it Bethesda. I still love you.
That's so strange. My settlers always stick to their tasks![]()
Fucking settlers...
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, now I can have every last Power Armor around the Boston Wasteland!!!
Edit: Do you use V.A.T.S. for this or just a Sniper Rifle?
can't you recall the name of the quest? :'(The one before it sounds like one of the repeatable ones but it isnt.
It has a weird name and its one of those safe house quests
anyone?Underground Undercover should be the next quest I get from Railroad but I keep getting the same repeatable shitty quests. do I need to finish a specific story quest first in order to get it?
I don't understand how to reach 100 happiness in sanctuary. They have more than enough bed/food/defense and I've put a ton of decoration...
I really enjoy the settlement aspects but this weirdness is really getting on my nerves. I invested all my caps and almost all of my resources in building up my crappy looking settlement and these lazy fucks won't work the field or shops. I'm getting no return for everything I invested.
The only thing that's paying off are those two massive water purifiers and the settlers doesn't have anything to do with it.
I'm still struggling with the adhesive because my crops won't grow in a good rate beside tato plants. I blame the settlers for that too.
You need to assign the settlers to the tasks yourself. Click on a settler in the build menu the select the task like a store pr piece of fruit.
Trying to finish the Silver Shroud mission
I have to speak to Hancock wearing the outfit, but every time I speak he's just saying "time to head out"
What should I do?