Ugh. I have lost count of the number of times I have seen Danse love and like something and still not get the damn final companion dialog.
He is the last perk I want before going dog meat for lone wanderer too andnits super frustrating. FFS love me goddammit so I can dump you in sanctuary.
Ugh, how long do I gave to do fetch quests for the BoS? The quest where I had to search the recon team triggered afterI only did one. Now I have completed at least ten quests and they don't want me to advance in the brotherhood.
Oh shit, don't know if it's people lowering my expectations, but some of the main story faction quests are really popping off near the end. Loving it.
I refused to switch my armor from the Drifter coat because I loved how it looked so much, so you can imagine my excitement when I found this:
Scripted. Pretty cool moment though.So, is this a scripted event or or this just a thing?
After killing Kellogg. Exiting the Fort. Dawn is just breaking and I see this gigantic airship in the sky. The Brotherhood is here.
I think you have to advance the BoS quests for something to happen with Danse
that quest was pretty straightforward. what did people have trouble with? the mission gives markers for every step.
Which coat is that?
Hmm, I figured were I was was far enough.
I am making the teleportation thing right now and was far enough with every faction to have them be an option (completed every real faction quest and a few subs) I can't imagine the point of no return for the factions is too far off.
Has anyone who has romanced Danse please chime in on when you got him to have the final conversation with you compared to the main story progress?
trying to clear out a settlement site but as far as I can tell everything's dead but it won't let me use the workbench. Anything I can do to track down errant ghouls or whatever?
Nah, you have to get further, I thought that was the point of no return too but, nope!
Play up toand that's the quest where you should save and go do the other faction quests.Mass Fusion
Anyone else come across this raider psycho kneeling at someone's grave?
i just found out about this but apparentlydeacon follows you throughout the game before you meet him at the railroad
see at this link
i'm gonna have to keep an eye out for this on my ng+ playthrough because that's insane
Question about the Hubris Comics building:
I can't find the Silver Shroud costume, hat or gun anywhere. I have looked all over the place. I've read elsewhere that it's on the top floor, but I am having no luck. Is it possible there is a floor I'm not finding? As far as I can tell the third floor is the top floor.
I found the photo, for what it's worth.
Question about the Hubris Comics building:
I can't find the Silver Shroud costume, hat or gun anywhere. I have looked all over the place. I've read elsewhere that it's on the top floor, but I am having no luck. Is it possible there is a floor I'm not finding? As far as I can tell the third floor is the top floor.
I found the photo, for what it's worth.
Question about the Hubris Comics building:
I can't find the Silver Shroud costume, hat or gun anywhere. I have looked all over the place. I've read elsewhere that it's on the top floor, but I am having no luck. Is it possible there is a floor I'm not finding? As far as I can tell the third floor is the top floor.
I found the photo, for what it's worth.
I refused to switch my armor from the Drifter coat because I loved how it looked so much, so you can imagine my excitement when I found this:
Your guy looks like a goddamn psychopath.
Its on a mannequin. By the big curtain/board. There is a replica gun behind it that you will get extra caps for brining him
I'm about to do the quest where I need to go to. Seems like I need a load of RadX/Away but not sure how much is enough. I have Power Armour up in Sanctuary (from the Concord quest) but how am I supposed to get it down there? Do I need to stock up on a load of Fusion Core's so I can walk all that way?The Glowing Sea to find Virgil
I'm about to do the quest where I need to go to. Seems like I need a load of RadX/Away but not sure how much is enough. I have Power Armour up in Sanctuary (from the Concord quest) but how am I supposed to get it down there? Do I need to stock up on a load of Fusion Core's so I can walk all that way?The Glowing Sea to find Virgil
hit 40 hours, finally creeping down to Diamond City.
I'm having trouble finding ammo so I think it's time to visit their traders. Also need more weapons to mod! Finding more of the same but I've only been on the North-West part of the map slowly moving South-East to Diamond City.
I have one at my camp but he's a lazy bastard. Just sits there watching people work.30 hours in and I still haven't seen a friendly ghoul.
Scavenger perk helps.
To be honest, a hazmat suit will get you there no problem, but you'll lose some protection. I bought mine from the lady in Diamond City's market that is right across from the noodle shop. It's the downstairs shop. If you can't afford one, I think there are other ways to get one, but this is probably the easiest.
The cores can last quite a long time if you don't sprint and minimize VATS use and if you aren't sneaky PA is probably better than a hazmat suit. You can also fast travel in PA.I was thinking of getting one and I remember seeing it there. I'm just worried about what I might find there so thought the PA would be the best option but it mean's I'm gonna need to buy a load of Fusion Cores and walk to the top of the map and back down again.
Yea i dont like how bethesda madr practically every ghoul a feral, only found 2 locations where there are non hostile ghouls, goodneighbor and some farm near a poolI have one at my camp but he's a lazy bastard. Just sits there watching people work.
hit 40 hours, finally creeping down to Diamond City.
I'm having trouble finding ammo so I think it's time to visit their traders. Also need more weapons to mod! Finding more of the same but I've only been on the North-West part of the map slowly moving South-East to Diamond City.