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【VIPインタビュー】SIEジム・ライアン氏が日本への想いや、PS5のさらなる飛躍に向けた戦略を語る | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
プレイステーション5(以下、PS5)の普及が加速する中、つぎなる戦略は? ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント代表取締役社長兼CEOジム・ライアン氏に展望を訊いた。

About the Importance of Japan's market:
Ryan: The Japanese market has been and will continue to be one of the most important markets. The reason for this is, of course, that the Japanese market is the second largest in the world, but more important than simple statistics is that Japan is the birthplace of PS. In addition, there are many employees in Japan, and the fact that SIE is made possible by their activities is also a major point that emphasizes the Japanese market.
Also, Japan is an integral part of PS culture and is one of the central countries, so I think it is very special and important to be able to transmit in Japan within the PS brand.
There is another reason why the Japanese market is so important. That's because many of the famous titles were born in Japan. There are many titles that have been shining on our platform for nearly 30 years.
" Final Fantasy ," " Monster Hunter ," " Tekken ," to name but a few, are countless masterpieces developed by Japanese developers and released by publishers. SIE has a long history of relationships with developers and publishers, so the Japanese market is extremely important in that sense as well.
――Among those strategies, is there anything in particular that you would like to focus on for Japan?
Ryan: It is to send out games that are highly compatible with the Japanese market. " ELDEN RING ", " Resident Evil RE:4 ", " Monster Hunter Rise ", " WILD HEARTS ", etc. have already been released on PS5. This game was born in Japan and was released in Japan.
It is very encouraging to see hit titles being created in Japan, and I am very grateful that there are many more titles scheduled to be released in addition to these titles. Most recently, we have FINAL FANTASY XVI and STREET FIGHTER 6 on the horizon, both of which will be huge and important launches for the world, but Japanese game fans will have a particularly high affinity for them. I think it will be a special launch.
About Spider-Man 2's PS5 development:
――PlayStation Studios plans to release Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in 2023. Please tell us your thoughts on this work.
Ryan: I'm sure Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be a very exciting launch. Because " Marvel's Spider-Man " released on PS4 is the touchstone. The title was a huge success on PS4 and was enjoyed by millions of users.
The sequel, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, is being developed exclusively for PS5, so the developers have made no compromises. We ask them to focus on maximizing the functions of the PS5 and creating the best works. As a result, we've received feedback from game fans that it looks like they'll be able to enjoy really beautiful visuals and a wonderful experience.
About PlayStation Studios game sales numbers in Japan, Ryan says its "not interesting if a game is a hit in every region":
――Although PlayStation Studios' AAA titles have sold over 10 to 20 million units worldwide, sales in Japan often remain relatively small. Please tell us your frank thoughts about the software situation in Japan.
Ryan: Every market, not just Japan, has its own characteristics. That's why there is a difference between the market where the same title can sell and the market where it doesn't. Rather, it wouldn't be interesting if the same title was a hit in every region. We believe that business is never boring and exciting because each region where we sell games has its own characteristics and characteristics.
Among the PlayStation Studios upcoming announced games, Jim Ryan points out Rise of the Ronin as a game that is showing how they can offer studios serious marketing and publishing support, and how that is key for making hits:
Taking "Rise of the Ronin" as an example, Koei Tecmo Games is developing it as a developer, and we at SIE will use our extremely strong marketing power and distribution network to publish it. This combination technique is the secret to making the game a hit.
About changes in the Japanese market, and Ghost of Tsushima selling 1 Million units in Japan:
――How do you think the Japanese market is changing?
Ryan: I think Japanese game fans have changed a lot compared to the past. In the past, titles from Japanese manufacturers were popular, but recently they are enjoying titles from overseas manufacturers with an open mind. For example, " Ghost of Tsushima " has sold over 1 million copies in Japan (*). I think it proves just how popular the titles of foreign manufacturers are in Japan.
――What? The game has a lot of fans in Japan, so I think there are many users who will be happy with it.
Ryan: I just answered about the importance of the Japanese market, and based on these examples, I think the Japanese market is important, and it's an interesting and attractive market. I think one of the characteristics of Japan is the history of game culture and the assets that have been passed down from the past. It is precisely because of this that we are able to create more and more wonderful titles.
About PSVR2's success and future:
--What do you think about the popularity of PS VR2 hardware?
Ryan: PS VR2 has just been launched, so it may be a little early to judge its popularity, but we are happy to see many positive reactions from users and the media. I just listed some of the compatible titles, but more than 40 titles have been released around the launch of PS VR2. In addition, there are many titles ahead of us in 2023 and beyond. We will continue to push forward so that those who purchase PS VR2 can enjoy it for a long time and we can also secure profits.
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