Fighting Games Weekly | June 22-28 | Ryu's in Smash 4, Jigglypuff's in SF5

Sent you a PM, Markman.

What I would try to do:
- Buy laptop, start making a little bit of content and ask here for feedback. Then refine the initial stuff and then start putting them on youtube.
- Once you've got a good amount of videos and if the content is being well received consider starting a Patreon for support.
- Here's an example of someone I give a few dollars to every now and then. They mainly make tutorials on 3D modeling and their videos range from a few hundred to a few thousand views. They put out content somewhat regularly and most of it is pretty decent to good. At the moment he gets around 150 a month from his supporters.

What do you think? Good or Horrible idea? I think it could be an option to consider even if there's a significant initial investment on your part. I think people would be more comfortable donating money towards what you're doing if you already have something to show and if that something is good. I dunno.
Hum. Not a bad idea. Thank you.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";169475381]Saying nice things isn't going to stop me from posting hilarious gifs

Daigo fucking loves SF4. He's a ranking points addict.[/QUOTE]

doesnt nemo have a 100k point lead on him on arcade now ?


Kickstarter Pro Tip: Don't say in the description that the Kickstarter that you aren't asking for money to do the thing you're Kickstarting, e.g. "I am not asking to Kickstart the videos "

Also why are you asking for a laptop? You could get a desktop that would be better suited for the task for a decent amount cheaper.

Combine all this into asking for money for an laptop while telling people they aren't actually funding the product you're offering and saying you have no experience at all with what you want to do makes this look shady as all hell.
Kickstarter Pro Tip: Don't say in the description that the Kickstarter that you aren't asking for money to do the thing you're Kickstarting, e.g. "I am not asking to Kickstart the videos "

Also why are you asking for a laptop? You could get a desktop that would be better suited for the task for a decent amount cheaper.

Combine all this into asking for money for an laptop while telling people they aren't actually funding the product you're offering and saying you have no experience at all with what you want to do makes this look shady as all hell.
Thank you for that.

I liked the laptop so that I could eventually maybe help out locals with streaming and such. /shrug


As someone who streamed for quite a while on both a laptop and a desktop, you don't want a laptop for streaming events and locals.

Cut the kickstarter, get the PC financed or whatever you were gonna do in the first place, and make videos yourself for free. Once you actually prove that you can do this shit then you can ask for money and you'll do much better.

Also if you want to be involved in locals maybe don't go on SRK and shit talk your Marvel scene when I know damn well there are some good Marvel players getting games down there that you don't hit up.
As someone who streamed for quite a while on both a laptop and a desktop, you don't want a laptop for streaming events and locals.

Cut the kickstarter, get the PC financed or whatever you were gonna do in the first place, and make videos yourself for free. Once you actually prove that you can do this shit then you can ask for money and you'll do much better.

Also if you want to be involved in locals maybe don't go on SRK and shit talk your Marvel scene when I know damn well there are some good Marvel players getting games down there that you don't hit up.
I really have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't posted on SRK in years outside of a few threads I made about SFV this week. I don't believe I have ever talked shit about my local Marvel scene, ever. There really isn't one here, actually.

Edit: outside of complaining about my locals not wanting customs in Smash at one point, I don't think I have ever said anything bad about my local community at all. Nothing but praise for them, to the best of my recollection. Lots of good guys there.
SF5 should have a mode where you have to use credits, bought with RL money, to play random dudes in a 2/3 set. You win, you play the next game for free. You lose, you have to use another credit. Make it exactly like whatever the free-play ranked mode is gonna be like except you have to use these credits to play. And call the points you get something different.

Best idea or worst idea?

Isn't that Tekken Revolution's system, except you get a free ticket every once in a while? There needs to be an incentive in SF5's case because it's not f2p like TR. Just being able to play on a separate leaderboards doesn't sound too interesting to me.

I also thought about a system where Capcom can set up a tournament or ranking system online for a season where people can pay in and the top placers win prizes, like possibly a a new title, something from the PSN marketplace (free capcom games or credit to the account), or maybe if it was big/prestigious enough give points/spot on the Capcom World Tour. They could have mods regulate certain ranking matches, sort of how I heard that Sega made a big deal in VF5 that someone was about to take the top spot (I believe a Brad player actually won it too). The only problem is I think the tournament system is considered gambling in some areas and this would be a no go.


I really have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't posted on SRK in years outside of a few threads I made about SFV this week. I don't believe I have ever talked shit about my local Marvel scene, ever. There really isn't one here, actually.

Edit: outside of complaining about my locals not wanting customs in Smash at one point, I don't think I have ever said anything bad about my local community at all. Nothing but praise for them, to the best of my recollection. Lots of good guys there.

Must have been the other Karsticles from Colorado that made the thread two days ago I guess. The other one with the link to his kickstarter in his SRK sig. Talking about how there's only 2-3 people into the game but they are "lost at sea".

Meanwhile those guys are grinding daily, paying for out of state players to travel and come practice with them so they can improve their skills, going to out of state tournaments and placing. Sounds a little insulting to say they are "lost", eh?


Today is DMC4SE release day...


Damn, really?

My wife keeps encouraging me to just buy the laptop and get financing, but I feel so guilty when there is a baby on the way. :/

If I could convince myself that the money could be made back through YouTube ads, I would feel better. But my own channel, in 1,000 views or so, has generated about 10 cents. Lol.

Yeah- Blazbits is definitely a cautionary tale. Even with a lot of things in their favor:
1) being known community figures
2) who already completed a similar tutorial series which was well-received (AFAIK) with good production value and
3) were also well organized and transparent about the specifics of the money use...

...and they managed to get three grand- a third the amount they requested, all of which was to pay them a subsistence (minimum) wage for them to work on the project full time.

(it's my understanding that ) To make money from youtube you need quite high viewership (like tens of thousands of views per video) and be partnered with a network. If you get $2/1000 views, you need 500,000 views to earn your theoretical laptop (if my math isn't garbage).
He played Ken and was pretty much the best in like 2004. He stopped playing shortly after I think. He also player Boxer in ST.

Must have been the other Karsticles from Colorado that made the thread two days ago I guess. The other one with the link to his kickstarter in his SRK sig. Talking about how there's only 2-3 people into the game but they are "lost at sea".

Meanwhile those guys are grinding daily, paying for out of state players to travel and come practice with them so they can improve their skills, going to out of state tournaments and placing. Sounds a little insulting to say they are "lost", eh?
I wasn't talking shit. The guy literally put down his controller, looked at me, and said "I have no idea what is going on". He was a newbie at the game. I was pretty clear about that in my post, too.

Also, I said I played two people. One was the newbie. The other, I didn't describe that way. I said that he clearly didn't like the game, and played it begrudgingly because he thinks it is ass.

There are some great Marvel players in CS, but none of them, I guess? Justin, the best around here, even entered Smash out of boredom with the tag "FUKSMASH" because our locals are 95% Smash U stations. There is almost NO Marvel at my locals. There is no one grinding it out. It is a dead game here. Skullgirls gets more action.

Are we clear that you misunderstood my post, then? I don't talk shit like that. I am not that kind of person. I even said in my post that I wanted to help the "lost st sea" guy, but I got called up for my Smash match. Does that sound like shit talk to you?

Here is my SRK post, for transparency:

I misremembered the context of the "lost at sea" comment. I was mostly thinking about our top local Marvel player, Justin, and how he is enthusiastic about the game, but no one else is. He and I talked about it, and we both talked about how it sucks that he doesn't have a lot of competition at the weekly meet-up. So, it wasn't even a comment on his skill level at all. This guy slaughtered me easily when we last played, haha. :) The idea was more that he doesn't have an avenue to release his passion for Marvel because the local scene for it is so dead.

Again, though, not shit talking. That isn't who I am.
Thank you for that.

I liked the laptop so that I could eventually maybe help out locals with streaming and such. /shrug

So the kickstarter was made to fund a personal streaming laptop too?

Should have put that into the description, it's no wonder r/kappa is calling you out for asking for so much money just to render a video.
So the kickstarter was made to fund a personal streaming laptop too?

Should have put that into the description, it's no wonder r/kappa is calling you out for asking for so much money just to render a video.
Doesnt it seem logical that, after the videos we're made, the laptop might be used for other things? o_O I dont feel that is misleading.


Off-topic post regarding the SRK post & Colorado: There are Marvel players that are active in Colorado Springs, but the mindset with the place where those weeklies go down changed a bit ago. That's why Smash is pretty big right now in the Fox and Hound venue, the CS FGC (sans Smash) and the guy who now runs those weeklies don't really see eye to eye, so you won't see a ton of FGC dudes there. Plus it's hard to get guys to come out now to a bar for weeklies, they mostly do house gatherings lol

Man, I miss the CS FGC. Much friendlier than Denver even though I lived in Denver for 15 years lol
Off-topic post regarding the SRK post & Colorado: There are Marvel players that are active in Colorado Springs, but the mindset with the place where those weeklies go down changed a bit ago. That's why Smash is pretty big right now in the Fox and Hound venue, the CS FGC (sans Smash) and the guy who now runs those weeklies don't really see eye to eye, so you won't see a ton of FGC dudes there. Plus it's hard to get guys to come out now to a bar for weeklies, they mostly do house gatherings lol

Man, I miss the CS FGC. Much friendlier than Denver even though I lived in Denver for 15 years lol
You know, I am going to PM you with some questions about this, if you don't mind. I went for about four weeks a year and a half ago, had to stop because of work stress, and now, everything is really different. If you could fill in some blanks for me, it would help my understanding some tension that has been there lately.

Two really strong Marvel players there, Justin and Mike, didn't touch the Marvel machine when it is up. I know Justin played at Mile High Massacre, but I am not sure about Mike. Both of them are a tier above me, no doubt. I see Mike play a lot of Xrd (he slaughters me).

Yeah, Danny and Jon don't seem to talk much, but they are both good guys from what I can tell.


I don't know why I mentioned normal throws. Dumb of me. I always forget that grabs even beat command grabs in 3S.
Coomand Grabs are pretty ass in the game. Moonsault Press is good though. Still I wish Alex and Q had better grabs, considering how shitty they are in so many departments.


"3S, where sometimes you get grabbed seven times"

Grabs in 3S are good because of how the game works. You just don't get insane reward off them :p
Oh that's my nickname for her. Because I have a friend who looks like Tengu Irl so I said she's his wife. His tag is Kstoute. XD

You're friends with a ghost? o_O

He is, I believe Egpytian specifically. Someone will argue ambiguously brown though.
And he is homosexual as well.

I thought he was just a Zatophile?

So apparently there is a thing goin' round with the KoF XIII folks called a ratio chart.
Idea is that
  • you have 7 points
  • the roster is assigned point values (not the same as a tier list. Just a point value for this)
  • you have to make a 3 character team using just your 7 points

Here is the image of the ratio assignments.

I absolutely love this concept and would enjoy it done for both Marvel 2 and UMVC3. Anyone care to make a ratio chart? Remember its not based on tiers...seems to be based on forcing team build challenges so while some folks may represent a tier others might be getting high ratio values just to isolate common pairings.

Ratio charts make me sad. They're often costed so steeply that good characters end up being more or less unplayable. At that point you should just hold a low tier tournament like Smash players do, or just ban the characters you've costed out of viability anyway.

On that specific chart: they've hilariously undercosted Saiki. Something like Clark, Saiki, Elisabeth should be amazing.

Athena and Elisabeth don't quite feel like one pointers for that matter.

My team in KOF13 is already 7 (Terry/Shen/Joe) so it's all good to me.

13-15 for me ;_; (=pls relearn the game thx)

I'd be down to setup ratio charts as a weekly thing to get some variety if anyone would stream a UMVC3 lobby for it. Rotate the ratio values each week and all that for funsies. Anyone down?

I'd just rather hold a low tier tournament straight up than try to make one in practice.

I swear its just ratio 5/4 on stream nowadays. When somebody picked Billy Kane at Stunfest I thought they were trollin

Saiki is hilariously undercosted (should be 4, easy) and sees play. Daimon, Clark and Takuma too.

Benimaru in ratio 4 somewhat surprises me.

More than Saiki at 3? That's the biggest joke in the entire chart, bar none. Both could be given a cost of 5 and I wouldn't bat an eye.

Why is my Trap Queen Yuri so high and my other trap queen Mai so low?

Because Yuri's legit amazing and just below the best of the best in strength and versatility?

Right, I would argue she's a solid A in KoF13, but I see most tier lists put her around the B+ range.


S+: EX Iori
S: Karate, Chin, Kim, Benimaru, (Saiki)
A+: Yuri, King, Duo etc. whole crapload of characters. Single tier list approach breaks down at this point.

more people play 3s on fightcade than usf4 on PC

This seems like a good thing.

Now that I'm playing Ultra, I remember why part of the reason why I stopped playing after Super. This game makes me so salty and mad at times, and I'm just playing casually.

SF4 has made me salty like no game before or since.

Honestly, what really killed me about him was the lack of a good block string ender.

light slash is -2 AFAIK? I mean, even Akuma's normal fireball is -4 point blank, so it should be in the same ballpark.


Oh sweet, even with this chart my main team would be viable.

That is Athena/Mature/Takuma.

So um, yeah, this ratio system is completely fine.
Oh sweet, even with this chart my main team would be viable.

That is Athena/Mature/Takuma.

So um, yeah, this ratio system is completely fine.

I couldn't play any team I know remotely well under that. Athena/K'/Saiki would be kinda doable I guess, but that's stretching it.

I think that ratio list would become much more interesting with an 8 point limit - that way builds like 3/3/2, 4/2/2, 5/2/1 become viable. Still pushes the teams to be primarily low-mid tier but is less constrained.


Kogi-Kog is trying to get evo via the /r/kappa sponsership program. The donation are only a couple days left and he might not make it at this rate. So, Kogi-Kog is promising to money match F-Champ in cosplay if he can go. He's about $600 dollars away from securing the 2nd /r/kappa spot.


We are looking for a donation of r / Kappa. When you go to the EVO, it okay to Filipino Champ and money match.


Slayer of Combofiends

EDIT: actually holy ryu does exist. It's that Power of Nothingness form that he learned from Gouken, it's whats suppressing the Satsui no Hadou

The Power of Nothingness? lol

i think i found my new main

im finding oni infinitely more fun than evil ryu

Great, more shotos.

SF5 should have a mode where you have to use credits, bought with RL money, to play random dudes in a 2/3 set. You win, you play the next game for free. You lose, you have to use another credit. Make it exactly like whatever the free-play ranked mode is gonna be like except you have to use these credits to play. And call the points you get something different.

Best idea or worst idea?

Combofiend was pimping out this online betting system for SF4 around a year or two ago. I wonder whatever happened to it... People bet too much lunch money? The beech too dangerous?

Kogi-Kog is trying to get evo via the /r/kappa sponsership program. The donation are only a couple days left and he might not make it at this rate. So, Kogi-Kog is promising to money match F-Champ in cosplay if he can go. He's about $600 dollars away from securing the 2nd /r/kappa spot.

Kogi is really desperate lol.


Ratio charts make me sad. They're often costed so steeply that good characters end up being more or less unplayable. At that point you should just hold a low tier tournament like Smash players do, or just ban the characters you've costed out of viability anyway.

On that specific chart: they've hilariously undercosted Saiki. Something like Clark, Saiki, Elisabeth should be amazing.

Athena and Elisabeth don't quite feel like one pointers for that matter.

I'd just rather hold a low tier tournament straight up than try to make one in practice.

Saiki is hilariously undercosted (should be 4, easy) and sees play. Daimon, Clark and Takuma too.

It's not a tier list.

They arrange it not only by character strength but other factors such as frequency of character usage etc.

Characters like Saiki, Athena, Elizabeth etc. are hardly often used.


Smash drama today.

Prog was going to do commentary for Top 8 at EVO.
People got upset about it. Wizard is upset about people going at Prog
Prog steps down from doing commentary.


Honestly, I think Koji is the best bang for the buck entertainment wise if they're crowd funding his trip. Even after you get over the novelty of seeing a Hawk player, his fundamentals are super solid. His match against Justin was great, even if he lost


Smash drama today.

Prog was going to do commentary for Top 8 at EVO.
People got upset about it. Wizard is upset about people going at Prog
Prog steps down from doing commentary.

Are "actually from the community" people hating on prog or just some reddit trolls? Because why would ANYONE hate on prog?!
"3S, where sometimes you get grabbed seven times"

Grabs in 3S are good because of how the game works. You just don't get insane reward off them :p

Some characters can combo into super off of throws against certain characters, Remy can get a combo off of neutral throw.

Also, characters have random amounts of throw-invincibility frames going from crouching to standing so Makoto and Q can destroy grapplers by mashing down on the arcade stick at close range.

3s is a weird game.
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