Gold Member
This confused me, that last part. Why should i as a gamer be happy that i own a game that only people who bought my console can play? like what does that even benefit me? what i am getting out from it? lets say the game is available on all consoles, or lets say its only available on the console that i own and nothing else. At the end its the same thing for me, i just played the game.
I even see comments on Twitter and on Youtube that people fight and argue with each other over who has more games? its hilarious because if the person is not part of the corporation itself why do they care if other people get to play the game or not?
Like for example Demon's Souls Remake is only available on PS5, this whole decision only benefits Sony and for someone who only plays on Sony Console they do NOT get any benefit out of it being exclusive and not releasing on other consoles.
Im really confused about this! can someone explain to me the logic behind people who have this kind of mentality about console exclusives and being "loyal" to their brand?
Well I can't speak for others, but to me consoles have 2 main appeals: A good price to performance ratio, and exclusives.
I'm certainly not buying a console for the closed ecosystem with 1 store that has a digital monopoly, the lack of regional pricing, paid multiplayer, lack of mods, more expensive games and the uncertain forward compatibility of said games.
So when a console offers a game I can only play on said console, it becomes more valuable to me. Because if I could play Demon Souls Remake, Returnal, Ratchet, Horizon 2, The next god of war, etc on Series X and PC, then why the hell do I even want a Ps5 to begin with?. I'd rather stick to PC or Series X which would give me access to everything available on ps5 + gamepass + their own exclusives which aren't on ps5, etc.
So when the console maker of the system I own is going to spend millions of dollars on games, I'd rather have them spending that money on NEW and unique games I can only play on their system, instead of money hatting third party devs so those games that would have been made and released on my console anyway don't come to other platforms.
If Sony didn't pay for a timed exclusive deal of FFXVI we'd still have gotten a FFXVI. If MS didn't pay for a timed exclusive of Scorn we'd still have gotten Scorn. It's bringing nothing special to their system or the industry at large.
But when Ms/Sony/Nintendo actually invest in making new games for their systems, they aren't just adding value to their consoles but actually enriching gaming with unique experiences we wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
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