Stone Ocean
Please don't, I actually need to double weave that sometimes if I want to get 3 Nastronds offask them if they can add a noob buffer to prevent nastrond from immediately activating after a geirskogul cause i mash too much
Please don't, I actually need to double weave that sometimes if I want to get 3 Nastronds offask them if they can add a noob buffer to prevent nastrond from immediately activating after a geirskogul cause i mash too much
Please don't, I actually need to double weave that sometimes if I want to get 3 Nastronds off
I don't even want to be a DRG anymore
u can be my drg senpai
Ask them if they've ever considered any plans for an 8 man raid roulette for the ones with story modes. (Everything but Coil since Coil is difficult and nobody would put up with it in a roulette) Queue times for the earlier turns of Alexander when 3.4/3.5 were out were awful, regardless of the role. Same thing will happen to Omega for people looking to go through the Omega story at the tail end of the SB patch cycle.Actually, y'all got time. I'm saving my questions until I can play the content on October 10. No rush. I'll just collect them all this week, strike down any I know the team won't answer and move on from there.
Not sure if i should stay on Ultros (I'm returning from release, in EU) or transfer...
Is it viable for me to stay on Ultros? Where's EU gaf located otherwise?
I'm guessing i'm gonna have to pay for a transfer at this point?
I only played at release 2.0 for 3 months or so. Got all the expansions now and kinda don't want to lose my progress... Although i remember nothing, so maybe starting fresh would be nice. But yea, which EU servers is preferred, then?
I love how they were like "SMN didn't have aoe potential outside of Deathflare, so we make Tri Bind better!" like they don't remember that fucking Bane and Shadow Flare were infinitely more useful back in HW.
the item, deltascape crystalloid, can only be received once a week for now, so it would take 7 weeks to get the 330 wep. you can get it faster by doing savage tho.ran o2s last night for the first time with my FC, stood in for a static member who was busy. was awesome, they were really helpful and we cleared it after 3 or so attempts. i picked up the Glaze. also got a drop on o1s just before it, THM earrings.
i like this gear progression system....when i get the drops. guess i'll have to run o4 a few more times to get the 7 things so i can get me the i330 weapon which will be pretty tasty.
i'll say though, o2s wasn't mind blowingly hard. granted i did have an awesome group running it and we were using Discord, but nothing out of this world. i heard o3s is something else though, then o4s...
Actually, y'all got time. I'm saving my questions until I can play the content on October 10. No rush. I'll just collect them all this week, strike down any I know the team won't answer and move on from there.
if you cleared o2s and think you can do it reliably try joining weekly clears through PF, most people running probably have the early model tomestone which drops from it by now which is what the crystalloids from o4 turn in for, so just ask if anyone else needs it. (everyone can also roll need on it so if there's no predetermined loot rules just go for it) after that you'd need 3 weeks of creation to buy the 330 weapon.ran o2s last night for the first time with my FC, stood in for a static member who was busy. was awesome, they were really helpful and we cleared it after 3 or so attempts. i picked up the Glaze. also got a drop on o1s just before it, THM earrings.
i like this gear progression system....when i get the drops. guess i'll have to run o4 a few more times to get the 7 things so i can get me the i330 weapon which will be pretty tasty.
i'll say though, o2s wasn't mind blowingly hard. granted i did have an awesome group running it and we were using Discord, but nothing out of this world. i heard o3s is something else though, then o4s...
if you cleared o2s and think you can do it reliably try joining weekly clears through PF, most people running probably have the early model tomestone which drops from it by now which is what the crystalloids from o4 turn in for, so just ask if anyone else needs it. (everyone can also roll need on it so if there's no predetermined loot rules just go for it) after that you'd need 3 weeks of creation to buy the 330 weapon.
royal menagerie EX drops in a week also and will drop a 335 weapon which should be slightly better than the 330 weapon unupgraded also
GAF FC is still located on Ultross .
As for EU there is no FC . all of us are spread out across different servers and FC's mostly.
as for whether you should transfer ? EU players on NA servers received an increase in ping after the NA data center was moved but it differs from person to person whether it is (un)playable.
i would suggest trying out staying on Ultross for a while and see if the ping is bothering you or not . if not ,transfer .
as for what server to pick ? all are good although Moogle is mostly french players .
the others are all diverse in population.
Hey, the ballsack I mean goblin cap got a lot of use!Aka they got rid of filler stupid stuff like manderville house portraits that people were putting up for sale on MB for sub 100 gil.
Thanks! Is there any decent scandinavian population on any servers? i looked at
And ragnarok seems to be the most active.
Will try Ultros though. I never logged on because it said the connection was terrible.
Thinking of creating a new char on any EU server though. At least for now.
Au'Ras horns will clip through all the headgear right? Not into horns but if i'm creating a new char i'd rather go with something new... decisions decisions.
As someone that's come back recently has SE given any reason why this games summoner isn't like most previous FF summoners? Do we think it will ever evolve to the point of being able to summon traditional summons or espers?
Simplified job gauges (
Only a few there, but interesting. Wonder how AST's will look
Megaton.Huh, for 4.1 they are giving away the Squall outfit (and Cloud, Zidane, Firion) to everyone who's been subbed a year/ And apparently all the other vet rewards are available in-game now?
Also, servers come up at 3am pacific on the 10th. The race to Shirogane is on!
Lorewise summons are just a different vein. There is no contract with espers or anything like that. Primals are summoned by the beast races of the world, and those Primals enthrall their followers to their bidding. FFXIV Summoners take a part of that power and use mathematical calculations to "summon" a fraction of their power, called an Egi, to aid them in battle. The one primal that the player (and thus, all FFXIV Summoners) have a strong connection to is Bahamut. Even though he's been defeated, his energy still exists on this plane as Aethertrails, and Summoners can tap into to enter a trance where they can borrow his power temporarily, or even bring a diminished version of Bahamut out to attack in unison with you for a small amount of time. Anymore time and things would probably go bad for the Summoner, since it's extremely taxing to use the power of a primal by yourself.
Gameplay wise I think they just wanted to have a Warlock type class in the game, and they have done a pretty good job of having a hybrid DoT/Pet class. Reliance on the Pet and DoTs has changed a lot over time, we are at a point where the Pet is extremely important (and there are times where you must cater to it, like not moving so it gets all of it's attacks off) and DoTs are your main source of damage but easy to maintain. Traditional FF summons would be cool, but they want each one to do a unique thing and a lot of bases are covered. Large summons would also be cool, but at the same time, people have been complaining about how large Demi-Bahamut is and they are literally adding an option to make him smaller.
Simplified job gauges (
Only a few there, but interesting. Wonder how AST's will look
It's been thereOMG, is that a hotshot countdown on MCH?
Thank you sweet baby Jesus. Building that muscle memory has been a struggle.
It will have 1 less weap dmg. Because from 330 to 340 its +2 weap dmg instead of +1. Thus naturally 335 is +1dmg over 330im hoping the 335 weps will have the same weapon damage as the 340, but slightly lower stats.
It'll likely have the same WD as the 330 weapon, but higher main stats, since thats what happened with the last two catch up weapons (Nidghogg/Zurvan)It will have 1 less weap dmg. Because from 330 to 340 its +2 weap dmg instead of +1. Thus naturally 335 is +1dmg over 330
It will have 1 less weap dmg. Because from 330 to 340 its +2 weap dmg instead of +1. Thus naturally 335 is +1dmg over 330
new month and close to new patch .
time for a monthly character update SS :
The grind is real but I'm nearing completion of the goal i set for myself when i started SB!
Only had like 3 DoH/DoL classes at 50 so it has been an interesting (and profitable) journey lol.
Ah, early on I did everything you listed very religiously but grew a bit tired of it.Nice, yeah I set the same goal about 6 months ago for myself and mainly just be using GC turn ins daily and Ixali & Moogle tribes to keep the grind down. Almost there as well, but going to leave 3-4 crafters at lvl.65 so when the crafting beast tribe comes out in 4.3 I can get them to 70 with it and have a reason to do the daily quests.
It's first come, first serve, yeah. You could buy a small with 5-10 million. But you'd need 17+ million to get a medium and 40+ for a large, IIRC
You using If not its a handy site/app for gatheringIs there an up to date list of pop times for Ephemeral Nodes? I've been following the Gamer Escape and FFXIV Wiki pages, but the nodes don't spawn when they say they're supposed to.
Edit: Nevermind. It's been a few months since I did any gathering. I thought I got a popup when they spawned, but I was just flying around and found one.
I know in hw or arr i only did gc turn in once i reached around lv 25. I only do daily gc turn in. I was in no hurry so go to lv cap around 2-3month with daily gc turn in. It wqs nice because i spent only 10min per day to do provision. Little did ppl know or lazy to check that around 75% of the gears it want you to turn in can be bought from npc around the world. (Only for cul i have to value if i should buy from mb or not. Since those do get pricey. For me im willing to spend up to 30k per turn in for cul but usually best is 25k or less) Basically i check the mb if its cheaper than the npc sold price or not and if its not then il buy 1 extra just to put it on the mb to break even or even make money toward my next gc turnin. What its starred il will decide if the Hq on mb is wworththe money i spend on it or not. Usually it have to be 2x the nq price or lower. Othwrwise i just get nq.Ah, early on I did everything you listed very religiously but grew a bit tired of it.
It was somewhat taxing financially to HQ craft the GC turn ins everyday (also because my profession's levels varied so much, I didn't want to have multiple sets of gears), after awhile I only did the starred GC turn-ins.
Enjoyed the moogle quests a lot since you only had to do 3 and they were relatively painless, Ixali was definitely a pain since it involved a lot of running around and there were 9 quests per day.
What i did for each profession was:
1. Level to 50 using Ixali
2. Level to 60 using Moogle
3. Level to 69 using level 60-62 Level quests. These were the most "bang for buck" and usually took around 35-40 leves.
4. Complete 1-68 Jobquest (Yes i left this for last, its painful but pushes you to 70)
GC squadrons will only have the "free" mode (one of the orders you give them) before you train them, so players will have a hard time at the beginning. They intetionally made it like that, because that's actually what makes it entertaining. For example, the healer prioritizes raising over healing, so there will be situations where you think "This healer just abandoned the ranged dps and started raising". There are also cute moments where the tank brings the boss with him and starts attacking the adds (facing them this way), but they think this is exactly what makes you start loving the squadrons. If your squadron's rank is already 5, you can challenge wanderers palace right away, but you can only use the "free" order, so the huge tonberries will stab every single one of them to death.
The rewards that stand out the most from the squadrons will be the emotes. Sit ups and push ups will be obtainable, so they want players to spend their time and gradually obtain these.
The level cap for the squadrons will be 60.
4.X will provide closure to a key history to XIV [Excerpts of Famitsu interview Translation]
NB: not literal translation, paraphrased in some.
[It was clear where HW was heading in 3.1, but SB has many path that it could take. Is the scenario going to be a mixture of adventures, like the 4.0 MSQ in Ala Migo and Doma?]
吉田 ひとつ言えるのは、わかりにくい物語にはなっていないということです。『旧FFXIV』時代から継がれてきた大きな歴史に今回決着がつきます。ここで決着をつけるんだ、みたいな印象を受けるかもしれません。
[Yoshi: If there's one thing that I can say, we've made the story as easily understandable. In 4.x, we will be giving closure to a key historical event that XIV has carried on from its 1.0 days. Players may find it impactful, seeing it closed here]
[Does that mean old characters from 1.0 will feature?]
吉田 キャラクターはあまり関係ないです。たとえば錬金術師のクラスクエストに登場したニエルフレーヌのような、わかる人だけが理解できるようなタイプのものではありません。もっと大きな枠組みの中で、「え!?」とちょっとびっくりされるかもしれません。「4年か 」という感じがあるのではないかなと。今回のシナリオは静かに立ち上がり、静かに進むんですが、最後はよくできたと思っています。声優さんたちも、すばらしい演技をしてくださいました。
[Yoshi: It's not so much the characters, unlike the ALC quest line where 1.0 characters came in. It's a larger plot, and people may find it surprising. Some may also feel like "it's been 4 years...". The scenario this time will silently arouse, and silently progress, but I believe the finale we have made is well done. The voice actors have done a splendid job at it too]
[Does that mean that there are certain foreshadows that is currently in SB?]
吉田 伏線はすでにいくつかありますが まだヒントが少なく、たぶん予想できないと思います。今回パッチ4.1はふたつのシーンで超重要なワードが登場します。とくに設定好きの方はお見逃しなく。
[Yoshi: There are some foreshadows in-game, but the hints we have provided are scarce and I don't think anyone will be able to guess the climax. In 4.1, there are two scenes where a very important key phrase will come up. Please look forward to it.]