ok 9pm it is.
let me fix it
YAAAY thank you red
We're gonna wipe to all the things. I'm not sure we can count on the last boss to kill himself this time around.
ok 9pm it is.
let me fix it
the live action or the anime? the live action is probably hard to get into for someone that's never watched that kind of stuff before (and i also think it's not a very good version of that kind of show) but the anime is a rad dark medieval fantasy affair and works really well especially if you like the berserk aestheticGot around to watching an episode of GARO, since they keep bringing up the guest director guy for the Ivalice dungeon...wow. W T F.
What, they adjusted tab targeting. Megaton...I think
Target Type
Type 1 (standard)
Targets enemy closest to the player without considering depth in terms of the camera position.
Type 2 (new)
Targets enemies based on a cone shape originating from the position of the camera.
just giving you a heads up, the other codes are used too. dont know who but they were used yesterday.
i'm running a full gaf run for patch day (gaf members only)
9pm EST, Discord is a must(you don't have to talk)
if we have enough players online early in the day we could setup a earlier run also.
don't forget to repair your gear!
Posting for new page.
Cloud Mount taken
Quote for NA Eastern Journey Attire and Eastern Journey Battle Staff (Lancer/Dragoon Arm) codes.
Giving away the ones I got when the promotion was on before I knew they wouldn't work with an EU account. First come first serve. Post when you've redeemed them (via MogStation).
Going to be very helpful in PVP for sure.The new option sounds good.
Anyone got a RDM opener? Rotation seems simple enough. Just need to know what's up with the start
Anyone got a RDM opener? Rotation seems simple enough. Just need to know what's up with the start
Anyone got a RDM opener? Rotation seems simple enough. Just need to know what's up with the start
Hey ya guys,
I got a question, what is there to do at endgame? If I don't care about raiding is there any other way to progress? With WoW when I take a break from Raiding, I can run mythic + dungeons and basically get equal to better gear in literally a 3rd of the time it takes to raid.
Also, there a lot of open world PvE content in in Legion this time around and I really enjoy being in the open world and not just spamming instanced content. How is it in Stormblood. If there is one thing I don't like in MMOs is standing around in towns just spamming duty/group finder and automatically being placed in a dungeon.
ah yes, the fabled ixion. finally, he has been spotted in the wild
patch notes postwhere'd you get this picture from?
That's pretty much what I do whenever I play.
That's pretty disappointing to hear.
Hey ya guys,
I got a question, what is there to do at endgame? If I don't care about raiding is there any other way to progress? With WoW when I take a break from Raiding, I can run mythic + dungeons and basically get equal to better gear in literally a 3rd of the time it takes to raid.
Also, there a lot of open world PvE content in in Legion this time around and I really enjoy being in the open world and not just spamming instanced content. How is it in Stormblood. If there is one thing I don't like in MMOs is standing around in towns just spamming duty/group finder and automatically being placed in a dungeon.
I'm a former FFXIV-player, who doesn't know anybody in real life who plays the game and has an irreconcilable loathing of using the duty finder.
I just looked through the Patch 4.1 Notes, and noticed something called "command missions". Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, but is it essentially saying that you can run through 4-person content with AI now? If so, would that be a viable option for progressing through the game?
If it is, I'd definitely resub.
Old Plot Exterior: Paissa Cottage Walls
Destination Plot Exterior: Paissa House Walls
Somehow I feel that Shinryu ex wont quite be up to thordan extreme standards if they said some might find O2S harder.
Got a char on Odin finally (been busy).
How does the different dps classes compare to one another? I mean in terms of utility abilities, pure damage output, general usefulness in group environments?
I've heard that dragoons been weak for awhile, for example. Not sure how true that is. Is it because they lack in dps, and if so do they make up for it with utility?
That sort of stuff... I started with a pugilist this time around. I've been torn between this and just going summoner but i already got one at 50 on Ultros (50 bard, 50 summoner to be precise) and i wanted to change it up a bit.
Never been fond of melee though so not sure if i should stick with the pugilist.
Is there any good resources with some short writeups in regards to all the classes and what they bring to the table? Or maybe youtube?
As a side note, i enjoy dot heavy, debuff and controlling classes. But also those that require fast reflexes. I don't really care about being the highest dps class if it means i can bring a lot of utility instead.
Basically chainlock insta dot classes, heh.
welcome to the server
PS the offer to join our FC still stands btw .
Names MI6
come visit us at The Goblet ,ward 1 . house 30 .
Character name is Rhaya Wolfsbane if you happen to see me .
if you enjoy dot heavy classes Summoner is your go to .
if you want speed and utility Ninja is the undisputed king of the later ( altough you said you arent fond of melees )
basically any job is great so take your pick really .
Who is the writer for the Dark Knight questline? That person deserves a bonus.
Anyone know what the ilvl req will be for the Ivalice raid? I have a friend who wants me to do it with them but I haven't played in awhile so I'm worried I'm terribly undergeared for it atm.
Anyone know what the ilvl req will be for the Ivalice raid? I have a friend who wants me to do it with them but I haven't played in awhile so I'm worried I'm terribly undergeared for it atm.
Hey guys! Just started playing and I've got a Lv. 39 Bard. I joined the FC on Ultros (thanks to whoever accepted me) and am doing the Coerthas storyline. If there's anyone around the same level who wants to hang or do duties or anything, feel free to hit me up.
I'm enjoying the game, but these early story quests are living up to their reputation for being a slog!
I'm past that on my main job but I've been leveling stuff on the side. Hit me up if you wanna play sometime. I'm Dandy Crocodile in game too.Hey guys! Just started playing and I've got a Lv. 39 Bard. I joined the FC on Ultros (thanks to whoever accepted me) and am doing the Coerthas storyline. If there's anyone around the same level who wants to hang or do duties or anything, feel free to hit me up.
I'm enjoying the game, but these early story quests are living up to their reputation for being a slog!
Thanks! I'm gonna wait a little before joining your FC. At the moment i'm playing overwatch and secret world legends with my girlfriend but i wanted something to fill the hours in between dailies in swl, so that's why i took up ffxiv again. I'm probably gonna play Destiny 2 as well so me starting ffxiv is kind of a trial run to see if i get hooked again.
I have a friend joining me, might persuade my girlfriend too (she seems bored with swl lately), so if we decide to stay it would be cool if we all could join
Only lvl 10 now. I figured i'd play to about 20-30 before deciding to stay, and if so i might transfer my old character.
Just starting again made me realise how much i remembered so starting fresh felt a little rough. Appreciate the invite! My char's named lain ipeq, ipoq? ipiq?
Fake edit:
Lain iriq is my name. Never could figure out a surname, just went with a random one. Ugh, The only shape of the horns that i liked (decided on Au Ra) has completely the wrong shape on the face. Might just transfer my Miqo'te sooner than i'd planned.
Thanks for the class tips. I'm staying on the pugilist for now. Already feel like i've decided to transfer my old char if i decide to play longer than just a month.
Is it possible to change so the camera turns with the mouse? What i mean is, instead of having the traditional mouse turning (holding down M2), it would just turn on its own? I've gotten used to it thanks to swl.
And are the accessibility options actually useful for someone that usually don't need them? The wording "visual alerts" make it sound really useful.
Its basically this but with Embolden used way earlier to line up with other party buffs AFAIK
Hey guys! Just started playing and I've got a Lv. 39 Bard. I joined the FC on Ultros (thanks to whoever accepted me) and am doing the Coerthas storyline. If there's anyone around the same level who wants to hang or do duties or anything, feel free to hit me up.
I'm enjoying the game, but these early story quests are living up to their reputation for being a slog!
That's ACT.What is the dps meter app that can show up in game (and shows class dps, etc)?
That's ACT.
Oh man I wonder how much those flaming wheel shoe/mount is going to cost if it ever comes over to mogstation (I need these so I can do some Air Gear Glam)
Oh man I wonder how much those flaming wheel shoe/mount is going to cost if it ever comes over to mogstation (I need these so I can do some Air Gear Glam)