Yup, he's Denzel Washington playing Denzel Washington.
Dislike nearly all actors who do that.
Johnny Depp is the fucking worst.
Absolute shithouse of an actor.
Yup, he's Denzel Washington playing Denzel Washington.
Dislike nearly all actors who do that.
Johnny Depp is the fucking worst.
Absolute shithouse of an actor.
Yup, he's Denzel Washington playing Denzel Washington.
Dislike nearly all actors who do that.
Yup, he's Denzel Washington playing Denzel Washington.
Dislike nearly all actors who do that.
I don't know, man.Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is fucking sublime.
I don't know, man.
Sure, the source material is sensational but again it's the same fucking role he always plays. Him choosing to play a protagonist severely under the influence, or as we'd perceive it, is so fucking safe and easy and Johnny fucking Depp. It's like he has no perception of how to choose a role that isn't that, and when he tries he becomes a malicious piece of computer software in a steaming pile of Morgan Freeman's poo.
Fuck, can Inherent Vice just come out please. I want to sit in the cinema and have a cerebral orgasm.
Old as fuck m8. Also that FluffyPuffs post.Peter Lim's daughter
Old as fuck m8. Also that FluffyPuffs post.
Hixx I love you babe.
Penny are you there?
Morgan Freeman is the worst actor in the world. Has less range than a fucking cow.
Morgan Freeman is the worst actor in the world. Has less range than a fucking cow.
Allow me to introduce you to the likes of Jack Black.
That's a pretty tough to defend statement knowing people like Tommy Wiseau also appear on the big screen.
That's a pretty tough to defend statement knowing people like Tommy Wiseau also appear on the big screen.
Plus, Freeman knows exactly what he is capable off, he isn't trying to pinch into other characters that he would just ruin, like alot of actors are doing on a daily basis.That's a pretty tough to defend statement knowing people like Tommy Wiseau also appear on the big screen.
Gute Nacht Herr Penny.
Rip Bla.
Jack Black is better in Bernie than anything Morgan Freeman has ever done
Everyone knows Wiseau's a joke. People defend Freeman just for being Morgan Freeman.
Jack Black is better in Bernie than anything Morgan Freeman has ever done
Morgan Freeman is the worst actor in the world. Has less range than a fucking cow.
Black was great in Bernie. But I don't agree Morgan Freeman is a bad actor. I think we can all see he's got his certain thing. And especially now after a long career he's just being Morgan Freeman everytime. But he's had some pretty great roles. Gone Baby Gone comes to mind. Seven, Shawshank and Glory are obvious choices.
I have just discovered a love for Emily Blunt. What should I watch?
Randy stop listing good movies to prove these actors are good at acting. Wilbur is saying the performance is no different regardless of the role.
Jesus Christian.
Tuchel and Pep had a meeting in December http://www.bild.de/sport/fussball/bayern-muenchen/was-wollte-tuchel-bei-guardiola-39177298.bild.html
Edge of Tomorrow. Charlie Wilson's War. Salmon Fishing In The Yemen
Don't know whether to watch The Equalizer or The Guest.
Edge of Tomorrow is shit.
Wound me right up when all the nerds talked it up as like the best blockbuster they'd ever seen.
It's just a shit videogame with an irritating trope.
Rather play Call of Duty single player or something.
Sorry Messi, I've already gone with The Guest. I'll probably watch Equalizer tomorrow.The equalizer. It's got Denzel bring Denzel and Chloe.
Edge of tomorrow was fun. Nothing special, but well made with a good Cruise performance. Central conceit is better than the actual film though.
Emily Blunt is in much of it?
She looked a bit like Cloud Strife which explains the erection demographic for the film.Emily Blunt is in much of it?
Emily Blunt is in much of it?
Can't wait to watch us smashMK DonsYeovil tomorrow.
Yes, and she certainly looks like she spent half a lifetime in a gym in it.
Don't know whether to watch The Equalizer or The Guest.
Theres a pretty well known NBA player at my local bar right now. Pretty hilarious that he's here considering its kinda divey. Deron Williams an the Nets play the heat tomorrow.
Like Olivia in Tron?
Deron is there?
I wouldn't worry about it. The heat are getting their asses reddened by the Rockets right now.