New blame everyone else for being a shit parent class action lawsuit AHOY!
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Fortnite is one of the most popular video games of the present day, but a new class-action lawsuit currently being prepared in Canada is claiming that this fame has been bought via nefarious means.
According to Alessandra Esposito Chartrand, an attorney with Calex Légal, Epic Games spent "many years" working with psychologists to find out how to make its Battle Royale game as addictive as possible so that players would become hopelessly hooked:
The case – which focuses on the parents of two minors, aged 10 and 15 – is being likened to the 2015 class-action suit against tobacco companies in which the Quebec Superior Court ruled that tobacco companies did not do enough to warn people about the dangers of smoking. It also cites the recent classification of gaming addiction as a disorder by the World Health Organisation.
In order to play Fortnite, users are asked to give up any right to sue Epic Games, and must instead go through individual arbitration, but Chartrand argues that these terms of service are null and void "because the province's Consumer Protection Act requires companies to clearly disclose risks associated with products or services
So thoughts?
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Fortnite "Ruined Our Child's Life", Claims Family At The Centre Of New Class-Action Lawsuit
"They really dug into the human brain"