I'm on mobile, can you add me to the list?Fuck ya man! We need to get some more of the OG ForzaGAF in on this. Soundscream? Crude? Zorbs? SCRONE? Retro? Takeover? Where ya at?
GAF: Noobcraft
GT: Mr Noobcraft
I'm on mobile, can you add me to the list?Fuck ya man! We need to get some more of the OG ForzaGAF in on this. Soundscream? Crude? Zorbs? SCRONE? Retro? Takeover? Where ya at?
I'm on mobile, can you add me to the list?
GAF: Noobcraft
GT: Mr Noobcraft
Yay.I'll add you with basic details.![]()
I'd like to join in for a couple of races but:
A) I am garbage at racing games
B) I'm still getting used to using a wheel
C) Despite points (A) & (B) I insist on turning off some of the assists so I will definitely spin out of control and wreck every other car on the track.
To those with a Thrustmaster TX: is it better to run with auto-clutch in-game or to run full manual and use the auto-clutch feature on the wheel?
I loved your review!
The way you explained how you ain't that good at racers, but you still had fun with assists is like me.
at 5:30 you call the game Forza Horizon 6![]()
I'm sure they'll accept us failures.
I have to work Thursday unfortunately, but I'll be available Thursday night and any time Friday or Saturday for the most part.
It's faster to use the auto-clutch on the wheel. I've actually returned the TX and decided to stick with the controller, but one of my first thoughts when learning how to use the TX is that auto-clutch feels like cheating.
Fuck ya man! We need to get some more of the OG ForzaGAF in on this. Soundscream? Crude? Zorbs? SCRONE? Retro? Takeover? Where ya at?
but one of my first thoughts when learning how to use the TX is that auto-clutch feels like cheating.
For a new page
Alright, I still have our ForzaGAF list from before so I just removed everyone to start fresh. Quote this post if you want to add yourself to the list.
Fuck ya man! We need to get some more of the OG ForzaGAF in on this. Soundscream? Crude? Zorbs? SCRONE? Retro? Takeover? Where ya at?
For a new page
Alright, I still have our ForzaGAF list from before so I just removed everyone to start fresh. Quote this post if you want to add yourself to the list.
Wait... whaaaat?
Name a real life car, where you have to clutch the flappy-paddle shifters?
Or where you talking about a TX with TH8A Shifter add-on?
Edit: I feel like I have some technical misunderstanding here.
Edit2: Indeed... I didn't know there is an auto-clutch feature on the wheel itself, I have pedals with clutch pedal.
Compare yourself using auto clutch to just manual by racing your ghost, there's usually a couple car lengths difference within a few seconds.
Ok, so what the game calls "manual" is non-automatic shifting with auto-clutch as in "I don't have to clutch, the game/car does that for me".
What the game calls "manual w/clutch" is ACTUALLY manual, where I have to do the shifting and clutching by myself.
on the game's "manual" setting I was 1.1 seconds faster on Laguna Seca (I have pretty constant times on that track) than I was with "manual w/clutch" and not using the clutch pedal when shifting.
What am I not getting here?
You set the game to manual+clutch and enable autoclutch on the wheel, iirc it's 'Mode' and 'A' button.
If you have to use the paddles in menus (scrolling through manufacturers for example) then disable autoclutch again as it will select the car as is the 'A' button has been pressed. Enable it again when you're ready to race.
I think autoclutch only works on the default button layout.
If you guys want to add yourselves to the list, check out this post for information.
DomesticMango: Top Gear Car Review - The Widowmaker - McLaren P1
Goddam, I cannot wait until Thurs now! Anyone want to get some ForzaGAF people together on Friday night for some races?
Here is the ForzaGAF list so far:
GAF Name: Gamertag:
Shortt Sirket Shortt Sirket
Devildoll SCR0NE
Sarbear Dead P0ul
CrudeDiatribe CrudeDiatribe
EBreda Ed Balboa
danowat danowat32
frontieruk frontieruk
Terbinator Soggy Naan
SkinnerSw33t SkinnerSw33t
op_ivy LoopOfHenle
revas NastyTheMenace
Luckydog Lucky26
Got the Shakes Got the Shakes
Rjcc Rjcc
Grassy x Grassy x
Soundscream soundscream13
Sordid Sordid Sentinel
Palookah Pookah
TylerDurden4321 FFsReedRichards
drugstore_cowboy CoProxamolKid
Gek54 Russtic
J3ffro Starburns Lives
NakedRescue NakedRescue
Orca BigOilersFan
KeyboardThug The Beast 117
OnkelC OnkelZee
Evo X WRC Evo X
P3tRaN P3tRaN (banned)
Zorbsie ZORBS
TBiddy XorpiZ
Stevey Original Bstard
T.O.P KI Heisenberg
DivineRage002 DivineRage002
tearsintherain spronk
I think every single Forza Motorsport game since like 2 has had track DLC. The question is not if, but when and what. I am still holding out desperate hope for Kaido. And Kaido in the rain and at night. Jesus christ, I want that so bad.
As long as you can promise that there wont some first turn shenanigans and no racism towards those poor Canadians. /s
Cool review, man. Thanks for sharing. Your review plus my experience with the demo has me at least moderately interested in picking the game up. I've never played any of the Forza games before and only spent a small amount of time between Gran Turismo 1, 2 and 3. I always had more fun with arcade racers like Ridge Racer, Daytona and Sega Rally. Still, I'm quite intrigued by what FM6 has to offer.
In the demo, do we get to keep the credits and cars that we win?
If you guys want to add yourselves to the list, check out this post for information.
Goddam, I cannot wait until Thurs now! Anyone want to get some ForzaGAF people together on Friday night for some races?
Here is the ForzaGAF list so far:
GAF Name: Gamertag:
Shortt Sirket Shortt Sirket
Devildoll SCR0NE
Sarbear Dead P0ul
CrudeDiatribe CrudeDiatribe
EBreda Ed Balboa
danowat danowat32
frontieruk frontieruk
Terbinator Soggy Naan
SkinnerSw33t SkinnerSw33t
op_ivy LoopOfHenle
revas NastyTheMenace
Luckydog Lucky26
Got the Shakes Got the Shakes
Rjcc Rjcc
Grassy x Grassy x
Soundscream soundscream13
Sordid Sordid Sentinel
Palookah Pookah
TylerDurden4321 FFsReedRichards
drugstore_cowboy CoProxamolKid
Gek54 Russtic
J3ffro Starburns Lives
NakedRescue NakedRescue
Orca BigOilersFan
KeyboardThug The Beast 117
OnkelC OnkelZee
Evo X WRC Evo X
P3tRaN P3tRaN (banned)
Zorbsie ZORBS
TBiddy XorpiZ
Stevey Original Bstard
T.O.P KI Heisenberg
DivineRage002 DivineRage002
tearsintherain spronk
I think every single Forza Motorsport game since like 2 has had track DLC. The question is not if, but when and what. I am still holding out desperate hope for Kaido. And Kaido in the rain and at night. Jesus christ, I want that so bad.
Ahhhh, stupidly I didn't link either the avatar or the usergame to the ACG youtube!.
I like your channel mate, good reviews, keep at it![]()
Great review. Enjoyed the format and specifics that you went into.(Sorry, first time I've seen your reviews-not the last)
Props for driving the XB GT Coupe. Witness!!
DomesticMango: Top Gear Car Review - The Widowmaker - McLaren P1
No but by the looks of things you'll win lots of good stuff early on unless you're unlucky anyway.
Signed up & Thursday booked off work!
How do I join ForzaGAF? I am on Xbox One and would love to join:
Neogaf - FlipCup
Gamertag - FlipCup88
As long as you can promise that there wont some first turn shenanigans and no racism towards those poor Canadians. /s
I'm mainly interested in making edits for this game. I made a small following during the FM4 days, but I stopped after the game got less popular.Dude, is extremely talented at the editing game. His racing skills aren't to bad either. My montage would be a blooper reel.
Laguna Seca
All the sand on the track is quite cool. Is there a clean track too?Laguna Seca
Laguna Seca
I worked it out, you were right, default button layout. Weirdly enough my lap time was still better on what the game calls "manual" than it was on "manual w/clutch", but I now get what you were saying with letting the TX do the clutching. Maybe I should try a drag race, but I will probably leave it on "manual" anyway, even if it's slower.
Laguna Seca
Half of what impressed me so much about the rain is the variation in the density of the mists moment-to-moment. I'm really glad to see that same attention to detail in the wind-blown sand. I remember seeing the effect used in the distance in Forza 5, but seeing it on track is really something else.
For a new page
Alright, I still have our ForzaGAF list from before so I just removed everyone to start fresh. Quote this post if you want to add yourself to the list.
For a new page
Alright, I still have our ForzaGAF list from before so I just removed everyone to start fresh. Quote this post if you want to add yourself to the list.