Can you not tint windows anymore?
Can you not tint windows anymore?
You can.Can you not tint windows anymore?
that's just full on car paint jobs though, i want separate decals.
Rewind still seems to make some Drivatars go insane too. I remember seeing this in Forza 5. As soon as you spool back into the race from a rewind there's a good chance one or more cars will have a stroke, completely lose the plot and slam head first into the wall or other cars.
Quick and dirty.Anyone managed to snag a Range Rover in this game yet? Would love some shots of it.
Quick and dirty.
Interesting to see the same side effect across different games.I've seen that happen in a couple of games with rewind, like the codemasters f1 games.
So vinyl groups?
When you're editing a car in the decal editor, you can either click "Load vinyl group" and see the community-made emblems, or click the top option and it'll recommend some.
how exactly?
I'm in main menu -> customize -> and i cant find any way to search for player made decals.
cept for the like 20 default ones that show up when you hit RB after entering apply decal -> new layer -> apply vinyl shape.
The same steps, but instead of Apply Vinyl Shape, click "Load Vinyl Group" or whatever it says now.
Can anyone tell me how much of the demo you need to play to unlock the Ford GT in the full game?
Also, is there any other unlockable stuff from the demo for the full game? I would like to clear the demo off my HD.
i cant find shit apparently.
I'd wager that you just have to participate in one race in order to get the ford GT,
However, its not really a big deal, play the full game for one hour and you'll have the money to buy that car if you so choose.
then again, the demo is only like 4 races + the 4 time trials, so if you want to be anal about it, just buckle down for the 1 hour or so it takes to finish it all.
Strange, on FH2 it would go to the community vinyl groups so I have no idea why they'd change it. I dunno what else to try, sorry.
Can you still buy this on the Xbox store and play it or was that only for the ultimate edition preorders. Was on the fence about paying $100, but seeing what you get it seems worth it. But the store is reading that if I buy it now that I'll have to wait until the 15th now.
SWEET JESUS PLEASE! I am going to start a fuckin petition or something to get these as DLC.
Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed "2002 Lancer Evolution FF" in their racing grids?
There's no F&F Lancer from 2002 in the car dealer, and it looks like the stock Evo 8 when I get close.
I always quote images, makes it easier on mobile
anyway without further ado :-
Photos from a GAF race last night
attending in start grid order
- Frontieruk
- Banglish
- WRC Evo X
- Mr Noobcraft
- P3tRaN
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
final standings
- P3tRaN
- Mr Noobcraft
- Frontieruk
- WRC Evo X
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
- Banglish
Is that a hurst?main menu -> customise -> paint car -> paint -> tint windows
main menu -> customise -> paint car -> paint -> tint windows
Is that a hurst?
Sick fucking sleeper wagon! So clean, exactly my taste.
I can't wait for my FM6 LE console to get here!!!!
Lmao. What a odd choice of vehicle, racing with a dead body in it.Well if you had to buy a Volvo wagon, part of your would probably died.
So, will there be a day one (on 15th) track/environment DLC available or what? I (and many others) did every single environment in multiplayer twice now, and achievement is still stuck on 96%. There isn't a single person that unlocked this achievement yet and we are all stuck on 96%. So it's either glitch, miscalculation or there is one track/environment missing and will be added soon, the question is which one is it?
Helios, Badned, do you guys have any clue about this?
Did you do anything with the Airfield Test Track?
More random musings about the physics.
One of the things that has always bugged me with the tyre physics in Forza was that the grip of the tyres (in factory stock cars) always seemed the same, regardless of whether you were driving a Ford Fiesta, or Ferrari, this appears to have changed, more powerful cars now seem to have more grip from the off.
Longitudinal grip has also improved, especially since FM5, but there is still something not quite right with the trigger sensitivity, which leads to problems with both braking and acceleration, it appears, especially with braking, that 100% braking power is almost at the halfway point, so all your braking and accelerating is done between 0% travel and 50% travel, and the remaining 50% of travel does nothing in terms of braking, and very little in terms of acceleration, this was also a problem in FM5 and it exacerbates the slight lack of longitudinal grip, especially in powerful cars.
Lateral grip is much improved over FM5, which has far too low, road tyres are now very good, but I still think slicks are off, anyone who's driven slicks in real life will know that, once warm, they really have some massive grip, which is there right up to the limit of grip, and then it drops off remarkably, FM6's slicks aren't like that, they feel almost like slightly more grippy road tyres.
There is also some wonky, low speed oversteer going on, not sure if this is related to the controller setup, but it appears that the cars can have a tendency to rotate about their central axis at low speeds with no throttle input, so I need to have a fiddle with it.
tldr, better than FM5, road tyres good, slicks not so.
Well if you had to buy a Volvo wagon, part of your would probably died.
Hypercars in FM5 partially came with tyres that had the grip equivalent of FM's "Sport Tyre"(the highest tyre tier before the race tyres), whereas some old and cheap cars got a grip upgrade of 1.0 grip points when upgraded to street tyres(the lowest of the tyre compound upgrades). So it was in FM5, you probably just feel the effect more due to the longitudinal tyre flex upgrade and T10's latest own research.One of the things that has always bugged me with the tyre physics in Forza was that the grip of the tyres (in factory stock cars) always seemed the same, regardless of whether you were driving a Ford Fiesta, or Ferrari, this appears to have changed, more powerful cars now seem to have more grip from the off.
It's not too much different with the pedals of my wheel, but with the strong brake pedal resistance and longer travel up that 50% I have some muscle memory on how far to press it in. It varies with some cars though, where I can push it down to something like 80% at parts of the deceleration phase at the end of a long straight. Have you tried if it feels better with the highest braking upgrade and lower brake pressure in the tune-settings?it appears, especially with braking, that 100% braking power is almost at the halfway point, so all your braking and accelerating is done between 0% travel and 50% travel, and the remaining 50% of travel does nothing in terms of braking
How do you know, you're at the limit of grip when you're not already flying off? I get what you are saying, but personally I don't think, I can feel it, if the limit of grip is a long stretch or just a point. Maybe if I checked some live camber telemetry, I could see it.anyone who's driven slicks in real life will know that, once warm, they really have some massive grip, which is there right up to the limit of grip, and then it drops off remarkably, FM6's slicks aren't like that, they feel almost like slightly more grippy road tyres.
Boy, I totally noticed that. First of all, with the new tyre model the penalty for braking in a long corner is a lot harsher in FM6 and even going off the gas makes you spin way earlier. This might be accurate though compared with real life driving physics. The thing is that the effect feels a bit extreme in cars that are wide and low, but have a short wheelbase. It feels right and "fair" in some longer saloons. Have you tried the Stig challenge in the Alfa 4C? I can't beat him on unbeatable. I had no problem beating him in the first showcase on road america on unbeatable. It's those long alps corners in the 4C.There is also some wonky, low speed oversteer going on, not sure if this is related to the controller setup, but it appears that the cars can have a tendency to rotate about their central axis at low speeds with no throttle input, so I need to have a fiddle with it.
Yep I feel the same.....have set the deadzones to 0 and 100 for everything except for clutch, but it doesnt get much better.
Same with the TX wheel, the brake paddle has soo much travel till it gets recognized in-game its not funny and then you only have some small space left to control your breaking.
Maybe the deadzones from the input devices are just bad?
A little bit on-screen feedback for the breaking would also help, i always need to stare at the little lines at the speedometer to see if I even brake now. A little camera movement would be nice, race useally in the hood view.
The Thrustmaster TX is likely a better wheel. If price is similar skip the Logitech wheel.
The new Thrustmaster bundles are the way to go. You save a bunch of money & get the good stuff:
There's a bloke who lives near me has one of them, it's so fast.
For a new page
Alright, I still have our ForzaGAF list from before so I just removed everyone to start fresh. Quote this post if you want to add yourself to the list.
Are there known issues with the G920? The pedals look slightly better than the standard TP3A set (all metal rather than just metal pads).
Anyway, Thrustmaster appear to have boned the UK pricing because the same kit is £460 (I couldn't find an actual bundle). No idea how much shipping and customs charges would be on something like that, but it would probably be a lot and thus come out similar compared to just buying it here.
The G920, on the other hand, is a measly £300 (which is more or less the same as converting $470, but yeah shipping/customs etc).