All are forzaVista, but not all hoods can be popped, which is disappointing.
To be fair, all cars were Forzavista in 5 as well.
All are forzaVista, but not all hoods can be popped, which is disappointing.
Just spent 20 minutes "buying" all the free cars
Also, I've pissed about with the HUD options and now when I'm not doing a clean lap, the little warning triangle near the lap time doesn't come up.
Any idea how to get that to come back on?
Regarding the 'dirty' lap notifier, I've only seen it pop up in Rivals and Multiplayer. I'm presuming all the laps in Career are considered dirty because of mods, unless they just don't show at all during Career to leave you to focus on the racing.
The wheels twitching looks weird =p
I'm mainly a PC gamer, but my buddy brought his xbone over last weekend and I had such a good time with fh2 and f6 demo that I have been thinking about getting one ever since.
Turn 10 must be well aware of this, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a 'classics' track pack released as D£C.
I'm mainly a PC gamer, but my buddy brought his xbone over last weekend and I had such a good time with fh2 and f6 demo that I have been thinking about getting one ever since.
Yeah it sounds like he does! My message:
Your Drivatar has appeared in 32 race(s) and earned 10,200 CR since your last session.
This + rainy Fujimu Kaido and night Fujimi Kaido please.
And the Fast and Furious S2000 doesn't have the anime girl on the car's sides. They got the shade of pink right, but without the anime girl, it feels hollow. They got the Supra right, though. Wish they had the RX-7s from the first movie and Tokyo Drift, and the Lancer Evo from the second.
SWEET JESUS PLEASE! I am going to start a fuckin petition or something to get these as DLC.
Man, Digital SCR0NE costs more in fuel than he gets in earnings.
Wasn't Lime Rock the inspiration for Maple Valley? I think I read that.
Turn 10 needs to step up the graphics game in a big way. If that means sacrificing certain things, then so be it. This game while yes it is 60 fps, does not visually look like anything that the 360 could not accomplish, and that is a crime.
Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed "2002 Lancer Evolution FF" in their racing grids?
There's no F&F Lancer from 2002 in the car dealer, and it looks like the stock Evo 8 when I get close.
Don't humour someone claiming the game does nothing a 360 can't do in this thread. Just point him back to this thread, which he is completely aware of, and where that sort of ridiculousness is generally welcomed.
Future DLC?
Apologies for my next post it is image heavy...
Just make sure to quote all the images please.
XBL GHG takes an early lead and starts drifting around corners
I make a slight over adjustment which left me embedded in the back of Noobs car...
Which then launched me across the grass verge to re-merge in an attempt to inhabit Noobs car which left us in spins and facing wallsSorry Noob
Evo Takes a bet that my car is going to ghost out... it doesn't this is the point he hits his brakes. Beautiful image though
XBL GHG Wonders where everyone is and carries on drifting
FFsReedRichards loses his car underbreaking while chasing the pack, P3tRaN skillfully avoids the incident
After a poor corner (lost speed drifting... how'd of thought) XBL GHG goes from 1st to 3rd, he rubs paint with Banglish as he moves into 2nd.
WRC Evo X is pulling away though until this corner which he over cooks and goes from 1st to 3rd
XBL GHG gets into a drift which he can't recover before touching the grass and he clips the corner of the wall bouncing him infront of Evo, Evo's late on the breaks and cant avoid GHG
Banglish see's this happening and keeps on the gas, unfortunately the crash doesn't move out the way and Evo gets it from begind
This leave's Evo and GHG in a pirouette in to the tyre wall as Banglish ends up spinning out on track trying to keep out of the wall
as I round the bend I see the devestation and I do use my breaks , I just can't slow myself enough to not hit Evo, who's spins out again, clips GHG then face plants the wall.
Mr Noobcraft takes advantage of the devastation and threads the needle while hoping that Banglish stays a ghost
Noob takes a short cut over some grass and along a wall to fly in front of GHG, this leaves him off line and he has to cut the lawn to get back on track allowing GHG to retake 2nd
Mean while in the lead P3tRaN has in no way at all gotten himself lost, he's just decided to go wave at the fans trackside... Honest.
FFsReedRichards chases down, and collects Banglish while GHG drifts off into a tyre wall
XBL GHG is drifting again, and loses his momentum, leaving Noobcraft to get into a drift one way then the other to avoid GHG
until he trieds passing where it all goes horribly wrong and I capitalise
GHG and Noobcraft have a coming togeather as the both try to capitilise on a mistake by me
Evo puts his car into a drift missing the left hand bend, fortunately for him there is a right hand curve with a grass run off which he glides effortlessly across. Unfortunately for Banglish this route hasn't lost Evo any speed and Banglish gets caught as Evo re-enters the track.
In pushing hard to catch up GHG has been cutting corners and using momentum to drift around obstacles, here he thought he was Bo Duke and was driving the General Lee...
this leaves him hitting a barrier at full speed, Evo's collision with Banglish left him unable to make the corners after spinning out and you can see him limping past the barrier a bit further on. Banglish after recovering from his spin; parks bonnect first into the barrier Evo is driving along.
as Evo comes back on the track FFsReedRichards shows he isn't afraid of trading paint and uses his momentum to get infront!
Evo rams (I checked the telemetry) into FFsReedRichards pushing Reed into the tyrewall and securing himself 4th
after a few schoolboy errors from both noobcraft and myself two corners from the flag, I hit on my brakes to avoid spinning us both out as I come back on track.
Turn 10 needs to step up the graphics game in a big way. If that means sacrificing certain things, then so be it. This game while yes it is 60 fps, does not visually look like anything that the 360 could not accomplish, and that is a crime.
I saw it on B-class leaderboards, when watching a replay it is a Evo 8 with a big rear wing even though 2002 is still Evo 7 and supposedly this car. Maybe we are getting a second FnF pack.Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed "2002 Lancer Evolution FF" in their racing grids?
There's no F&F Lancer from 2002 in the car dealer, and it looks like the stock Evo 8 when I get close.
No, it's still there.Did they remove the Bernese Alps track layout where you go into the tunnel? I've only seen the short track layout so far in youtube videos.
This game while yes it is 60 fps, does not visually look like anything that the 360 could not accomplish, and that is a crime.
I see we started drinking early today.
I always quote images, makes it easier on mobile
anyway without further ado :-
Photos from a GAF race last night
attending in start grid order
- Frontieruk
- Banglish
- WRC Evo X
- Mr Noobcraft
- P3tRaN
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
final standings
- P3tRaN
- Mr Noobcraft
- Frontieruk
- WRC Evo X
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
- Banglish
The fact that I managed to finish in 2nd (or finish at all) is a miracle in itself. That race was awesome.I always quote images, makes it easier on mobile
anyway without further ado :-
Photos from a GAF race last night
attending in start grid order
- Frontieruk
- Banglish
- WRC Evo X
- Mr Noobcraft
- P3tRaN
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
final standings
- P3tRaN
- Mr Noobcraft
- Frontieruk
- WRC Evo X
- FFsReedRichards
- Bumcrease
- Banglish
This has got to be a joke post?........right?..........surely?......either that or you need to get to specsavers
Me either as of last night. No Ford GT (in gifts/messages/add-ons or anywhere else) despite heavily playing the demo. I got some bonus money, and some cars, but I believe I'm missing a lot of things.
Forza 7: Introducing... 25 fps
Why can't photomode be on one of the D pad buttons like Horizon?
I much rather have a smooth racing game with good graphics over a racing game with excellent graphics that struggles technicallySo I spent 3 hours with the game last night.
It is a lot of fun. I enjoy this driving mechanic over any other racing game.They kind of revamped Career, I like what I see so far. For the first time in the series I feel like damage should be turned to simulation. There's just no way you should hit a wall at Indy doing 200, and just get right back into the thick of the race.
The weather effects are a nice addition, although I noticed my back tires disappear in the rain when using the behind the car cam.
AI is really weird, unbeatable in some races, and then non competitive in others, there are times when 1st place AI is so far ahead, you will never catch him.
Graphics are still poor in my eyes when compared to other racers. I don't like the cartoonish look to the cars. Although I will give them a lot of props for trying to bring the track and environment alive. I was expecting more though.
Anyways this game is what it is, and what it does well, it does the best.
I don't want you to think I do not like the game I do. Somewhere around GT 4 my love for that series died, as the driving mechanics became so weird and uncomfortable to me like the very first Forza.
Anyways not that anyone cares but 7/10
Turn 10 needs to step up the graphics game in a big way. If that means sacrificing certain things, then so be it. This game while yes it is 60 fps, does not visually look like anything that the 360 could not accomplish, and that is a crime.
And of course I face in the wrong direction after that... but I was racing like shit anyway. That whole race was more of drift trial... many races were yesterdayEvo rams (I checked the telemetry) into FFsReedRichards pushing Reed into the tyrewall and securing himself 4th
And of course I face in the wrong direction after that... but I was racing like shit anyway. That whole race was more of drift trial... many races were yesterday
I absolutely love, love, LOVE the new tyre model,