The sound effects are truly sublime. I love the sound of Marvin bounding out of his house every morning. These are not easy things to get right (seriously).
Honestly, my only complaint after finishing it up after a couple of hours was that I wish there were.. more. I think you definitely made the most out of a collecting-snowflakes game

but everything is just so extraordinarily polished and charming and so
nice to just play around in that one wishes an even bigger game were attached to it. But I certainly understand the limits of developing an indie game with a small team and not going broke in development.

And also that you were trying (successfully) to make a game that literally everyone can play.
So, kudos--I jumped in on the offer because I'm a moocher who likes free things, and also to support a GAF dev, but I honestly did not expect something with this much obvious and remarkable talent behind it. It's kind of an unassuming, modest, wintry tour de force.
Oh, and the story could easily be turned into a successful children's picture book. It's perfect. In fact, you should kind of maybe look into that.