Arctic Feather
Looking forward to giving it a go 
Finally I could finish it at home, where I have my desktop, because for some reason the game run at like 1fps inon my netbook.The Elf City
Well, I solved it by playing on a more powerful machine, but there's another solution you can try.I have the exact same problem. Any way around that?
<entity id="Entity408" type="SnowElf1"
<!--entity id="Entity408" type="SnowElf1"
<entity id="Entity425" type="SnowElfHammer"
You'll need to title your post dude.If you're still giving away keys may I try this out?
It's hilarious how eventually, you're able to climb so high, and then Marvin falls what I can only guess is 1km, and lands on his feet as if he'd just hopped out of bed. It's funny getting on the sled and just doing a freefall.
I alsolaughed when I got to the drilling machine and he started going like "Yeahhh!!!" when drilling through rock and getting snowflakes. So out of place, lol.
Edit: Just finished getting all the sketches and snowflakes. I'm kind of disappointed the game didn't do anything special because of it, though.Also, what are those little red cloths or flags that are on the stages every now and then?
Well, I did get all the snowflakes, and I gotYou didn't get them allthink those are scraps of mitten as a trail hes following
Well, I did get all the snowflakes, and I got.the rainbow snowflakes that surround my character
Am I supposed to get anything for getting all 11 sketches? Aside fromthe animals sitting in the backyard.
BTW, Marvin's house is right below a cliff... it's gotta be freezing cold there! Terrible location for a house.![]()
I don't remember about that one in particular, but I had a problem with the one that's on the frozen lake. I just kept re-entering the level and jamming on X on the controller until after about 10 minutes it finally decided to let me sketch it. Didn't really matter where I approached from.OK, I don't think there is anything spoilery, there something I'm missing with the? (in the Under Hollows) I can't seem to sketch it. Don't have it in my book, but can't find a place where the X will pop up. I've crept up on it from the right, left, and in the branches, can get it to wake up, and can get rather close to it before it takes off, but never an option to sketch it.Snowy Owl
Edit: seems to be happening with all animals that I haven't sketched, theon Drafty Flats is also not giving me the option to sketch. I have found my mitten and I did sketch the final animal, if that makes any difference.Cardinal