I’m a couple whiskey sours deep. Is Citizen Kane strictly a sober watch, or would I enjoy it just as much a bit tipsy? NotMyProblemAnymoreCuntJohn Marston
I saw it a few years ago. Not bad but I don’t see why it is considered a classic. I think maybe it done a lot of things first and was ahead of its time? I don’t know.
Definitely worth a watch tipsy. If I remember it is a bit trippy. Maybe I’m thinking of another movie lol
I’m a couple whiskey sours deep. Is Citizen Kane strictly a sober watch, or would I enjoy it just as much a bit tipsy? NotMyProblemAnymoreCuntJohn Marston
Okay then stupid question… is it even worth watching right now? This is the first evening to myself I’ve had in a while. Maybe I should watch or play something else?
Citizen Kane
His Girl Friday
Gone With The Wind
Lawrence of Arabia
Nosferatu (1922 obviously)
Singin In the Rain
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Rosemary’s Baby
Man With A Movie Camera
Okay then stupid question… is it even worth watching right now? This is the first evening to myself I’ve had in a while. Maybe I should watch or play something else?