From Tupac to Rosa Parks: KY county clerk Kim Davis says "Only God can judge me now"

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The article says she stopped issuing marriage licences to all couples in June, not just same sex couples, so how can she be jailed in contempt over specifically not issuing licences to same sex couples?
Because she's not doing her job? Try playing Devil's Avocado when it at least makes sense.


What an odd question.

She's not doing her job, nor following judge's orders.

I know that, it's just odd that the contempt and rulings specify same sex marriage licenses, and threat to deputies of jail/fines if they don't issue them also, when she has shut it down across the board.

I would have thought the legal intricacies would mean they specify she is in contempt for refusing to issue all marriage licences, and that all marriage licences should be issued. Little details like this are how legal teams get things thrown out...
Did not notice earlier, but one of the reasons for imprisonment was that the judge thought fines wouldn't cut it because people were fundraising for her, lol. So her supporters indirectly sent her to jail.

CNN says they're all heading back to court? I'm assuming it's to get official decisions out of the clerks and to send her ton to jail if he refuses to comply.



You can't make this up...


#KimDavis next decision at 3:30. Must tell judge if she's willing to let the deputies obey the law over her objections. If not, it's jail.
It sounds like she might get out of jail if she allows her deputies to sign.
That's interesting. I don't know a lot about southern traditions, but they seem to be in the news more often lately.

Going back pretty much to the founding of the Republican party Southerners saw it as the party of the North. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, it was virtually impossible for a Republican to win an election in the South for nearly a century. As time went on and the national Democratic party evolved, there ended up being a lot of tension as southern Democrats held views that increasingly diverged from those of the national party.

Eventually this tension led to a slow drift of the South away from the Democratic party. It started with the South occasionally voting for third party candidates for president starting in 1948, then finally for Republicans (particularly as the Republican party, seeing an opportunity, began openly courting Southern voters starting in the 1960s). At that point the South tended to vote Republican for president but for conservative Democrats otherwise. However, slowly the Republicans made inroads in lower level elections as well, partly by conservative Democratic lawmakers switching party affiliation to Republican. In the 1990s, the Republicans finally broke through and began dominating Congressional elections in the South as well.

Since then the changes have been filtering down to still lower level elections (state legislatures, county offices, etc.) but the switch still isn't complete, so you still have Democrats who are quite conservative holding elected office at the local level and people who vote straight ticket Republican or nearly so who identify as or are registered as Democrats.

To make a long story short, the South was historically dominated by the Democratic party, and as the politics of the party and the region have diverged, there's been a lag in terms of identification which means that many southern Democrats hold views that are far more in line with the national Republican party.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The article says she stopped issuing marriage licences to all couples in June, not just same sex couples, so how can she be jailed in contempt over specifically not issuing licences to same sex couples?

That's not what her contempt was.

After Obergefell she stopped issuing marriage licences at all - obviously hoping thereby to avoid the charge of discrimination.

On August 12th this same Federal court ordered her to start issuing licences. She disobeyed that court order. That is her contempt.


Junior Member
Crazy people. As an employee of the country, you agree to the rules of there law. The law states we separate church and state. She's violating a number of our laws.
You can go to jail for refusing job responsibilities? Shouldn't she have just been fired?

You can't FIRE an elected official.

She can only be impeached and/or jailed.

Because you need a special session for impeachment, she will sit in jail in contempt until the proceedings impeach her and a new election takes place to replace her.


Which husband did she have her son with?

#3? or #4?

The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008. She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.

It's like... what.


You can go to jail for refusing job responsibilities? Shouldn't she have just been fired?

Look, you're gonna have to read some of one of the at least three threads on this. She's a gov't worker defying a court order. She can't just be fired because it's an elected position. Please please read the threads.
You can go to jail for refusing job responsibilities? Shouldn't she have just been fired?

You can't just fire an elected official like that and she's not being sent to jail for refusing job responsibilities per se, but for refusing to comply with a court order.


Good. She needs to spend a month or two in jail while the Kentucky legislature impeaches her. And fixes the rules so that in the future, there is a mechanism for removing bad elected officials. If the son refuses, I assume he can just be fired and fined (since he is not elected?)

I feel bad for the five clerks who served under her- they got dragged into her self-righteous fight and she used her position over them to follow her ordered or get fired for not following her orders.


You can't just fire an elected official like that and she's not being sent to jail for refusing job responsibilities per se, but for refusing to comply with a court order.

Its an elected position? Weird. Well anyways, good on the judge. Hopefully she sings a different tune or resigns.

90% of the discussion in these threads has been about clarifying this point. Christ.

Can't say I've been following the discussion.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Good. She needs to spend a month or two in jail while the Kentucky legislature impeaches her.

Might be a bit longer than that, being as the legislature does not meet until January.

Though I get the impression the judge may release her now that 5 of the deputies have agreed to issue licences, and leave the rest to the State.


That's not what her contempt was.

After Obergefell she stopped issuing marriage licences at all - obviously hoping thereby to avoid the charge of discrimination.

On August 12th this same Federal court ordered her to start issuing licences. She disobeyed that court order. That is her contempt.

Thank you, the articles do not make it clear that the order from the judge was to start issuing all marriage licences.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Timeline as I understand it:
Married #1
Knocked up by #4
Divorced #1
Married #2
#2 adopts her kids
Divorces #2
Marries #3
Divorces #3
Marries #4

Sanctity of Marriage!!!!!!!!!

Bit more intricate than that - aren't #2 and #4 the same guy? And I think the kids belong to #3.


Timeline as I understand it:
Married #1
Knocked up by #4
Divorced #1
Married #2
#2 adopts her kids
Divorces #2
Marries #3
Divorces #3
Marries #4

Sanctity of Marriage!!!!!!!!!

So not only divorced several times, but also an adulterer? I just can't even.


So not only divorced several times, but also an adulterer? I just can't even.

Somehow she thinks her self special and forgiven for all of her past and current sins. But those homos must bow to HER judgement because she understand God's will so well....
[Edited to fix errors]

Timeline as I understand it:
Married #1
Knocked up by #3
Divorced #1
Married #2
#2 adopts her kids
Divorces #2
Marries #3
Divorces #3
Marries #2 again

Sanctity of Marriage!!!!!!!!!

Typical liberal media narrative. Of course you conveniently ignore the point in the timeline where she was born again.
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