Sure they've been dicks regarding megaman but USF4 is pretty much a fanbase driven product. They are supporting a 5 year old game and youmgot to respect them for that.
Also Dragons Dogma is one of the best arpgs in recent years, and Monster Hunter is low cost-big revenue
They're doing the usual Capcom thing and milking the SF title. They did the same thing with SF2, and it's billion versions.
I like what I've played of Dragon's Dogma so far, but aside from that and the SF games, consider their other series:
Breath of Fire: Browser/iOS FTP games seems to be it's fate.
Devil May Cry: Fairly hated reboot. Fate uncertain.
Final Fight: Killed after Streetwise.
Ghost n Goblins: Microtransaction-laiden iOS games.
Lost Planet: LOL
Resident Evil: Horror... what's that?
Sengoku Basara: Let's give the U.S. the inferior version and then complain when it doesn't sell as well as we expect.
Square Enix, Konami, and Capcom used to be some of my favorite publishers, now all three can be seen turning tricks at the corner of Free-to-play and Crap-Tier.