Not a surprise, we already know that's coming (minus the Wii U part).It's Epic Mickey 2 isn't it? WiiU?
Yeah, Half-Life 3 would be neat, but maybe that's about as likely as Doom 4.
That's how Sony rolls. They came up with new ideas/concepts, let others build success around them and then enjoy the copycat accusations when they eventually do it as well.
all aboard the hype train :O
That game has been known about for like eight years now.30 mins. to go~
Oh it's FF Versus 13!
all aboard the hype train :O
They already tried that and it bombed.
Goddamn suspense!.... I hope its Sony smash bros.
Mirrors Edge 2.
YESGame Boy 64, it comes with Game Boy Camera 2
Anyone can come up with new ideas and concepts, what obviously matters is who actually brings it out to success through the right kind of execution...something Sony just doesn't do all that well these days.
Doom 4's been announced at least.
The only things that could fit the twitter descriptions/hype are Shenmue 3 and FF7 remake.
ah then it's probably the PS9 I've seen commercials about.I'm sure people have guessed those though, the GI guys say they haven't seen a very close guess yet.
WipEout 2048 is already coming to PS3...
so much hype ... i hope it's worth it, i really hope so .
resident evil 6 will obviously exclusive to Wii-U.Its Nintendo x Capcom for Wii U.
It's Half-Life 3 and Half-Life 3 Episodes 1, 2 and 14. And Team Fortress 3 and Left 5 Dead and Super Mario Universe and and and
The only things that could fit the twitter descriptions/hype are Shenmue 3 and FF7 remake.
It is!? Why hadn't I heard about this? This is great!
I don't think anyone believes it will be those, but those are the only things that fit, which means obvious disappointment incoming.keep saying that. the more tears in here the better.