T Tomat Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL! Dec 1, 2011 #1,254 What the fuck just happened
robot Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,262 ahahahahaha oh man why couldnt Game Informer and Gamepro have switched lives.
B brucewaynegretzky Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,263 Bloodsent said: South Park RPG Click to expand... That was indeed a surprise.
R RichardAM Kwanzaagator Dec 1, 2011 #1,268 Oh GAF Did anyone actually expect anything other than disappointment?
B Brazil Living in the shadow of Amaz Dec 1, 2011 #1,270 Is this real life? Well, I gotta say: I'm surprised.
Angry Fork Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,274 Do want... Trey/Matt are writing it and doing the voices. It's a full fledged RPG for 360/PS3. Fuck yea day one.
Do want... Trey/Matt are writing it and doing the voices. It's a full fledged RPG for 360/PS3. Fuck yea day one.
C Combichristoffersen Combovers don't work when there is no hair Dec 1, 2011 #1,279 South Park RPG? This.. this.. this is even worse than disappointment.
P Plasmid Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,280 The Fuck? how does this constitute biggest reveal of the decade? Fuck you GI.
K Ken Masters Banned Dec 1, 2011 #1,283 Buttonbasher said: Oh shit! THEY'VE DONE IT NOW. Click to expand... they only have themselves to be pissed at, people need to stop falling for these bullshit hype announcements
Buttonbasher said: Oh shit! THEY'VE DONE IT NOW. Click to expand... they only have themselves to be pissed at, people need to stop falling for these bullshit hype announcements
G GQman2121 Banned Dec 1, 2011 #1,284 If this really is a merger announcement, they've got a lot of balls putting it on the cover of their magazine. GamePro hasn't been relevent in years. Oh, its time.
If this really is a merger announcement, they've got a lot of balls putting it on the cover of their magazine. GamePro hasn't been relevent in years. Oh, its time.
D Derrick01 Banned Dec 1, 2011 #1,285 south park? LOL hype train just smashed into a preschool South park rpg from the masters of the rpg, Obsidian? YES
south park? LOL hype train just smashed into a preschool South park rpg from the masters of the rpg, Obsidian? YES
DownLikeBCPowder Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,286 Didn't give a shit, but did see Obsidian. Will reserve disinterest for later!
T Tucah you speak so well Dec 1, 2011 #1,288 Okay, an Obsidian South Park RPG is certainly surprising.
D dudeguy24 Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,291 Would've been better if it was an action game based off the Coon
D DaBuddaDa Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,293 Are you not all super surprised that it's a South Park RPG? Sounds to me you are. GameInformer wins!
S subversus I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap Dec 1, 2011 #1,294 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
F Father_Brain Banned Dec 1, 2011 #1,296 Well, that is surprising. Not the megaton I was (unreasonably) hoping for, but surprising.
Tizoc Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,297 Sooooooooo anyone made the SHOCKING NEWS thread yet? Cuz that's about the only time SHOCKING NEWS can be in a thread title.
Sooooooooo anyone made the SHOCKING NEWS thread yet? Cuz that's about the only time SHOCKING NEWS can be in a thread title.
Z Zeliard Member Dec 1, 2011 #1,298 Why do you guys always do this to yourselves? It is pretty hilarious to watch, though.
A Americanmushroom Banned Dec 1, 2011 #1,299 lol I'm actually interested. But it wont be good and the hype wasnt worth it at all