The fast cuts during the ship battle was mostly used to cover the up the Sandsnakes and Alfie's lack of action choreography ability. The camera lingered on Euron(when he wasn't fighting SS) and Yara quite a bit. After Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken I can't really blame Mylod there.
I did, and Ygritte probably returned the favor to Jon Snow. What about Greyworm?You didn't watch the scene?
He went the same route Jon Snow went with Ygritte.
Booty.I did, and Ygritte probably returned the favor to Jon Snow. What about Greyworm?
He just used his mental powers to work out his phantom penisI did, and Ygritte probably returned the favor to Jon Snow. What about Greyworm?
Again it's not the bad guys winning so much as the realism only applies to the 'good' guys. Look at Euron. Decides to return to the iron islands and become king of the iron islands and then the seven kingdoms. Day 1 murders the king. Day 2 become king of the iron islands. Has a massive set back when his fleet and plan to marry Queen dany is stolen. Decides to make the greatest fleet the world has ever seen. Short time later has the greatest fleet. Approaches queen cersei about becoming king. Decides to capture ellaria. Short time later finds she is travelling on his niece's fleet, where the fleet is, and succesfully captures her, while going into battle at the front of the attack.You're disappointed the story is told in a realistic manner just because it's ending? The show never had bad guys winning, it was always sometimes good guys win, other times bad guys win. Keep in mind what show you're watching.
I think I'm starting to get ready to drop GoT, the latest episode was like watching a slightly less dumb version of Batman v. Superman. It felt like it was all about moving characters to force conflicts/resolutions that need to happen for the plot to move forwards. Not because it matches the characters' motivation or personality.
And I liked last week's episode, hell I don't even mind season 5.
But this episode, as Vulture puts it:
For some reason the writer doesn't feel the same way about Eurons attack, but I feel it belongs in the same category. It is just too fucking neat to have him disrupt Tyrion's plan out of nowhere, with his fleet that he conjured from nothing.
It was first said about Westworld and it is starting to ring true for GoT, so allow me to paraphrase:
A lot of what that writer complains about would be BASIC strategy for anyone even slightly interested in the conflict.
Ever since Dany planned on bringing the Dothraki to Westeros you could see that there would be a huge optics issue with using a foreign and hated army to conquer Westeros. This is an army known for being savages and raping. We see how hated the wildlings are for doing something similar, well the Dothraki are like wildlings turned up to 10. If Dany wins the war exactly whose lands are going to be given to these people? Will they completely change their ways and stop roaming and raping? These are questions any Westeros citizen would have. And an army of eunuchs? Have we not had enough seasons of people crapping on eunuchs? Trion could see the Westeros response to those armies an ocean away.
The Dorne issue? Well their army is in Dorne and they want to siege Kings Landing. The only way they are getting there is through a long march through the red mountains or by boat. Oh and let's look at the map, of you travel by boat from Dragonstone to Dorne you have to go right past Kings Landing, exactly where Euron was.
The Jorah thing. Did anyone expect him to find a cure he could administer himself? The Mormont connection between Sam and Jorah was staring you in the face ever since we saw his arm through the cell.
The true issue seems to be that the pacing is sped up considerably from previous seasons. Where before we had good nuggets of plot moving scenes spread out through numerous slogging episodes, now everything is condensed. So whereas before you would see a conflict it one episode and it's resolution 4 episodes later now we are seeing the conflict and resolution in the same hour block and some don't like that.
Well they are pretty much going off of nothing at this point since they are way past the books. I hope this season is good but it feels like things are happening at faster pace due to there only being two seasons left. This season is like 7 episodes no?I keep thinking about how disappointed I've been in this season and the conclusions of the series at large. The writing has just taken such a massive dive, and now this season feels like they can't stand making this shit anymore and are just rushing toward the end to get it over with. Really bums me out because season 1-3 were like the pinnacle of fantasy in TV/Movie form. Obviously there were a few scenes that weren't quite that good, but nothing quite on the level of Euron the magic murderer, 20 good men, bad pussy, etc that came after it.
The proactive players get shit done the most. Lets look at Jon since he died. Was literally fucking revived from the dead. Got the wild lings all to fight for him, went to fight a cunt. Did the dumbest thing ever and instead of getting killed, survived. Got help from the Vale, killed the cunt, his army and became the King of Northing unifying all the North and getting the Vale as a strong ally. Got his sister back. That's all in one season.Again it's not the bad guys winning so much as the realism only applies to the 'good' guys. Look at Euron. Decides to return to the iron islands and become king of the iron islands and then the seven kingdoms. Day 1 murders the king. Day 2 become king of the iron islands. Has a massive set back when his fleet and plan to marry Queen dany is stolen. Decides to make the greatest fleet the world has ever seen. Short time later has the greatest fleet. Approaches queen cersei about becoming king. Decides to capture ellaria. Short time later finds she is travelling on his niece's fleet, where the fleet is, and succesfully captures her, while going into battle at the front of the attack.
If Dany or Robb or Ned had that kind of 'realism' - the series would have lasted two seasons at best.
Great thing about how open the internet is, any pretentious twat that can write a few paragraphs is a professional writer...
For some reason the writer doesn't feel the same way about Euron's attack, but I feel it belongs in the same category. It is just too fucking neat to have him disrupt Tyrion's plan out of nowhere, with his fleet that he conjured from nothing.
It was first said about Westworld and it is starting to ring true for GoT, so allow me to paraphrase:
LF is my second choice after my first choice being an actual hero lolNever said I didn't, but she is probably my least favorite character in the entire series. I would rather see Littlefinger on the Throne than her.
Her getting killed by either brother is a far more devastating death from her. It's looking like a repeat Mad Queen v2 where Jaime for once puts a different sword inside of her. I suspect that will be the ending of episode 6 or 7.No. Cersei isn't fun. I can't remember what season it was, but Tywin pegged her in that season when he said that she wasn't as clever as she thinks she is. At this point, she's the Mad Queen, willing to do anything and everything to gain and hold on to her power.
The fact that I despise her so much shows how well Lena Heady is doing with her. She's one of the best bad guys; one you don't (or at least I don't) sympathize with and want to see her fall. I wanted Arya to kill her, but now she's going back to Winterfell. Hopefully something horrid doesn't happen to her on the way.
Also, I heard the word "books" in that video and immediately closed it.![]()
Well they are pretty much going off of nothing at this point since they are way past the books. I hope this season is good but it feels like things are happening at faster pace due to there only being two seasons left. This season is like 7 episodes no?
You're disappointed the story is told in a realistic manner just because it's ending? The show never had bad guys winning, it was always sometimes good guys win, other times bad guys win. Keep in mind what show you're watching.
Euron would have had that arc wrapped up in 3 episodes flat and you know itThe proactive players get shit done the most. Lets look at Jon since he died. Was literally fucking revived from the dead. Got the wild lings all to fight for him, went to fight a cunt. Did the dumbest thing ever and instead of getting killed, survived. Got help from the Vale, killed the cunt, his army and became the King of Northing unifying all the North and getting the Vale as a strong ally. Got his sister back. That's all in one season.
Might become an ally with a queen that has 3 dragons and the strongest army in the world atm. Robb and Ned fucked up big time and paid for it. Where has Euron fucked up? Dany has been pissing about for 6 seasons, what do you want us to do?
Great thing about how open the internet is, any pretentious twat that can write a few paragraphs is a professional writer.
LF is my second choice after my first choice being an actual hero lol
Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?Don't care about Ellaria, she's pure evil, but hope Yara survives this, as it would be a waste of great character otherwise.
Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?
Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?
No the child killer and bad pussy are still alive. I'm hoping Bronn saves Tyanne. But Ellaria can have her head caved in like Oberyn for all I care. Speaking of child killers, Davos told Mel he'd kill her if he ever saw her again. Let's go Onion Knight!Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?
I mean Theo is a bitch.
But honestly. What was he going to do in that situation?
Ooo interesting. I love Yara, but I fear what Euron x Cersei will do to her.Sand Snakes
Sansa is making a lot of sense. Targs have been known to be crazy shit heads and fuck their sisters/brothers to breed more and more. And she's right, her father called their uncle and grand pappy while burning them alive in front of 500 people as he literally lol'd while everyone cringed. If Danny was not a part of this show until episode 1 of season 7 based on, less than 5% of the people that watch the show would want him to go personally, if that.Jon: "Tyrian is the Lannister who defected and now tries to remove Cersei from power"
Davos: "Dany has dragons and sits on a mountain of dragonglass. She literally is stockpiled for slaughtering White Walkers. She's also coming to remove Cersei from power"
Jon: "The North needs allies in order to defeat the Night King"
Because good guys are not as ruthless or proactive as bad guys. The king of iron islands was thrown of a bridge on a rainy night. The strongest bad guy in the show was killed by a dwarf that was supposed to be executed while taking a shit. No huge army. Not some massive plan. Just one guy.Euron would have had that arc wrapped up in 3 episodes flat and you know it
What's been interesting to me is how bad guys require either concentrated and elborate plots to foil. Joffrey lasted over three seasons and was brought down by Littlefinger and Olenna teaming up. Ramsay damn near had his perfect ending, but it took the convenient love LF has for Sansa to throw an element he didn't account for into the mix and spoil it for him. It doesn't take anywhere near the same amount of effort to fuck up the not so demented characters in the show.
Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?
Sansa is making a lot of sense. Targs have been known to be crazy shit heads and fuck their sisters/brothers to breed more and more. And she's right, her father called their uncle and grand pappy while burning them alive in front of 500 people as he literally lol'd while everyone cringed. If Danny was not a part of this show until episode 1 of season 7 based on, less than 5% of the people that watch the show would want him to go personally, if that.
A more sensible option is sending someone that is well spoken like Davos in his place. But we know that they will likely dig each other and marry because that's how the story's set up and we know most of the angles. That's not the case for anyone not named LF or Varys in this show.
Because good guys are not as ruthless or proactive as bad guys. The king of iron islands was thrown of a bridge on a rainy night. The strongest bad guy in the show was killed by a dwarf that was supposed to be executed while taking a shit. No huge army. Not some massive plan. Just one guy.
Feel like ive lost interest a bit in this show.
How is season 7 going?
Wait, I thought Yara died? It wasn't her corpse hanging from the ship?
Wasn't Ellaria one of the conspirators who helped with Joffrey's murder?
Yeah I kinda understand. Fight back and his sister gets killed. Surrender and he gets killed.
At least like this both are alive.
Ooo interesting. I love Yara, but I fear what Euron x Cersei will do to her.
I hope Theon teams up with Dany.
I keep thinking about how disappointed I've been in this season and the conclusions of the series at large. The writing has just taken such a massive dive, and now this season feels like they can't stand making this shit anymore and are just rushing toward the end to get it over with. Really bums me out because season 1-3 were like the pinnacle of fantasy in TV/Movie form. Obviously there were a few scenes that weren't quite that good, but nothing quite on the level of Euron the magic murderer, 20 good men, bad pussy, etc that came after it.
Sending "anybody but Jon" is a great idea other than the fact that they will likely hook for watchers since it's been hinted story wise (two good looking rulers who need each other.. yeah :\ )Wasn't Ellaria one of the conspirators who helped with Joffrey's murder?
I dunno, I don't think she's making a lot of sense right now because Sansa seems insistent on making as many enemies as possible and seems to be completely under estimating how big of a threat the White Walkers are.
The only Targ I've ever heard talked about being crazy is the Mad King though. Rhaegar was liked, Maestor Aemon was cool, they mentioned Baelor was pious. The line that it was a flip of the coin in terms of sanity with the Targs came from Cersei, and considering her Fox News/Breitbart attempt to reframe what was happening with Dany in Essos, I don't think I'm inclined to actually trust anything that comes out of her mouth.Sansa is making a lot of sense. Targs have been known to be crazy shit heads and fuck their sisters/brothers to breed more and more. And she's right, her father called their uncle and grand pappy while burning them alive in front of 500 people as he literally lol'd while everyone cringed. If Danny was not a part of this show until episode 1 of season 7 based on, less than 5% of the people that watch the show would want him to go personally, if that.
A more sensible option is sending someone that is well spoken like Davos in his place. But we know that they will likely dig each other and marry because that's how the story's set up and we know most of the angles. That's not the case for anyone not named LF or Varys in this show.
Because good guys are not as ruthless or proactive as bad guys. The king of iron islands was thrown of a bridge on a rainy night. The strongest bad guy in the show was killed by a dwarf that was supposed to be executed while taking a shit. No huge army. Not some massive plan. Just one guy.
Besides for the final scene, which was admittedly pretty bad I feel, I felt the rest of the episode was on par with most Game of Thrones fare. I've been rewatching most of the show with someone to catch them up for season 7 and sometimes a lot of the older stuff actually feels like stale filler (it could be that I've seen it all plenty of times though). Dany confronting Varys was very well written I felt. Most of the other discussions didn't seem any more poorly written than usual. We got some nice house interactions with Jaime and Randall, Olenna being her usual self, Littlefinger being a conniving bastard, nothing felt particularly poorly executed in comparison to older stuff.
Is it possible it only feels rushed because most storylines converged and there's less separate characters to visit and intricacies to discuss and understand? I don't think it feels rushed, it just feels like we've reached the endgame and are careening into it.
The final scene I felt just left a bad taste in people's mouths and hyperbole is setting in, that scene was bad but it doesn't make the episode bad.
Theon should "rescue" Yara.I'm pretty sure that wasn't his thought process, though. He just panicked and jumped ship literally. Yara would've preferred he tried, and they both die right then and there... instead of what horrible fate Euron has planned for her.
Theon needs to float away. He's useless.