So, Tyrion is not so hot a strategic planner? That's two huge blows at once.
Off all the shit characters have pulled off on this show, you think Euron is toxic?
Really liked the ep.
Regarding Eurons teleporting fleet, what if the force that hit the unsullied fleet came from the Iron isles, which looking at the map is pretty close to Casterly Rock?
Or what if he sent a portion of his fleet to follow the Unsullied while he trashed the ships on the way to Dorne and then went back to Kings Landing himself with his gifts. Unless I missed something he wasn't shown in the brief shot we got of them hitting the Unsullied fleet, just some of his ships.
I dunno, probably grasping at straws but just trying to come up with a logical explanation. Of course if Eurons sighted at Casterly Rock next episode then that all goes out the window
The more and more I watch this season, the more and more I start believing the White Walkers will be the ones destroying King's Landing.
I miss the old Brandon Stark. This new Bran is weird as hell.. wtf was he blabbering about Sansas wedding to Ransey. She didn't need to hear all of that. The dude could have said a million other things to prove to her he has the ability to watch everything but he chose that moment. Dude sounding creepy as hell.![]()
Sansa send his ass back to the north of the wall.
The one thing I dislike about this is when did Cersei become a master strategist? Aside from Euron and his warp gate fleet, she's outmaneuvering Tyrion on every level.
This is more or less how I feel in regards to her story. It feels like a checklist, ticking off the remaining players they don't want in the episodes to come. It's hard to give a damn.Tyrion is going to be accused of colluding or something like that. He's just throwing hard.
I'm very underwhelmed by these developments. Main point of last season was about Dany finding these new allies in Westeros, now 3 episodes in all of them are basically dead as if season 6 didn't matter.
Was Bran mind-jacked into Littlefinger's head? The things they were were curiously similar...
Agreed. The previous episode's pacing did not distract me, but this one felt super rushed after the first few scenes. Especially the storming of Casterly Rock and Highgarden. Came out of nowhere. Over as soon as it began. What a pity.Things feel rushed. Not moving at a brisk pace, but rushed. I wish these reunions and interactions had time to breathe on screen.
Feels like they've kind of given up on the writing front. Some of these tactics seem bullshit. If the Tyrells had all this money and their strongest allies could be convinced with a single talk, then why didn't Tywin just knock off the Tyrells long ago?
They were literally turned through racism.
"Think about it and you'll start to dislike it"- the show.
I always wondered how they would maintain interest now that they´ve spent six seasons building Daenerys as this unstoppable force;
Turns out they just have her fall on her sword for nothing. It's one thing to have her decide to keep most of her army in a castle in the middle of nowhere just because, she doesn't even tries to escort the little bits of her army that she does send to fight with her dragons? What's even the point of having dragons?
They had to take drastic measures to build up some suspense, but this is just ridiculous. Highgarden is the siege of arguably the second strongest army in westeros (an army that has not been waging constant wars for years like the lannisters,and doesn't have an entire kingdom to guard including King's Landing), and they take it in a stroll without even a siege?
I miss the old Brandon Stark. This new Bran is weird as hell.. wtf was he blabbering about Sansas wedding to Ransey. She didn't need to hear all of that. The dude could have said a million other things to prove to her he has the ability to watch everything but he chose that moment. Dude sounding creepy as hell.![]()
Sansa send his ass back to the north of the wall.
What is the reasoning behind the shorter last two seasons? Budget? George?
Need some breathing room and fleshing out man.
Basically Lady Olenna is full of shit. Talking a big game when she couldn't back it up.
Thats what I took away from it.What if he wasn't talking about the past. But the future. 🤔
They did explain that. The strength of the Tyrell forces came from guys like Randall Tarly who ended up defecting to the Lannisters.
He is the three-eyed raven now and potentially already spent hours of hours seeing things that are way above the scope of Sansa, Jon or anything. I guess this changes your mind to a degree that even what Ramsay did to Sansa is nothing to what he already saw in his visions.
D&D wanted to end it this season with a full 10-ep season.
HBO wanted more seasons so they both met in the middle and got a shorter Season 7 and 8.
A happy coincidence is that fewer episodes means more budget to spread over them.
So the show is actually moving at a slower pace than even the showrunnerse imagined. Sort of nullifies the arguments about things moving 'too fast'.
So the show is actually moving at a slower pace than even the showrunnerse imagined. Sort of nullifies the arguments about things moving 'too fast'.
Of course things are going to move quickly, this is the third act of the film. We've gone through the build up, and now it's the business end.
I don't know the figures, but when you take 5 minutes for a blowjob, 5 minutes for Greyworm/Missandei having sex, etc, and 2 minutes for the destruction of entire regions, there's a pacing problem and a common sense problem.
Season 5 and season 6 really would have been better if they just had Danny cross the ocean at the end of S5 and had a major part of S6 be Danny trying to gather forces to take the capital with native people only, and have the start of season 7 be her grand plans failing and resorting to dragons.
They had time to set this up, they simply fucked around way, way too long across the other side of the world that nobody gives a shit about.
He may kill all 3 in that battle given how op he is.
1) That's not an explanation. The Tyrell still had enough men to man their own castle at least, so unless the Lannisters had some kind of magical technology allowing them to walk through walls they had to lay siege to it.
2) The show is just riddled with inconsistencies now, at some point during the earlier seasons Daenerys was contemplating taking back the entire seven kingdoms with just her unsullied, and now you have Tyrion maing it like they would be lucky to take Castely Rock from a fraction of the Lannister army?
3) Her brother though he had a good shot at taking back the kingdom with only one Dothraki clan, and now she ferried every single dothraki accross the sea just to have them sit in a castle?
So the show is actually moving at a slower pace than even the showrunnerse imagined. Sort of nullifies the arguments about things moving 'too fast'.
Of course things are going to move quickly, this is the third act of the film. We've gone through the build up, and now it's the business end.
Dragons are still the ultimate trump card. I don't care how many ballistas they have, the dragons can do so much damage in so little time.
It's gonna be a wake up call once Cersei and gang see's Daenearys' full power.
Euron will just shoot a Balastia while he's riding it, before it hits and kills the first dragon he jumps off manages to land on the second killing it with his axes then proceeds to...ect.
The entire reason she's failing here is because she refuses to go for the most bloodthirsty approach and heed Olenna's advice. She doesn't want to unleash a Dothraki horde upon Westeros and have the citizens hate her (and justify the views as a foreign conquerer/invader), she wants them to be inspired by her and support her claim out of love.
All the major armies, besides the northern people will be in ruin.
i get the Euron hate, but seeing how last season ended, Cersei literally needed someone or something with huge plot-armor to even stand a chance against her enemies.
She was pretty much entirely out of allies at the end of last season, so i don't mind her having some successes to even the odds early-on.
What'll make me really mad if Cersei's silly ballistae are going to be set up as some kind of superweapon against the dragons.