Still doesn't explain how the Silence got to Casterly Rock so quickly.He let his XO take the ship?
Why?You guys gotta cut the show some slack
You guys gotta cut the show some slack
The fact we are having such conversations just shows they are doing a poor job at describing the details of the world and how events are even happening.
I thought the actor playing the Ironborn who picked up Reek did a better job than the guy playing Euron who seems cartoony in comparison.
Imagine the red wedding without all the little details setting it up. As details aren't important, just bad ass totally awesome scenes.
Imagine cutting Ned Stark investigating the seed is strong, he found out off screen about the Lannister incest. But who cares, he got his head chopped the fuck off. The details don't mean shit.
Imagine the mountain vs the viper without the conversation between Oberyn and Tyrion. Doesn't matter, Oberyn agreed off screen to fight for Tyrion. Dat fight doe.
The 'boring details' are part of what made the show so great.
Passing stuff off as ' well clearly months have passed' when the show does nothing to show a passage of time is lame. The pacing has just been ridiculous this season.
The true one king.
It's not as if they couldn't have stretched this out, either... Why not milk another season out of the show?
Man Olena going out peacefully and then laying the smackdown on poor Jaimie. Such a cunt, I love her.
I also love Jaimie's minute facial expressions where he looks like he is getting stabbed but holds composure.
I wonder if we'll ever see him reunite with his brother. Olena laid it on pretty thick that when Cersei dies, so does Jamie, so I sadly don't see him making it to the final season. He's going to be missed so much.
Yeah, I dunno how many more times it can be stated that each scene can be taking weeks apart, so trying to figure out the specifics of travel, when we've no idea how much has passed between scenes, is pretty futile.
Was Bran mind-jacked into Littlefinger's head? The things they said were curiously similar...
I feel I'm begging and hoping for the writers to be more clever than I think they are.
I agree.
Which is kinda hypocritical because I wished that they would actually move forward with Dany's story, but now it's ridiculous. They way they montaged the extinction of an entire major family was pretty sad. It's not how this show used to operate.
It's not as if they couldn't have stretched this out, either... Why not milk another season out of the show?
I think the opposite! They'll kill at least one of the dragons in this season, to make the situation even worse for Daenerys.Now that Dany lost the Tyrells and the Unsullied are held up in Casterly Rock, I kinda feel like they can't kill one of the dragons. All she has left are them and the Dothrakis, and possibly Jon soon, so she might be too nerfed if she starts losing her babies, too.
Lol guess it was hard not to look when you see everything.Olenna no.
I love how every season finale wasted on building Daenery's threatening power eventually led to all her forces being anhilitated within the first episodes of this season. Also, why was the Sansa and Bran reunion basically this
and then "remember the night you were fucking raped, sister?" lol
Conveying proper passage of time is a responsibility of the writers and directors. Having characters fele like they are teleporting across the map means they are doing a bad job.
I think the opposite! They'll kill at least one of the dragons in this season, to make the situation even worse for Daenerys.
Theon also seems to have cockroach level of plot armour, so I hope he does end up ruling the seas alongside Devos. When it comes to the Stark reunions, I have to include him too even though he killed 2 kids.
The dumb thing is that by adding a couple lines of dialogue and making some minor changes to some shots they could make Dany getting her ass kicked make much more sense. For example, they could had added a line that explained that most Reach houses aren't fans of Dany, the Dothraki and the Unsullied
That was literally the entire point of Jaime and Tarly's dialogue last episode. Why would they need to spell it out again one episode later? If the attack on Highgarden happened towards the end of the season I'd agree, but these were literally back-to-back episodes.
Have to wonder why he didn't spilled the soup about LittleFinger to Sansa. Perhaps that's how it's supposed to be?
*Shame Melissandre departed Dragonstone. Her prophecy on Varys (and herself) left me intrigued. She still has to meet Arya.
The other issue is that same people are hand waving Euron's near miracles fleet speed, by stating that his attack on Yara's fleet happened near Dragonstone. Well that is highly unlikely due to two reasons. The first is that a battle that close to dragonstone would have absolutely attracted the Dragons. They would have been drawn by the fighting, the blood, and the explosions. The second reason is Theon. He is still not back at the Island, yet his uncle is zipping back and forth like his ships are actually running on nuclear power lol.There's some awful pacing this episode. We saw that the unsullied and Sand Snakes/ Yara left around the same time. Euron was able to intercept the girls, go to King's Landing, and still had time to fight the unsullied on the other side of the continent in the span of a couple of days? It makes no sense. We didn't need to see the Iron Fleet fighting the unsullied; we could have assumed from Jaime's dialogue later on that the unsullied wouldn't be able to hold Casterly Rock - we didn't need to see the whole thing in action and it wouldn't have been so dumb. Usually this show has a problem with traveling taking (perhaps) too long; this season has the opposite problem. They needed more episodes because this stuff is moving way, way too fast.
Pacing problems work both ways. Making a show go at breakneck speed is also bad pacing.
Should they have a line saying how long it's going to take to travel to X place between every scene? Or have a '3 weeks later" between every scene? Everything is happening at different times and at different speeds. I get where you're coming from but it's kinda impossible for them to do that when we're constantly jumping from scene to scene.
Remember that time Varys hid some dude (the guy who made him a eunoch I think) in some magical box? What was that about again?
I was under the impression Varys was some magic-possessing guy who wasn't what he seemed, but it seems like he's just some dude with a lot of intel and who just wants to be King
How is introducing the unbeatable teleporting Euron tying up lose ends?The extreme pacing is necessary. The less time spent tying up loose ends, the more time we will have for battling white walkers
You're the guy who didn't even notice that Qyburn took over the little birds Varys used to control.
Remember that time Varys hid some dude (the guy who made him a eunoch I think) in some magical box? What was that about again?
I was under the impression Varys was some magic-possessing guy who wasn't what he seemed, but it seems like he's just some dude with a lot of intel and who just wants to be King
Gotta love the speed of the episodes really. Sure its getting used to it after all the earlier seasons. But feels nice.
Remember that time Varys hid some dude (the guy who made him a eunoch I think) in some magical box? What was that about again?
I was under the impression Varys was some magic-possessing guy who wasn't what he seemed, but it seems like he's just some dude with a lot of intel and who just wants to be King
.It feels like shit. This isn't the show I fell in love with in seasons 1-3.
Gotta love the speed of the episodes really. Sure its getting used to it after all the earlier seasons. But feels nice.
Felt like he was testing her then. Don't remember what his deal was with the box.Remember that time Varys hid some dude (the guy who made him a eunoch I think) in some magical box? What was that about again?
I was under the impression Varys was some magic-possessing guy who wasn't what he seemed, but it seems like he's just some dude with a lot of intel and who just wants to be King
Should they have a line saying how long it's going to take to travel to X place between every scene? Or have a '3 weeks later" between every scene? Everything is happening at different times and at different speeds. I get where you're coming from but it's kinda impossible for them to do that when we're constantly jumping from scene to scene.
I definitely thought that was the case but I changed my mind a bit after last night's episode. They gotta give Dany some wins but it's Game of Thrones so they might keep kicking her while she's down and then crush her skull.
Cersei destroyed the entirety of House Tyrell and had their most trusted Bannerman, Tarly turn on them.It's strange because even though Olenna went out like a gangsta, Cersei is still the GOAT when it comes down to it.
She killed Olenna's son, grandson, and granddaughter.
Honestly, Olenna's words were more of a slight towards Jaime more than at Cersei, since he's the one that wanted to be merciful to her.
Why though? Not once in six season did anyone in Essos ever mention anything about cold or even winter. Not once. I will laugh so hard if the solution to survive the White Walker invasion is to just sail to Essos. Oh, guess who just happens to have an entire bay waiting to receive her back?
I've been thinking this too... But I think he'll survive and just retreat with Cersei. Winter is constant. It'll never not be on the hoirzon, just like evil. Which is something I think Martin believes in, evil in everything/one and it can never truly be defeated. Also I think he's going to get a dragon and Cersei may aid in that.
It feels like shit. This isn't the show I fell in love with in seasons 1-3.