Euron's the drowned god with all those cheats.
There's a land route though. If Jaime can march up down Westeros with the Lannister armies, so can Dorne. Absolutely no reason an army of that size is just seuddenly forgotten about.
It just seems so unlikely. That whole area is either a desert or mountains and I don't believe we've ever seen any other characters go to or return from Dorne via land. I like to think Cersei didn't forget about them, but they're definitely not an immediate threat. Like Cersei can finish other business and then return to Dorne afterwards since I don't think they'll be making any moves soon. Before, Dorne at least had allies in Highgarden - they don't even have that now. And like someone else said, there are no other major characters from that region. It was literally Oberyn and family.
Dornish armies marched with Rhaegar to the Trident all the way in the Riverlands. KL is much shorter of a distance. They can absolutely be used as a second/third force for Dany after the Dothrakis. KL is unprotected right now with the bulk of the Lannister forces in the Reach. Bait them with the Dothraki, and Dorne could push to KL. It's a brilliant strategy that would allow her the ability to not engage with her dragons.It just seems so unlikely. That whole area is either a desert or mountains and I don't believe we've ever seen any other characters go to or return from Dorne via land. I like to think Cersei didn't forget about them, but they're definitely not an immediate threat. Like Cersei can finish other business and then return to Dorne afterwards since I don't think they'll be making any moves soon. Before, Dorne at least had allies in Highgarden - they don't even have that now. And like someone else said, there are no other major characters from that region. It was literally Oberyn and family.
I refuse to believe that if the sea is the only reliable way to travel to and from the region that they wouldn't have a large naval force.
Any excuse for their army to not be involved is just bad writing.
Dornish armies marched with Rhaegar to the Trident all the way in the Riverlands. KL is much shorter of a distance. They can absolutely be used as a second/third force for Dany after the Dothrakis. KL is unprotected right now with the bulk of the Lannister forces in the Reach. Bait them with the Dothraki, and Dorne could push to KL. It's a brilliant strategy that would allow her the ability to not engage with her dragons.
It would be stupid as fuck to not use that Dornish army to attack Cersie in the rear when she's too busy worrying about Dany's other land forces.
Nah man, lore vid as narrated by Prince Oberyn himself. Dornish forces marched all the way to the Trident, so why can't they march to KL? It wouldn't make sense. Is Highgarden technically to the west of KL?Eh I mean it's possible. I don't think we've ever seen them use a land route on the show before, but aside from that it's not an easy area to traverse, they have no allies anywhere near them, and it's not clear who would even lead them at this point, or why they would want to continue fighting a losing battle. I assume Cersei's side hasn't forgotten about them -- but I think the chances we ever see any Dornish fighting is slim.
I don't remember anything like that. Is that book talk or did someone mention it? I don't doubt there is a land-route (I also don't know if we've seen it used on the show - maybe I'm wrong). I just think the writers want to move on. There's only 4 episodes left.
Also the Lannisters have Highgarden now. No one is attacking cersei from the south anymore.
Edit: I constantly edit my posts.
Nah man, lore vid as narrated by Prince Oberyn himself. Dornish forces marched all the way to the Trident, so why can't they march to KL? It wouldn't make sense. Is Highgarden technically to the west of KL?
Okay. I was looking at a map and I found Prince's Pass. Highgarden is pretty close to it.
Jesus, they could take Highgarden right from under the Tarlys if the Lannister's every get drawn away. Plus the vid I posted essentially shows why Dorne would never let this beef with the Lannisters slide.
When Dany wanted to find Euron's forces, Varys cautioned that they didn't have enough ships to win a battle. Now maybe he was talking about the ships that led GW to Casterly Rock, maybe not. But I wouldn't say definitively that they wouldn't have the ships to take the Dornish army to Dragonstone.
But as long as Euron is alive, I'd fear sending my ships out for anything.
Well you've made me reconsider. I don't know if I want more Dorne, but I guess I really can't predict what the writers want and don't want to do. And there's precedent for the land route. I guess I don't understand why they didn't do that in the first place instead of going by sea. Tyrell and Dorne could have come from the south together.
The seas are too dangerous as long as that freak roams around it. Next episode we'll see two fleets leaving port on opposite sides of the continent at the same time frame, and then be attacked simultaneously by Euron's fleet with his flag ship clearly in sight in both battles.
Because the writing is stupid beyond belief. Look at any map of Westeros and Essos, and the logical staging point for Dany's invasion is Dorne. She has to sail past Sunspear to get to Dragonstone anyways. So why sail Ellaria all the way past her home, to only then send her back to collect her forces? Lady Ollena was already in Dorne. Even if Dany wants to head on to Dragonstone herself, at least the planning stage of everything is done. Ellaria isn't a warrior nor a commander, so logically she's sit her ass in Sunspear.
Dude is high off of his own supply. Funny thing is, I bet you had Dany had either Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, or both on that ship, they'd be landing in Dorne. I used to point out to my buddy how until Tyrion arrived, Dany mostly had military men advising her; Jorah, Barristan, and Daario. She finally got that genius political mind she needed for her support staff. The type of mind you need once the fighting is over.Just blame Tyrion.
Get the fuck out of here lol. No fuck that. He not only builds a fleet of a thousand ships, on an island with nothing but hopelessness and dispair growing on it, but he also has the time to spec out and build a duplicate flagship just to fuck with people? No!What if he has two flagships so it only appears to his enemies that he's incredbily fast?
Get the fuck out of here lol. No fuck that. He not only builds a fleet of a thousand ships, on an island with nothing but hopelessness and dispaur growing on it, but he also has the time to furnish a replica flagship just to fuck with people? No!
Dude is high off of his own supply. Funny thing is, I bet you had Dany had either Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, or both on that ship, they'd be landing in Dorne. I used to point out to my buddy how until Tyrion arrived, Dany mostly had military men advising her; Jorah, Barristan, and Daario. She finally got that genius political mind she needed for her support staff. The type of mind you need once the fighting is over.
This season so far shows the consequences of what happens when a politician is strategising, planning, and coordinating your battle plans.
There's these quotes I love where one goes, "all plans are great until the first shot is fired," and the other goes, "no battle plan survives contact with the enemy."
A military mind would know that and plan for it. A man used to Court intrigue and politics wouldn't have a clue. Ser Jorah can't come back soon enough.
But Jorah is a knight. Why wouldn't he have battle experience and stratagem?What does Jorah know about wargames though? Barristan absolutely. Jorah was a slaver wasn't he? Even Daario would have more experience being a mercenary captain or whatever. I'm not convinced Jorah would be any better at this than Tyrion is. It's true that Tyrion relies too much on planning, tricks, and clever ideas rather than actual combat leadership, but I don't see what Jorah has to offer there either.
But Jorah is a knight. Why wouldn't he have battle experience and stratagem?
How you know he's a knight?
Isn't that how he gets his "Ser" bit? Stannis made the same comment about Jaime. He said he's a knight so call him Ser, and then proceeded to shit on him with the whole Kingslayer bit.![]()
How you know he's a knight?
Cause he's got armor
It clearly isn't just being a member of the nobility though. Lord is the term for noble men, so Ser should be knighthood.You don't have to be a knight to have armor.
No, I take back what I said. Fuck Jorah, he isn't a knight and he sucks at military stuff just like Tyrion.
No, I take back what I said. Fuck Jorah, he isn't a knight and he sucks at military stuff just like Tyrion.
Jorahs Accomplishments:
First person cured from Gray Scale in recent history
Jorahs Failures:
Failed to kill Dany
Failed to protect Dany
Failed to fall in mutual love with Dany
Sexiest voice in Westeros
Also as to the knight thing IIRC there's a scene where he describes his being knighted by King Robert
At one point I came to the conclusion that you guys were quoting a line from a film. So I figured it must be a Knight's Tale. So I searched online with the words you replied with. Nothing. Read through quotes from the film on IMDB. Nothing. You made me waste my timeThere's a scene from a much earlier season where Hot Pie said that two people who fought in front of him were knights. Someone asks how he knew they were knights and he answers because they had armor on. Gendry tells him that any idiot could buy armor.
How you know he's a knight?
At one point I came to the conclusion that you guys were quoting a line from a film. So I figured it must be a Knight's Tale. So I searched online with the words you replied with. Nothing. Read through quotes from the film on IMDB. Nothing. You made me waste my time
Oh brother. It's bait! Stop replying to that post guys, it's a fucking trap.It's been mentioned multiple times in the show?
Oh brother. It's bait! Stop replying to that post guys, it's a fucking trap.
You know exactly what lines and scenes I can recall by memory. I can't be expected to also recall lines spoken by the lesser folk.I can't believe you don't have every GoT line memorized...I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your avatar.
It's okay, Dany and Jon will plow soon enough.
Back to the main point, what does being a knight have to do with being a capable battlefield commander or adviser? How many knights are experienced leaders, and how many are just fighters who knew the right person? Jorah is a slaver. What does a slaver know about warfare?
Come on Volimar, reel that line back in.
It's okay, Dany and Jon will plow soon enough.
Well to be fair, those slavers in Slaver's Bay were handling their business quite well, until Dany returned. Fighting in wars should give Jorah at least some understanding of how the enemy would operate and think. What's Tyrion's battlefield experience? Getting hit over the head with an axe? Dude lucked out when Stannis invaded and now he's like a Bush Jr era defence department suit who thinks he can plan a successful Ira...Westerosi invasion.Back to the main point, what does being a knight have to do with being a capable battlefield commander or adviser? How many knights are experienced leaders, and how many are just fighters who knew the right person? Jorah is a slaver. What does a slaver know about warfare?
Real medieval knights were trained in the art of fighting and warfare from an early age weren't they. They were the fighting class, it was kinda their job. I dunno how it works in GoT.
Eww, no fam.